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Verbum Dismissum

Count Bernard Trevisan

British Museum Sloane Ms # 3630 Translated from the French by Sigismund Bacstrom

Produced by R. .M.S. !Restoreration of lchemical manuscri"ts Society# $%&'

The first thing re(uisite in this Science of Transmutation is the )no*ledge of the Matter+ from *hence is e,tracted the rgent -i-e and the Sul"hur of the Philoso"hers. of *hich t*o the So-ereign Medicine is made and constituted. The Matter from *hence is e,tracted the So-ereign Medicine and Secret of the Philoso"hers+ is only most fine /old and most fine Sil-er and rgent 0i-e+ all *hich thou seest daily altered ne-ertheless+ and mo-ed by artifice in the nature of a Matter 1hite and dry in the manner of a Stone+ from *hence our rgent 0i-e and Sul"hur are ele-ated and e,tracted by strong ignition by reiterate destruction of the same+ by resolution and sublimation+ and in this rgent 0i-e is the ir and Fire *hich cannot be beheld by 2or"oreal 3yes+ being subtile and S"iritual *hich ma)es against those *ho thin) to obtain four 3lements really and -isibly se"arated in the 1or)+ each one a"art+ but such )no* not the nature of things+ and that sim"le 3lements cannot be obtained by us+ although *e )no* them by their o"erations and effects *hich are found in these lo*er elements+ to *it 3arth and 1ater+ as they are altered from a com"act and gross nature+ *hereby they are mo-ed from one nature to another. That Sol and 4una are the Matter of our Blessed Stone+ the sayings of all Philoso"hers confirm+ and in real truth saith our Father 5ermes+ 6The Sun is the Father and the Moon is the Mother6+ but great doubt is made of the third 2om"osition+ to *it *hat is the rgent 0i-e of *hich *ith the Sol and 4una our 2om"osition is made. 1hich to )no*+ it is to be noted that the Philoso"hers di-ided into t*o "arts+ First and Second. That Second "art is by Philoso"hers di-ided into the 1hite Stone accom"lished+ and into the Red Stone. But because this notable Secret lies in )no*ing the First Part+ Philoso"hers doubting to re-eal this Secret ha-e made but little mention of the First Part+ and belie-e that if it had not been to "re-ent the Science of Philoso"hers *ould ha-e remained as *holly false in its "rinci"les+ they *ould ha-e been entirely silent and ha-e mentioned nothing of it. 1herefore if they had not in any manner touched u"on+ the Science *ould ha-e in all "oints rested in 7gnorance and "erished+ as being false in its terms. s this is the beginning+ the 8ey+ the Foundation of our Magistery+ *ithout *hich nothing is to be accom"lished+ and that being un)no*n+ ye Science *ould remain deceitful and false in "ractice. To the end that this great Secret might not remain un)no*n+ *hich is the Stone+ to *hich nothing strange or foreign is to be added+ 7 ha-e designed to ma)e some mention of it+ *holly+ certainly and true+ *hich 7 ha-e seen and "ossessed+ /od of Truth being my *itness+ *hich 7 commit to the Secret 2abinet of the "ious Soul+ u"on "eril of the same+ *herefore Philoso"hers ha-e called this Secret 0erbum 9ismissum+ *hich is to say a *ord left or concealed. 7t is then to be )no*n that the Philoso"hical *or) is to be di-ided into three degrees+ to *it ::: the 0egetable+ Mineral and nimal Stone. The 0egetable Stone "ro"erly and "rinci"ally the Philoso"hers ha-e attributed to this First+ *hich is the Stone of the First 9egree+ of *hich Peter of 0illaneau-e !Brother of rnold# saith in his Rosary+ 6The beginning of our Stone is rgent 0i-e or its Sul"hurity *hich *e must obtain from its gross cor"oreal substance before *e can "ass to the Second 9egree6. The beginning of our Stone is+ that Mercury gro*ing li)e a tree+ be com"osed and sublimed by o"ening it for the -olatile germ+ or seed+ *hich cannot nourish nor gro* *ithout the Fi,ed Tree that retains it+ as the li-ing ni""le of an 7nfant. 7t a""ears then that this Stone is 0egetable+ as it *ere+ the s*eet S"irit that "roceeds from the Bud of the 0ine ;oined in the 1or)+ first to a Body+ fi,ed and *hitening as is said in the

