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Dream Theater In The Name Of God

[Lyrics by John Petrucci] "%ayin# the wea* How can this be !hy is he the chosen one -ny day we)%% a%% be "aint #one astray !ith a sce$ter and a #un "we$t away .ou)%% be sa&ed -s %on# as you obey Learn to be%ie&e In the mi#hty and the stron# Lies Too%s of the de&i% inside 'ome b%eed the beast (o%%ow me it won)t be %on# !ritten in Ho%y dis#uise /eant to decei&e and di&ide 0s a%% Listen when the $ro$het "$ea*s to you +i%%in# in the name of God Listen when the $ro$het "$ea*s to you +i%%in# in the name of God Passion Twistin# faith into &io%ence In the name of God Passion Twistin# faith into &io%ence In the name of God "trai#ht is the $ath Leadin# to your sa%&ation 1%urrin# the %ines 1etween &irtue and sin ,thnic e%imination

They can)t te%% !here God ends -nd man*ind be#ins

In the name of God

(orty sons and dau#hters 0n2consentin# $%ura% wi&es

They *now no other Life but this (rom the crad%e They are c%aimed

Per&ersions In the name of God

0nder#round re%i#ion Turnin# toward

Listen when the $ro$het "$ea*s to you +i%%in# in the name of God

The mainstream %i#ht 1%ind de&otion In the name of God

Passion Twistin# faith into &io%ence In the name of God

Justifyin# &io%ence 'itin# from the Ho%y 1oo* Teachin# hatred In the name of God

Hundreds of be%ie&ers Lured into a doomsday cu%t -%% wou%d $erish In the name of God Listen when the $ro$het "$ea*s to you +i%%in# in the name of God

"e%f2$roc%aimed messiah Led his ser&ants To their death ,i#hty murdered

Passion Twistin# faith into &io%ence In the name of God

3e%i#ious be%iefs (anatic obsession Does fo%%owin# faith Lead us to &io%ence

0nyie%din# crusade Di&ine re&e%ation Does fo%%owin# faith Lead us to &io%ence

['hant4] /ine eyes ha&e seen the #%ory of the comin# of the Lord he is tram$%in# out the &inta#e where the #ra$es of wrath are stored he hath %oosed the fatefu% %i#htnin# of his terrib%e swift sword his truth is marchin# on5

#%ory6 #%ory6 ha%%e%u7ah #%ory6 #%ory6 ha%%e%u7ah #%ory6 #%ory6 ha%%e%u7ah555

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