Year of The Curriculum Flyer

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e h t f o Year m u l u c i Curr

e A curriculum m m a r g o r p t n e m p o l e v de s l o o h c s l l a r fo

Course dates on back

Curriculum Change
A new national curriculum is to be introduced in England in September 2014. The Government has indicated it will not provide any national resources or support for implementation. It has advised schools to seek out and purchase the help they need.

Professional Control
Together with the Curriculum Foundation, a not-for-profit social enterprise organisation, the NUT is developing a range of practical modules to help all schools develop their curriculum. The Year of the Curriculum programme is based on the belief that teachers can take professional control of the curriculum and assessment and make it appropriate to their own students.

Making Learning Irresistible

The Year of the Curriculum programme will help you develop curriculum aims and principles relating to national requirements, your learners needs and your local context and then to design your school curriculum accordingly whether you teach in a primary, secondary or special school, or in a maintained or academy school. You can attend a course or access an online programme. Both will be composed of four modules: G What are we trying to achieve? G How shall we organise learning? G How shall we evaluate success? G How do we make it happen?

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Book soon to attend the event nearest to you from a series of one day CPD events. Using case studies from a range of schools primary, secondary and special prepare to be inspired by what can be achieved.

Cost, including lunch and all materials 99 (NUT members); 249 (non-NUT members) Location Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday 25th Feb 4th March 11th March 25th March Manchester Newcastle London Exeter

To register for a place at any of these events, email

The online CPD materials will be available on the NUT website from December 2013 onwards.

Designed and published by The Strategy and Communications Department of The National Union of Teachers Origination by Paragraphics Printed by Ruskin Press Photos: Justin Tallis 9062/11/13

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