/reen 9ream *herein after the Te,t of lchemy is -ery notably described the "ractice of this 0egetable Stone to those *ho *isely discern the Truth+ *hich for certain reasons and ;ust cause 7 forbear to set do*n here. The First 9egree then of our Philoso"hical Stone+ is to ma)e <ur Mercury 0egetable+ clean and "ure+ *hich is called by Philoso"hers 1hite Sul"hur not burning+ *hich is the means of con;oining Sul"hur *ith Bodies+ and Mercury+ truly and really+ that he may be of one nature+ fi,ed+ subtle+ clean and united to the Bodies in their "rofundity+ by the hel" of their heat and moisture+ of *hich Philoso"hers say+ Tinctures may be con;oined+ but not rgent 0i-e 0ulgar+ that being cold and "hlegmatic and destitute of li-ely o"eration+ *hich consists in heat and moisture+ but because it is in "art -olatile+ therefore it is the medium to fi, -olatile s"irits+ and to adhere or ad;oin to the fi,ed substances of Bodies+ *herein is touched the cause of its necessity+ *hich is threefold. The first as *e are to ;oin the t*o Seeds+ to *it+ Male and Female+ they ought to be mingled *ith each other by a natural alliance and 4o-e+ and by a continual s"onginess+ in such manner that the moist of one be attracted by the moist of the other and by conse(uence the one be mi,ed *ith the other and that they be ;oined together+ and for as much as those t*o Bodies+ to *it /old and Sil-er are made moist by heat digesting+ dissol-ing and subtili=ing+ then they are the First Matter and sim"le+ and ta)e u"on them the name of Seed+ *hich are near to generation+ through the im"ression they recei-e by their sim"licity and obedience to instrumental heat+ e(ui-alent and li)e to the natural heat of this Mercury+ forming and sealing thereto a )ind of 3li,ir+ for that the First Part of the Stone is called 3li,ir. The First Part then is the medium of con;oining e,tremities of the 0essel of >ature+ in *hich 0essel the S"irits ought to be transmitted as they "roceed from one nature to another+ *herein is touched the Second Part of its necessity+ for as the Stone ought to be im"regnated *ith S"irits+ it is necessary there should be therein a retenti-e faculty or 0irtue embraced by them+ to the end that they may be mi,ed *ith the Body in the smallest "arts. This 0irtue is truly found in our Philoso"hical Mercury+ as it is in "art of a S"iritual nature+ so is truly a "ure S"irit+ im"regnated and "urified from all feculent and terrestrial resident S"irits. 7 say true and fi,ed in one "art for it contains the nature of the one and of the other Fire+ *hich manifests and declares its "onticity or com"unctuous shar"ness+ *hich a""ears in its o"eration+ for by this Mercury mortified is easily congealed+ the Mercury of the 0ulgar+ as the Te,t declares. >e-ertheless it is not fi,ed by itself+ but ought to be con;oined *ith Sol and 4una and be married in friendshi" and to the end+ that *hich is not in it+ may be fi,ed by those Bodies+ to *it+ that this thing *hich is com"osed of se-eral mi,tures together *ith their co: naturals+ may directly fi, the Mercury of the 0ulgar+ for *hich cause no Bodies are mi,ed *hich fi,ed+ to the end that the com"ounded Fire+ *hich is called Mercury sublimed "hiloso"hically or First matter+ may be informed by "ro"er Ferments+ as to obtain the force more lastingly+ and "erse-ere the contest of the Fire not*ithstanding its as"erity+ *herefore+ saith 5ortulanus+ 6That is not strange to it+ to *hich it ought to be con;oined6+ -i=.+ fi,ed. nd of this Mercury saith Raymond+ 6The rgent 0i-e by us made+ congealeth the common+ and is more common to men than the common+ of less "rice+ of greater -irtue and utility+ and also of greater retention+ being a /um more noble than Pearls+ *hich con-erts and attracts to its fi,ed nature all other /ums clear and "ure+ and enables them to resist in the Fire+ and to re;oice therein6+ *herefore saith Morienus+ 6Those *ho *ould obtain this com"osition *ithout this First Part are li)e those *ho *ould mount to the height of a "innacle *ithout a ladder+ *ho *hen they begin to climb find themsel-es cast do*n to the bottom in misery and "air. This Mercury e,uberate then is the first beginning and Foundation of our glorious Magistery+ for it contains in itself Fire *hich ought to be re"lenished and nourished *ith a great and strong Fire in the Second Regimen of our Stone+ no* as *ell the Fire enclosed in our said Mercury by the First Regimen+ as the Fire *hich ought to be inclosed by the Second is by Philoso"hers named the "ro"er

7nstrument+ *hich is the Second thing "rinci"ally re(uired to be understood in this high Magistery in such manner that the Matter 0olatile and fi,t by heat and congelation+ *ith dissolution of the bodies as Philoso"hers teach+ for the greatness of the Magistery ha-e -eiled under another name+ to *it+ Sublimation or 3,altation of the Mercurial matter+ as it is e,alted in its noble 0irtues+ and Sublimed in its degrees. 61herefore6+ saith rnold+ 64et Mercury first be sublimed+ that is+ as Mercury is in nature lo* and base condition to *it+ 3arth and 1ater+ let it be brought to a more noble and higher condition+ to *it iry and Fiery+ *hich are "rinci"les near a""roaching to this Mercury in the intention of rt and >ature6. 1herefore *hen this Mercurial Stone is thus 3,alted and Subtili=ed+ it is said to be sublimed in its First Sublimation+ *hich is con-enient to sublime *ith its 0essel+ as saith Raymond in his 2odicil in the beginning 2ha"ter ' of Vade Mecum de Mercurale Philosophorum. 1e ho"e in /od that our Mercury shall be sublimed to greater things *hich tinge it+ and its Soul shall be e,alted into /lory+ as being that *hich it behoo-es to enter into its Mother?s Belly+ also it is said to be born of the First >ati-ity+ *hich hath regards to all orders of the 2hemical 3arth+ and the heart of the *or)ers in this rt shall not be frustrated of ;oy+ and shall tell thee+ calling /od to *itness+ that as this mercury hath been by some one sublimed+ it hath a""eared cloathed *ith so great 1hiteness as the Sno* on the highest mountains+ under a most subtile+ crystalline s"lendour+ from *hence "roceeds at the o"ening of the 0essel+ so great+ so s*eet+ so e,cellent an odour+ as the li)e is not to be found under the 1orld+ and 7 *ho s"ea) this )no* that this most mar-elous 1hiteness has a""eared to my o*n eyes+ and ha-e handled this attenuated and subtili=ed+ crystalline Matter *ith my o*n hands+ and *ith my o*n sense of smelling ha-e smelt this mar-elous s*eetness+ and *ith great ;oy begun to shed tears u"on the astonishment of mar-elousness and s*eetness+ for *hich Blessed be the 3ternal /od+ most 5igh+ and /lorious *ho hath hidden these mar-elous /reat Secrets of nature+ yet hath -ouchsafed to a fe* 7 )no* !most Re-erend Father# that *hen you shall be ac(uainted *ith the causes of this dis"osition you *ill admire that a Matter so corru"t should contain in itself such a hea-enly li)e nature+ 7 am not sufficient to declare to you these 1onders+ yet the time may come !if it be found e,"edient# that 7 may ac(uaint you *ith many "articular matters of this nature+ *hich her to *rite 7 ha-e not obtained "ermission from the /od of >ature. <f this 2elestial nature+ it is said in the Boo) of Prognostic)s+ certainly in Medicine+ 2elestial /ifts are found+ but to "roceed further+ *hen you ha-e sublimed this Mercury+ ta)e fresh and ne* *ith its Blood or Ferment+ that it may not gro* old or stale. Present it to its Parents+ 4una and Sol to the end that of these three things+ to *it Sol+ 4una and Mercury our 2om"osition may be made+ and that the Second 9egree of our Stone may begin. The Second 9egree+ if thou *ouldst ha-e then good multi"lication in the strongest (ualities and mineral -irtues by the o"eration of the Second 9egree+ and the hel" of >ature. Ta)e the clean Bodies and *ith them unite the said Mercury in such *eight or "ro"ortion+ as is )no*n to the masters of this magistery+ and to con;oin the said dry Matter !or Sul"hur# *hich is the Sul"hur of the 3lements+ and *hich is called <il of >ature+ and Mercury sublime+ subtili=ed+ dissol-ed and hardened by the o"eration of the First 9egree in re;ecting ne-ertheless all the residue and Faeces+ that is made in sublimation+ as of no -alue. But it is not to be understood in our sublimation the thing sublimed should remain in the to" of the -essel+ as it ha""ens in the sublimation of So"histers+ but in our sublimation *hat is sublimed is a little ele-ated abo-e the Faeces of the -essel and sustains itself and is ;oined to the sides of the -essel+ and that *hich is foul and im"ure remains in the

