To The Young Women of Malolos: by José Rizal

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You know that the will of God is different from that of the priest; that religiousness does not

consist of long periods spent on your knees, nor in endless prayers, big rosarios, and grimy scapularies [religious garment showing devotion], but in a spotless conduct, firm intention and upright judgment. -To the Young Women of Malolos by Jos Rizal The rejection of the spiritual authority of the friars not all of the priests in the country that time embodied the true spirit of Christ and His Church. Most of them were corrupted by worldly desires and used worldly methods to effect change and force discipline among the people. Filipino mothers should teach their children love of God, country and fellowmen. Under his letter he mentioned about our own freedom as individual human beings that we must have our own judgement of what is right and wrong. As a young lady soon to be a mother of her sons and daughters would set as an example to her children. As the saying goes a fruit would grow the same as of its tree. Women are fragile and can be easily influence because of ignorance and lacked of knowledge of her rights. The friars take advantage of the kindness and meekness of this youth and brag about it with its fellow Spaniards. Rizal wanted to make his people open their eyes and to avoid ignorance of freedom. Ignorance is the cause of slavery during their time and this is what we must not let to happen again. He did not want its people to live without a religious belief but he just wants them apprehend not to be deceived by the exploitations done by the friars under their robes. Those that make themselves as wealthy as possible and taught us service are those that accept bribery. What an example they made. If what they do are of Gods will, then it would be better to turn our back on that god. Living a God oriented life is not by saying endless prayers and novenas but by living on our own reason, the reason god intended for us.

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