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Key Verbs English Norwegian to be/ vre I am/ jeg er you are (familiar sing.

.) /du er you are (polite sing.)/De er he is/ han er she is /hun er it is (common gender) /den er it is (neuter gender)/ det er we are /vi er you are (familiar pl.) /dere er you are (polite pl.) /De er they are /de er English Norwegian to have / ha I have /jeg ha you have (familiar sing.) /du har you have (polite sing.) /De har he has /han har she has /hun har it has (common gender) /den har it has (neuter gender) /det har we have /vi har you have (familiar pl.) /dere har

you have (polite pl.) /De har they have /de har

Basic Form & Present Tense Norwegian verbs do not change with the person (e.g. I hear = jeg hrer or he hears = han hrer). The majority of infinitive Norwegian verbs end with either an unstressed e or a stressed vowel. In both cases, the present tense is formed by adding an r, for example: English Norwegian Infinitive Infinitive Present Tense to speak / snakke snakker to eat / spise spiser to run / lpe lper to use / bruke bruker to see / se ser to sew / sy syr A few verbs form the present tenses differently, for example: to do / gjre gjr to know / vite vet Norwegian does not have the equivalent of the English -ing form. The Norwegian equivalent of the English -ing is expressed in the same manner as the simple present.

Past Tense Some Norwegian verbs are regular, which means that there is no change of the stem vowel. Irregular Norwegian verbs change. Like English, Norwegian has a simple past tense (e.g. spoke), the perfect tense (e.g. have spoken) and a pluperfect tense (e.g. had spoken). All formed in a manner similar to

English. The perfect and the pluperfect tenses are comprised of the past participle (e.g. spoken) and the appropriate tense of have, for example: Infinite Present Past Perfect Pluperfect English have have had have had had had Norwegian ha har hadde har hatt hadde hatt English be am was have been had been Norwegian vre er var har vrt hadde vrt To create the simple past tense of most regular Norwegian verbs, add ede to the stem of the verb. If the infinitive of the verb has a double consonant before the final e, the past tense retains the double consonant. To create the past participle, add et to the stem of the verb. Retain the double consonant of the infinitive if it has one, for example: Infinitive Past Perfect English to kiss kissed have kissed Norwegian kysse kysset har kysset English to cough coughed have coughed Norwegian hoste hostet har hostet A small group of Norwegian verbs add te to the stem to form the past tense and t to form the past participle, for example: Infinitive Past Perfect English to eat eated have eaten Norwegian spise spiste har spist

Irregular Verbs English Norwegian Infinitive Past Perfect ask /sprre spurte har spurt ask/pray be bad har bedt bring /bringe brakte har brakt come /komme kom har er kommet count /telle telte har telt do /gjre gjorde har gjort follow /flge fulgte har fulgt get /f fikk har ftt give/ gi gav har gitt grease/butter/ smre smurte har smurt lay/ legge la har lagt lie/ ligge l har ligget put/set/ sette satte har satt say/ si sa har sagt see/look /se s har sett sell/ selge solgte har solgt sit/ sitte/ satt har sittet stay/become /bli ble har blitt take/ ta tok har tatt walk/leave/ g gikk har gtt

Auxiliary Verbs Shall, can, and will belong to the key group of verbs which are indispensable for use in conjunction with other verbs. Like English, these Norwegian verbs have no command form but, unlike their English counterparts (with the exception of dare), they do have an infinitive. English Norwegian Infinitive Present can/is able to/ kunne kan shall/is to/must / skulle skal will/wants to / ville vil may/must / mtte m ought to / burde bor dare(s)/ tore tr

Passive Verbs When one uses a verb to describe an action one has accomplished, the verb is said to be "active." When a verb is used to describe something done to one or to something, the verb is said to be "passive." In Norwegian, the passive is created in one of two ways: 1 An s replaces the final r of the present tense or is added to the end of the past tense. 2 The copula bli + past participle also produces the passive voice. Active Passive English Norwegian English Norwegian to treat behandle to be treated behandles/ bli behandlet we treat we behandler we are treated vi behandles/vi blir behandlet I treated jeg behandlet I was treated jeg behandles/jeg blir behandlet

Verbs ending in -s Some verbs can have a "sense of each other" when used with the pasive s: English Norwegian they see each other often de ses ofte se you! (we will see each other) vi ses! they meet (each other) de mtes the boys are fighting (each other) guttene slss Some verbs can have a special meaning with the passive s: English Norwegian there are det finnes it seems det synes I think/I am of the opinion that jeg synes