bottom+ by >ature *hich desires to lose of its o*n accord+ by a certain manner of e-acuation+ to the end it may be restored in melioration+ in losing its im"ure "arts that it may reco-er "ure and better by *hich "arts the third cause of its necessity+ *hich is that as Mercury is clean *hite+ incumbustible it illuminated our Stone and defends it from ad;ustion+ and )ee"s it from burning tem"orals and moderates the e,cessi-e ardour of Fire against >ature+ reducing and bringing it bac) to a true Tem"erature and concord *ith the >atural Fire. For the Philoso"hical Mercury contains an e,cellency of the fire in natural and so-ereign -irtue of *hich is to (ualify against the heat of the Fire against >ature+ naturali=ing that is con-erting itself+ or ma)ing itself natural by s*eetly+ according to the natural Fire+ *hich is a great increase )no*n to fe*. 1herefore here Mercury is called the 3arth or >urse in this "art+ as it is the Matter or S"erm+ *ithout *hich the Stone cannot gro* or multi"ly+ *hereof saith 5ermes+ 6@e >urse of our Stone is the 3arth !of Mercury# of *hich Sol is the Father and 4una the Mother+ it mounts from 3arth to hea-en+ again descends to the 3arth+ of *hich the strength is entire+ if it be turned to 3arth+ *hich 3arth and the t*o "erfect Bodies+ the right com"osition of the Philoso"hical ta)es birth and beginning6. 4et these t*o Bodies then be sufficient for thee+ being such as are sought and re(uired+ as saith rnold de 0illa >o-a+ that as the end of the state is "erfection it "erfects the Mercury of the 0ulgar and other im"erfect Bodies and transmutes them. 1e must then necessarily ac(uire this -irtue *hich is found *here it is+ no* it is li)ely no *ays better to be found than in "erfect Bodies+ for if in Bodies "ure and fine there be not force and -irtue to transmute im"erfect Metals into "erfect and true Sol+ in -ain should *e see) it in the base+ the li)e say of 4une and all im"erfect Metals+ Sol and 4una only are "erfect+ and all the rest are im"erfect. To obtain then this mercurial substance+ *here*ith all the "erfect -irtue to transmute into Sol and 4une the im"erfect metals+ you must ha-e recourse to the t*o "erfect Bodies and no other. 1herefore it is to be )no*n+ that the con;unction of these t*o Bodies is the natural term of the last subtili=ation and of Transmutation of the First Matter of Regeneration+ because of by this con;unction+ by the first sim"le Matter is made generation of the true 3li,ir. 4une reduced into its First Matter is the "assi-e matter+ for truly+ she is the *ife of Sol and he is her husband+ that is in -ery near affinity to each other+ such is the con-eniency bet*een the Male and the Female in this )ind of rt+ of both *hich is engendered Sul"hur 1hite and Red + glutinous and congealing Mercury certainly better creation and nearer transmutation is made+ *hen the "ro"er Male is ;oined to its "ro"er Female into one nature+ and the Male ;oins most "rofoundly in the "assi-e Matter by the subtility of its nature+ and transmutes it more+ con-erting its nature into another nature+ and transmutes it more+ con-erting its nature into another nature+ to *it+ into the nature of Sul"hur. of *hich con;unction saith 9astin+ 67f the 1hite 1oman be married to her Red 5usband they incontinently embrace one another+ and are ;oined together. They are dissol-ed by themsel-es that these *hich *ere t*o might be made one Body6. This co"ulation is the "hiloso"hical marriage and indissol-able Bond+ *herefore it is said also+ *here these t*o Bodies are made one by con;unction+ that they may hold one nature+ to *it+ our Mercury+ *hich is by some called the Ring or So-ereign Bond+ also it is called the 9aughter of Platon+ *hich con;oin Bodies assembled in 4o-e. 2om"ose then this our Stone of these three things+ and not any other+ for in other matters is not lodged that *hich so many do see). This amalgam+ or Philoso"hical com"osition thus ordered+ it may be truly said of it+ that the Stone is made but of one Thing. For this com"osition is a mi,ture of