Verbs Used in Other Ways Just as in English, some Norwegian verbs can be used to create an adjective. This can be accomplished in one of two ways. The past participle is often used as an adjective: English Norwgian a cleaned floor /et renset gulv a newly built farm /en nybygget grd the painted wall /en malt vegg all whitewashed houses /alle hvitkalkete hus In English, the -ing form of a verb is often used as an adjective or adverb. The Norwegian equivalent: is created by adding -nde to the infinitive or -ende if the infinitive ends with a stressed vowel:

English Norwegian a dying man /en dende mann a satisfying answer /et tilfredsstillende svar She is a rising (coming) star /Hun er en kommende stjerne the existing rule /den eksisterende regel on my writing days /p mine skrivende dager Is that a hardworking assistent? /Er det en hardtarbeidende assistent?

Nouns & Articles Norwegian nouns can be masculine (en), feminine (ei/en) or neuter (et). The feminine ei is mostly used in dialects. Most beings and occupations use the en (ei) form. Aside from this one generality, there is no hard and fast rule by which one can determine the gender of a specific noun. In the infinitive (a) form, en/ei and et precede the noun (e.g. a dog = en hund, a cow = ei ku, a woman = en kvinne, a house = et hus). In the definitive (the) form, they are added to the end of the word (e.g. the dog = hunden, the cow = kua, the woman = kvinnen, the house = huset). Note that the feminine form can have either the a or (e)n ending. Norwegian English "a" form "the" form Masculine en hund hunden dog en mann mannen man Feminine ei jente jenta girl en kvinne kvinnen woman Neuter et tre treet tree et hus huset house

If the noun ends with an unstressed e, the definitive form only adds the n or the t: Mas./Fem. en kvinne kvinnen woman Neuter et teppe teppet carpet Nouns which end with a stressed e (those having only one syllable or an accent on the e to show stress) take the full ending: Mas./Fem. en skje skjeen spoon en kaf kafen caf

Plural Nouns In both English and Norwegian, the plural is sometimes formed by simply changing the vowel of the stem (man/men = mann/menn). The majority of Norwegian nouns add er for the indefinitive plural, or, if they already end in a unstressed e, just r. In the definitive form, the ending is ne and ene is used, for example: Singular Indefinitive Plural Definitive Plural English a flower flowers these flowers Norwegian en blomst blomster blomstene English a teacher teachers these teachers Norwegian en lrer lrere lrerne

Adjective Endings In Norwegian, adjectives change with the gender of the noun as well as the definitive (the), indefinitive (a) and plural forms. The "basic" form of a Norwegian adjective is unchaged when used with masculine or feminine nouns or singular nouns in their indefinitive (a) form: English Norwegian a sweet cake en st kake a good woman en god kvinne a large Welshman en stor waliser an amusing anecdote en morsom anekdote a red car en rd bil When adjectives are used to describe a singular neuter noun, they usually require the addition of a t: English Norwegian a sweet smile et stt smil a good heart et godt hjerte a large meal et stort mltid an amusing fairy tale et morsomt eventyr a red carpet et rdt teppe In the indefinitive plural, most adjectives end with an e: English Norwegian sweet things ste saker good deeds gode gjerninger great events store begivenheter When an adjective is placed before a noun in the definite (the) form, the definite ending is added to the

noun and the adjective is preceded by the definite article den (for masculine/feminine singular), det (for neuter singular) or de (for plural). The ending of the adjective, however, is the same for all three:' English Norwegian the sweet pain den ste smerten the large meal det store mltidet the lovely experiences de deilige opplevelsene

Comparision of Adjectives Comparative adjectives in Norwegian is somewhat similiar to English: short/shorter/shortest = kort/kortere/kortest. The comparative English ending er becomes ere in Norwegian and the English superlative est is also est in Norwegian. The superlative form adds an e in the indefinitive plural and in all definitive forms (den steste sangen/de steste sangene = the sweetest song/the sweetest songs'). English Norwegian Comparative Superlative soft blt bltere bltest expensive dyr dyrere dyrest rich rik rikere rikest wise klok klokere klokest high hy hyere hyest low lav lavere lavest wide bred bredere bredest Adjectives ending in ig or som add only st in the superlative: English Norwegian