inestimable "rice and -alue+ that is of such a "rice as cannot be sufficiently thought. This is our Brass+ that is our amalgam or com"osition+ made of the abo-e said three things or Matter only+ and then begins the second "art of our most noble Stone+ and the stone of the Second 9egree *hich is called Mineral. >o* it is to be noted+ that by the Second Regimen or <"eration+ the Stone of Mercury *hich *as born by the First <"eration+ so clear and res"lendent+ is mortified+ blac)ened and made -ile and ugly+ in fire+ is so deformed *ith the *hole com"ound+ that is may re-i-e *ith great -ictory+ *ith great clarity+ "urity and force than it had first+ For this mortification is -i-ifying+ for in mortifying it re-i-es itself. nd certainly these t*o <"erations are so chained and interlaced one *ith another+ that one cannot be *ithout the other+ as a""ears in the doctrine of Philoso"hers+ for the corru"tion of one is the generation of the other. ll this business then is nothing else but to create Sul"hur of >ature and reduce the com"osition to its First Matter of the Metallic) )ind+ for as lbertus saith in his Book of Minerals. 61e must not so much alter or distance our Stone from the nature of Metals6. 8no* then that this 2om"ound is the substance out of *hich ought to be dra*n the Sul"hur of nature by comforting it+ and nourishing it in ;oining to this substance the Mineral 0irtue+ to the end it may be made a ne* >ature stri"t from all its Sul"hureous terrestricity and corru"tion and all "hlegmatic humidity+ hindering digestion. 7t is further to be obser-ed that according to the di-ers alterations or change of the one and the same Matter in digestion+ di-ers names are im"osed on it by the Philoso"hers according to its di-ers com"le,ions+ some ha-e called it a coagulating "ressure+ some =oc+ rsenic+ others lbum and tincture illuminating all bodes+ some ha-e called it+ Philoso"hical 3gg+ for a 3gg is com"osed of three "arts+ -i=.+ Shell+ 1hite+ and the @ol)+ so is com"ounded out Philoso"hical 3gg+ or Body+ Soul and S"irit. lthough in truth our Stone is but one thing according to Body+ S"irit and Soul+ but according to the di-ers reason and intentions of Philoso"hy+ is no* called one Thing+ and then another+ *hich Plato meant *hen he said+ 6The Matter flo*s infinitely or al*ays+ if the Form stay not its flu,6+ so is it Trinity in Anity+ and Anity in Trinity+ for there is Body+ Soul and S"irit. There is also Sul"hur+ Mercury and rsenic)+ for the Soul breathing+ that is casting out its 0a"ours by rsenic) 1or)s in con;oining Mercury of *hich "hiloso"hers say that the "ro"erty of rsenic) is to breathe+ or res"ire+ the "ro"erty of Sul"hur is to coagulate or congeal Mercury+ ne-ertheless this Sul"hur+ this rsenic) and this Mercury are not those the -ulgar thin) of *hich are not those -enomous S"irits the "othecaries sell+ but the S"irits of the "othecaries are those -ulgar S"irits+ theirs are more of im"erfection and corru"tion+ to "re;udice rather than re"air im"erfect Metals. 1herefore it cannot gi-e "erfection and incorru"tion to them+ *hich "erfection ought to be gi-en by our Medium+ 0ainly therefore do those So"histers *or)+ *ho endea-or to ma)e the 3li,ir+ from such -enomous S"irits full of corru"tion. For certainly+ in no other thing is lodged the Truth of the So-ereign subtility of >ature+ but in the three matters abo-e said+ to *it+ Sul"hur+ rsenic) and Mercury Philoso"hical *herein the re"aration and total "erfection of Bodies that are to be "urged+ lodges+ only all the Philoso"hers ha-e im"osed di-ers names on our Stone. 1herefore lea-e the "lurality of names and regard only the com"ound+ *hich is but once to be "laced in one 0essel+ from *hence it is not to be ta)en till the 3lementary Rotations be accom"lished+ that the force and acti-e 0irtue of our Mercury should be nourished and not be suffocated and entirely lost+ for the seeds of 0egetables in the 3arth are not "ro"agated by gro*th and multi"lication if their force and generati-e 0irtue be ta)en from them by any strange (uality *hatsoe-er. 7n li)e manner also+ this nature *ill not multi"ly+ or be multi"lied if it be not

"re"ared in manner of 1ater. The Matri, of the mother after 2once"tion remains shut u" or the Fruit *ill be lost+ so our Stone ought al*ays to remain closed in its 0essel+ nor any strange thing ought to be added+ but only should be nourished and informed by the Formati-e 0irtue of its multi"licati-e 0irtue+ not only in (uantity but greatly in (uality+ in such maner must be influenced or "ut into the said Matter+ the -i-ifying 5umidity by -irtue *hereof it is nourished+ increased and multi"lied. fter then our 2om"ound is made+ the first thing to be done is to animate it+ "utting to it the natural heat+ or -i-ifying humidity+ or the Soul+ ir or life. By the *or) of solution or sublimation *ith congelation+ and as you ha-e made thy com"ound so must thou ha-e a certain manner of "roceeding according to the internal heat enclosed in the matter+ other*ise it may remain -oid of its designed end+ *ithout Soul+ de"ri-ed of its noble high -irtues+ and *ould ha-e no motion to generation as other things by nature "roduced. The manner ho* to "ut Fire into the said Matter+ and to con-ert it from dis"osition to dis"osition+ from nature to nature+ that is from lo* to high degree. The manner of this dis"osition is made by "ro"er sublimation+ 7m"regnation+ mortification for Resurrection and Sublimation in the light 3lements+ so that all the circle of this noble Magistery is nothing but sublimation "erfect+ *hich ne-ertheless hath many "articular o"erations anne,ed+ chained+ interlaced or ;oined together+ but t*o are "rinci"ally attending the *hole 2ircle+ *hich are "erfect dissolution and "erfect coagulation. So that the *hole Magistery is "erfectly to dissol-e+ and "erfectly to congeal+ dissol-e the Body and congeal the S"irit+ and this o"eration has ties and alliances together+ that the Body ne-er dissol-es but the S"irit congeals+ nor also the S"irit congeals not+ e,ce"t the Body be dissol-ed. s Raymond and all the Philoso"hers say+ that the *hole Magistery is nothing but 9issolution and 2ongelation by the 7gnition+ of *hich <"eration many great and learned in this Science ha-e been decei-ed+ thin)ing to understand by confidence in their learning+ the 2ircles of >ature+ and the manner of 2irculation. 7t is then e,"edient to understand the manner of this 2irculation+ *hich -erily is nothing else but to imbibe+ refresh+ or moisten the 2om"ound in due *eight or "ro"ortion *ith our Mercurial 1ater+ *hich Philoso"hers command to be called Permanent 1ater+ in *hich 7mbibitions the 2om"ound is digested and congealed to its natural accom"lishment. T?is most certain+ that if 3arth is to be made Fire+ it must be subtili=ed or "re"ared+ that it may be brought to greater sim"licity+ so is the 2om"ound attenuated and subtili=ed+ until the Fire bear rule therein. nd this Sublimation of 3arth is made by Subtile 1ater+ most highly shar" and "enetrating+ not ha-ing any feculency or odour+ as /eber said in his Summary+ 6Such is the 1ater of our rgent 0i-e+ sublimed and brought bac) to the nature of Fire+ under the 0i-e+ sublimed and brought bac) to the nature of Fire+ under the name of 0inegar+ lum+ Salt and many other shar" 4i(uors and other li)e things !e-en until no* hid and co-ered#+ by *hich 1aters bodies are subtili=ed+ reduced and brought bac) to their First Matter+ neighboring Stone+ or 3li,ir of Philoso"hers+ *here it is to be )no*n that as the 7nfant in the Mother?s Belly ought to be nourished *ith natural nourishment+ *hich is Menstrual Blood+ to the end it may be increased and gro* in (uantity and stronger in (uality+ so ought our Stone to be nourished *ith its Fatness !as saith ristotle# of its o*n "ro"er nature and substance+ but *hat this fatness is that is the nourishment of life+ increase+ and multi"lication of our Stone the Philoso"hers ha-e *holly concealed it+ as being the greatest Secret they ha-e s*orn ne-er to re-eal or ma)e manifest to anyone+ other*ise

than their *ritings declare+ but ha-e remitted it to the hand of /od alone+ to re-eal or conceal as it shall "lease 5im6. >e-ertheless this fat and -iscous humidity+ -i-ifying or gi-ing 4ife+ the Philoso"hers ha-e called Mercurial 1ater+ or <il Permanent+ a 1ater abiding the Fire and also a 9i-ine 1ater+ and is the 8ey and Foundation of the *hole 1or)+ and this Mercurial 1ater im"regnated and "ermanent+ it is said in Turba+ 6That Bodies must be *rought by flame of Fire that they may be bro)en+ torn and debilitated6+ to *it+ by this 1ater full of Fire *herein the Perfect Bodies are so much *ashed as it is dissol-ed and made 1ater+ *hich is not 1ater of the 2louds+ or Fountain 1ater+ as thin) the ignorant and foolish So"histersB But this our Permanent 1ater *hich cannot yet be made "ermanent *ithout the Body *ith *hich it is ;oined+ that it resists the Fire *ithout flying+ *herein our Permanent 1ater is the *hole Secret of our Stone+ for by that 1ater is our Stone "erfected+ for that in it lodges the -i-ifying humidity of our Stone+ as being the 4ife and Resurrection of it+ of *hich our Secret 1ater it is said in Turba+ 6The 1ater alone does all+ for it dissol-es all+ it congeals all that is congealable and di-ides and rends all *ithout any other aid. 7t is that *hich Tinges and is Tinged6. 7n brief+ <ur 1or) is no other thing than 0a"our and 1ater+ *hich is called *hitening and rubifying and casting off the Blac)ness of the Bodies+ *hich Philoso"hers ha-e called Permanent 1ater+ fi,ed and incorru"tible and incombustible <il+ that cannot burn. T?is the matter *hich Philoso"hers ha-e di-ided into t*o "arts+ one of *hich dissol-es the Bodies by 2alcination+ that is+ by reducing it into cal, and by congealing itself and the other "art of the said 1ater cleanses the Body from Blac)ness+ 1hitens and reduces it+ ma)es it fluid and running in multi"lying its "arts. This 1ater is called in Turba+ 6Most shar" 0inegar+ and "enetrating )indly by a -i-ifying heat+ containing an in-ariable Tincture+ *hich cannot be defaced or blotted out6. This 1ater is named by rte"hius+ tem"erate or the Moisture of the 1ise+ 1ine of 2holeric @outh. This 1ater is greatly concealed by the Philoso"hers under di-ers and -arious names+ and is )no*n but to fe* "eo"le. 5ermes "ossessed it+ and handled it+ l"hidius hath treated of it+ Morienus hath *ritten of it+ 4ully understood it+ rnold "ercei-ed it+ Raymond hath feasibly declared it+ /eber )ne* it+ the Te,t *as not ignorant of it+ Rasis+ -icen+ /alen+ 5aley+ and abo-e all lbertus hath *isely hidden it. 9astin Bernard de /re-es+ Pythagoras+ the ncient Merlin+ and ristotle understood it *ell. 7n short this 1ater is cro*ned 0ictorious Secret+ 2elestial and /lorious 1ater+ the last and final Secret for the nourishment of our /lorious Stone+ *ithout *hich it is ne-er amended+ increased+ nor multi"lied+ for *hich Philoso"hers ha-e concealed the manner of ma)ing it+ as the 8ey of their Magistery+ and in truth+ 7 ha-e read abo-e one hundred boo)s of this rt+ and in none of them 7 found the "erfecting of this Mercury and Permanent 1ater and ha-e seen great and learned men in this Science+ among *hom 7 ha-e not found one that had this secret+ e,ce"t one able Physician+ *ho told me he had been 36 years in earnest "rosecution before he obtained it. <f this nature it is said that a double nature is gi-en to it+ to *it+ of Sol and 4una+ in the bo*els of *hom this rgent 0i-e is multi"lied+ as in the "ro"er Belly of its Mother+ lodged and "urged+ and con-erted into 1hite Sul"hur not burning in the action of the heat of the Fire+ being therein regularly informed by rt and (ualities of Sul"hur+ ha-ing been before introduced or "laced in the said rgent 0i-e. So that this Mercurial 1ater is nothing else but the S"irit of Bodies con-erted into the nature of Cuintessence gi-ing -irtue to our Stone and go-erning it+ and the Stone of our 2om"osition is the containing Matri, or e,"edient "lace+ to *it+ Mother 3arth+ or -essel of >ature+ retaining the formati-e 0irtue of the Stone+ *herein natural heat is "laced+ *hich is formati-e 0irtue issuing from the 0essel by the Fifth S"irit+ *herefore it is called Mother and >urse as gi-ing natural 0irtue to