Comparative Superlative lovely deilig deiligere deiligst cheap billig billigere billigst poor fattig fattigere fattigst happy lykkelig lykkeligere lykkeligst slow langsom langsommere langsomst If an adjective ends with el, en or er, the e is normmally dropped before adding the ere or est endings. In double consonant words, one consonant is dropped in the process: English Norwegian Comparative Superlative noble edel edlere edlest lazy doven dovnere dovnest cheerful munter muntrere muntrest delicious lekker lekrere lekrest

Common Adverbs Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives or other adverbs to which they are added. In Norwegian, adjectives in the neuter form are often used as adverbs (e.g. godt = well; langt = far). Sometimes adjectives remain unchanged when used as adverb (e.g. lett = lightly). Some common adverbs: English Norwegian never/all the same aldri anyway allikevel always alltid

only bare/kun then/besides da furthermore dessuten unfortunately desverre yet/however dog otherwise ellers still/yet endnu too for quite/rather ganske willingly gjerne fortunately heldigvis not ikke especially isr far langt (for a) long (time) lenge perhaps muligens perhaps kanskje of course naturligvis now n almost nesten often ofte also ogs of course selvflgelig sometimes noen ganger immediately straks

then s occasionally av og til

Adverbs of Place & Movement English Norwegian Movement Place went away gikk bort ---was away/gone ---- var borte went/walked home gikk hjem ---stayed at home ---- ble hjemme walk forward g frem ---we have got there ---- vi er fremme come in! kom inn! ---we are locked in ---- vi er lukket inne out you go ut med deg ---we are out vi er ute up(wards) opp oppe

Subject Pronouns English Norwegian I jeg you du he ha

she hun it den we vi you dere they de

Object Pronouns English Norwegian me meg you (familiar sing.) deg you (polite sing.) Dem him han/ham her henne it den/det us oss you (familiar pl.) dere you (polite pl.) Dem them dem

Relative Pronouns The single Norwegian word som can be used for the English who, that and which.

Prepositions English Norwegian

along bortover of av behind bak among blant after etter for for before foran past forbi before fr from/off fra through gjennom with/at hos along langs (med) with med among/between mellom towards/against mot near nr about/on om around omkring over/above over opposite overfor on p to til without uten

Conjunctions English Norwegian and og or eller but men plus samt as well as s vel som for/because for so s

Days & Months Days English Norwegian Monday /mandag Tuesday /tirsdag Wednesday /onsdag Thursday /torsdag Friday /fredag Saturday /lrdag Sunday /sndag

Months English Norwegian

January /januar February /februar March /mars April/ april May /mai June/ juni July /juli August /august September /september October /oktober November /november December /desember

Hours of the Day The 24-hour clock is used in Norway. The English a.m. or p.m. designations are not known. Time Norwegian 6-9 morgen 9-12 (15) formiddag 12 (15)-18 ettermiddag 18-24 kveld 24-6 natt

Number Norwegian 0 null 1 en/ett 2 to 3 tre 4 fire 5 fem 6 seks 7 syv 8 tte 9 ni 10 ti 11 elleve 12 tolv 13 tretten 14 fjorten 15 femten 16 seksten 17 18 atten 19 nitten 20 tjue 21 tjueen 22 tjueto 30 tretti

40 frti 50 femti 60 seksti 70 sytti 80 tti 90 nitti 100 hundre 101 hundreogen 113 hundreogtretten 231 tohundreogtrettien 8,010 ttetusenogti 100,000 (ett)hundretusen 2,000,000 to millioner

Sentence Structure Norwegian word order is often the same as English but there are some very important differences. In Norwegian sentences, the verb changes place if the sentence starts with an adverb or a subordinate clause precedes the the main clause: English Norwegian I am buying a car today /Jeg kjper en bil i dag Today I am buying a car /I dag kjper jeg en bil I take the car if it rains /Jeg tar bilen hvis det regner If it rains, I take the car/ Hvis det regner, tar jeg bilen

Correspondence The Date In Norwegian, the date is written with the date preceding the month, for example: 8. mai (May 8) or 25. desember (December 25). Letter Opening In Norwegian there is no equivalent to the English opening: "Dear Sir(s)." When writing to a company, for example, one should proceed straight into the text unless the addressee is known by their title and name. Letter Closings English Norwegian Business Yours faithfully Vennlig hilsen Yours sincerely Med vennlig hilsen Friends Kind regards Vennlig hilsen devoted Mange venlige hils(e)ner or Deres/din hengivne

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