Sul"hur+ feeding and nourishing it. This is our 2om"osition+ *herein this natural 0essel+ *hereto the S"irits are transmuted from nature to nature as they "roceed+ and so much the more as they are transmuted and altered in this 0essel retained so much+ the remoter they are mo-ed from their corru"tion and im"erfection *hatsoe-er+ and the more they a""roach to the terms of "urity and "erfection+ so long till they obtain the accom"lishment of a Cuintessence. 1herefore they ta)e+ or are clothed *ith a >e* >ature+ *hich is clean+ 1hite+ "ure+ cleansed from all corrosi-eness+ and "hlegmatic -olatility. 7n such affinity then of 0essel the humidity of the S"irit *herein the abo-esaid is enclosed by its -iscosity or glutinous nature is retained in adherence+ or firm and natural con;unction and heat+ as in its Radical 5umidity mi,t and mortified+ and after 9eath re-i-ed by sublimation by a ;oyful deli-erance in ele-ating itself *holly from a Saline and Bitter >ature. Then it is mighty to sustain itself+ nourish and multi"ly itself+ as being already a )indled Fire and sim"le nature+ *hich t?is con-enient to nourish *ith 1hey+ to *it+ its enli-ening 5umidity of *hich in "art it *as engendered+ *hich is Permanent 1ater+ 0irgin?s Mil) or (ua 0itae coming from the 0ine+ for they are *holly different. 7t is ne-ertheless called (ua 0itae for that it -i-ifies our Stone to Resurrection+ it is also called Blod incrudated+ 1hite Mentruum+ nourishment of the 2hild+ Food of the heart+ 1ater of the Sea+ Food of the 9ead+ and rgent 0i-e of Philoso"hers de"urated from feculent terrestriety by Philoso"hical Sublimation. fter then our 2om"ound is made+ it should be "laced in its Secret 0essel and decocted+ or ba)ed in a -ery soft heat moist or dry+ and moistened and congealing soften till the 3arth arise Foliated+ *hich must be after*ards calcined and infinitely incerated in fi,ing *ith the said 1ater+ *hich is called fi,ed incombustible <il+ till it flo*s and metls soon li)e unto *a,+ of *hich saith Raymond+ 6The manner of creation is+ the Stone be sublimed *ith "art of the reser-ed humidity *hich ne-er lea-es its Body+ being mi,ed+ *ith circulation gi-es true fusion6+ and after*ards he said+ 67t is commanded that thou moisten or refresh our Stone *ith its "ermanent 5umidity+ *hereby its "arts are clarified as a""ear+ for after the "erfect clearing or "urgation of our Stone from all corru"tion+ "articularly the Sul"hureous humours+ to *it the unctuous combustible fatness and "hlegmatic -a"oreity+ the Stone is brought to its "ro"er nature and substance+ not burning+ and *ithout this 5umidity+ our Stone is ne-er amended+ nourished+ augmented or multi"lied6. 7t is to be noted also that our Stone in digestion is mo-ed to all the colours in the 1orld+ but three are "rinci"al+ of *hich good care and notice are to be ta)en+ to *it+ Blac) colour+ *hich is first and it is the )ey of the Beginning of the 1or). of the Second )ind or degree+ the 1hite colour is the Second+ and the Red is the third+ *hereof it is said that the thing of *hich the head is Red+ the feet 1hite+ and the eyes Blac) is our Magistery. >ote then that *hen our 2om"ound begins to be moistened *ith our Permanent 1ater+ then is all the 2om"osition turned li)e melted Pitch and is Blac) li)e a coal+ and at this time is our 2om"ound called Blac) Pitch+ Burnt Soot+ Melted 4ead+ Foul 4aton+ Magnesia+ and the Blac) Bird. For there is seen a Blac) 2loud flying in the middle region of the -essel in desirable manner being ele-ated about the -essel+ and at the bottom+ the Matter melted li)e Pitch+ of *hich saith Dames of the bough of St. Saturnia+ a blessed 2loud flying about the -essel *herein the Sun is ecli"sed+ and Raymond says+ 61hen this mass is thus Blac) then it is dead and de"ri-ed of Form+ then it is said to be a dead Body+ and out of good

tem"erature+ its Soul being se"arated from it+ then is the humidity manifest in the colour of Blac) Cuic)sil-er+ and stin)ing+ *hich before *as dry and 1hite+ of good odour heating+ cleansed from Sul"hur by its first o"eration and is no* de"urating by this Second <"eration.6 nd for this is thy Body de"ri-ed of Soul *hich it hath lost *ith its S"lendour and mar-elous lucidity *hich at first it had+ and all no* is Blac) and Agly+ *herefore /eber names it from its "ro"erties+ stin)ing Blac) S"irit+ occultly 1hite and manifestly Blac)+ naming it 4i-ing 1ater and 9ry. This Mass thus Blac)ened is the 8ey and sign of "erfect in-ention of this manner of 1or) of the Second Regimen of our most "recious Stone+ *herefore saith 5ermesB 6This Blessing being seen+ belie-e that you are in a good Path+ and ha-e )e"t in the Right 1ay6. So that this Blac)ness in colour sho*s the true and right manner of *or)ing+ for hereby the matter is made deformed and corru"t *ith a true >atural corru"tion from *hence follo*s generation and real dis"osition in this Matter+ to *it+ the re(uirements of a ne* Form *hich for lucid serenity or clearness+ beauty+ "urity+ mar-elous s"lendour and fragrant odour or great s*eetness. >o* *hen the *or) of Blac)ness is accom"lished *e must come to the 1or) of 1hiteness+ *hich is one of the Roses in the Philoso"her? /arden+ by many desired+ re(uired and e,"ected+ but as abo-e said before 1hiteness a""eareth+ all the 2olours that may be thought of are seen and "ercei-ed in this *or)+ of *hich care need not be had+ but only to 1hiteness that must be e,"ected *ith great constancy. The *ay ne-ertheless of *or)ing to the Blac)+ to the 1hite+ and to the Red is al*ays one+ to *it+ ba)e and decoct the 2om"ound in feeding *ith our Permanent 1ater+ to *it+ decoct. 2om"ound *ith Red+ by *hich imbibitions and digestions is e,tracted from the Stone this middle Substance of Mercury+ *hich is the *hole "erfection of our noble Mastery+ in such manner that our Stone should be "urged not only from sul"hureousness but also from earthiness by sublimation of 1ater+ 2alcination of 3arth+ moistening and decocting of them by reduction+ bet*een distillation and calcinations+ and after con;oining *ith "ro"er Sul"hur+ by its measured natural heat decoct+ or ba)e so long until it be congealed and de"ri-ed of all Sul"hureous humidity by the union of natural heat and Fire thereto corres"onding+ and after it is sublimed into Sul"hur most 1hite li)e Sno*. By this it a""ears that our Stone contains t*o substances of <ne >ature+ one -olatile+ the other Fi,t+ *hich+ and either of *hich the Philoso"hers call rgent 0i-e+ because in the o"eration of this Stone+ the Stone ought to be se"arated from all combustible and corru"t Sul"hureity+ and that there remains only the "ure subtility and middle Substance of rgent 0i-e congealed and de"urated of all e,ternal Sul"hur or strange corru"tion+ and this de"uration is made *hen the Body is turned into S"irit+ and the S"irit into Body by reiterated calcinations+ reduction+ and sublimation+ *hereby is made the dissolution of the Body+ and is but <ne <"eration *hereby all these things are "erformed+ to *it+ solution of rgent 0i-e fi,ed *ith congelation of certain "arts of the 0olatile+ and blution thereof *ith 1ater "ro"ortioned !*ith Fire# and the congelation of the said 1ater into a Stone+ by the medium and o"eration of 5eat of the Male and the Female+ then truly is born the Stone after the first con;unction of them and not before+ as in Man and 1oman by this o"eration is the Body di-ided+ subtili=ed and diligently go-erned+ till its subtile Soul is e,tracted from its solidity and turned into a thin attenuated and im"al"able S"irit. Then the Body is made no Body+ and the no Body is made a Body+ and this is true+ and the true in-ention of the rule of *or)ing.

7t is to be )no*n though all Bodies are to be dissol-ed by a "enetrating S"irit+ *ith *hich it is to be mi,ed and *hereby *ithout doubt is made a li)e S"iritual+ and as this S"irit is sublimed it is named 1ater+ *hich *asheth itself and cleanseth as abo-e said+ in rising *ith a most subtile Substance+ o"ening the corru"ted "arts and of it. nd this scension Philoso"hers ha-e called 9istillation+ blution+ and Sublimation "erfect and accom"lished. The Stone is then -i-ified by the -i-ifying S"irit or natural Soul of *hich it *as de"ri-ed in Blac)ness+ and is no* ins"ired+ animated+ resuscitated+ reduced+ and carried to its last end of subtility and "urity+ and is a Stone+ 2rystalline+ 1hite as Sno*+ rising from the bottom of the -essel stic)ing to the sides of it+ the remainder of its resting in the bottom of the -essel belo* this 2rystalline Stone se"arated from its residence gathered a"art and sublimed *ithout the said residence for if you try to sublime it *ith its residence gathered a"art and sublimed *ithout the said residence for if you try to sublime it *ith its residence you shall ne-er ma)e se"aration of them+ and so your labour *ill be lost. Sublime it then *ithout its residence+ and it is the 1hite Foliated 3arth of the 1hite Sul"hur not burning+ congealing+ and after "erfectly fi,ing Mercury+ cleansing all foul Bodies and "erfecting the im"erfect+ reducing them to true 4una. This Sul"hur so sublimed+ no *hiteness in the *orld e,ceeds it+ for it is di-ested of all corru"tible things+ and is a ne* nature+ a Cuintessence arising from the "ure "arts of the four 3lements. TEis the Sul"hur of >ature+ rsenic+ not burning+ the incom"arable treasure+ the Doy of Philoso"hers+ and the 9elight so much desired by them+ the 1hite+ 2lear and Foliate earth+ the Bird of 5ermes+ the 9aughter of the /reat Secret+ and the ne* 1hite Blac) Bird *hose Feathers e,ceed 2rystalline Brightness+ 1hite as Sno*+ of clean subtility and agility. This Philoso"hical 1hite Blac) Bird is of -enerable -irtue+ for it is the Substance of the "urest Substance in the *orld *hich is the sim"le Soul of the Stone+ clean+ noble+ se"arated from all cor"oreal thic)ness and by great subtility di-ested of all bodily grossness. This 1hite 7ncombustible Sul"hur it is con-enient to calcine the s"ace of its dry decoction+ so long till it becomes most subtile "o*der+ im"al"able+ de"ri-ed of all sul"hureous humidity. Then let it be incerated *ith 1hite <il of Philoso"hers by little and little till it suddenly flo* li)e *a,+ and *ithout creation being finished+ *hich is nothing but reduction+ to fusion or melting the thing *ould not melt. Then is our /lorious 1hite Stone of Philoso"hers finished+ fusible and melting+ 1hite as Sno*+ of ne* -erdure+ "erse-ering in the Fire+ retaining and congealing mercury after fi,ing it+ tingeing and transmuting all im"erfect bodies of Metals into 4una+ of *hich cast one "art u"on one thousand "arts of Mercury or other im"erfect Metal+ it shall change it into better Sil-er+ finer+ "urer and *hiter than that of the Mines. The manner of Pro;ection and Multi"lication of the 1hite and Red Stone are both one+ but the multi"lication may be done in t*o manners+ one by "ro;ecting one "art u"on one hundred "arts more into "ure 4una or "ure /old. There are other *ays more "rofitable and secret to multi"ly the Medicine in Pro;ection+ *herein 7 am at "resent silent+ but by multi"lication the Stone is augmented *ithout end+ to *it+ by 9igestion+ animation and 7mbibition *ith Mercurial <il+ *hich <il is also named of the nature of Metals+ and this multi"lication is only done by 7mbibing and refreshing the Stone *ith the said Mercurial <il Permanent+ by dissol-ing and congealing so often as one *ill+ for the more the Stone is digested the greater is its Perfection+ and the more it *ill transmute+ for it *ill be more subtile. nd herein is accom"lished the 1hite 2elestial Rose+ of good odour+ embraced by all the Philoso"hers. 1hen the 1hite Stone is accom"lished+ you must dissol-e one "art of it+ and so calcine it

!as some *ill ha-e it# by long decoction till it becomes li)e im"al"able shes+ so soft not to be touched+ coloured 2itrine. Then imbibe it *ith the Red <il till it become Rd as 2oral+ as Raymond saith in his 2odicil in his 2ha"ter on 2alcination of the 3arth+ 6Forget not to 2alcine it in its )indled Fire6. The Matter of the 3arth fore)no*n of thy Stone+ *ith reiterated dissolution+ distillation of 1ater+ and calcinations of the Body till the 3arth remain 1hite+ -oid of all humidity and after a longer and stronger continuation of the Fire and imbibition of the 1ater till it become li)e a 5yacinth in "o*der+ im"al"able to the touch+ the sign of *hich is manifestly sho*n. s to its last 2alcination it remains de"ri-ed of all humidity+ s"o)en of in the second "rinci"le "rocess in the Second Regimen *hich is to ta)e the Stone Red+ of *hich saith /eber it is not *ithout the addition of a thing tingeing !or Ferment# it+ *hich >ature *ell )no*s+ to *it+ *ithout it be imbibed and tinged *ith this 2elestial 1ater or <il+ of *hich says the 4ily of the Philoso"hers+ 6<h 2elestial >ature+ ho* dost thou turn our Bodies into S"irits+ <h Mar-elous "uissant *ho is abo-e all+ and surmounts all+ and is the 0inegar *hich turns the Sol into true S"irit and 4una also+ *ithout *hich neither Blac) nor 1hite nor Red can e-er be "roduced in our *or). For *ithout this >ature is ;oined to our Body+ *hich con-erts it into S"irit as S"iritual Fire+ tingeing it *ith -enerable Tincture that can ne-er be blotted out6. This 1ater 5ermes hath called the 1ater of 1aters+ l"hidius+ 1ater of the 7ndian+ Babylonian and 3gy"tian Philoso"hers. This 1ater *hereby Bodies are turned into S"irits and their First >ature and Matter of our Stone+ are ne-er amended *ithout it+ but add to the 1hite the 1hite 1ater+ let then the Red Stone be moistened *ith the Red 1ater to that end by long decoction or bathing+ as by long imbibition+ and by continual moistening+ it be made as Red as Blood+ the 5yacinth Scarlet or Ruby+ shining as a 4ight in a dar) "lace as a )indled 4ight. nd lastly+ that our Stone be adorned *ith a Red 9iadem+ of *hich saith 9iomedes+ 65onour our 8ing coming from the Fire *ith his 1ife and ta)e heed of burning them by too great heat+ ba)e and decoct them s*eetly that to the end they may be made Blac)+ then and after*ards 2itrine and @ello*+ then Red+ and last of all Tingeing 0enom6. For these are to be made by the di-ision of the said 1ater+ as said 3gisue+ 67 command that you "ut not all the 1ater together but by little and little+ and ba)e gently till the *or) be accom"lished6. nd so it *ill a""ear that the Stone *ill remain Red of a true 7lluminated Redness+ clear li-ely+ melting li)e *ad+ by the Tincture *hereof 0ulgar or rgent 0i-e and all other im"erfect Metals may be "resently turned into true Sol much better than the Mines "roduce+ *herein is accom"lished our "recious Stone+ *hich is infinite Treasure to the /lory of /od *ho li-es and Reigns "er"etually. Finis.

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