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Annual Assessment Plan Timeline & Actions

BA Musical Theatre; Department of Theatre & Dance; School of the Arts

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Annual Assessment Plan Timeline & Actions
BA Musical Theatre; Department of Theatre & Dance; School of the Arts
SOA Degree Program (BA in Theatre):

A1. Intake Data (Audition, Portfolio Review, Other):
Date(s): September (dates variable)
Activity: Auditions for productions, auditions/interviews for MT majors, theatre scholarships
Method of Documentation Used: Audition forms, audition/scholarship ballots
Participants: Program Faculty
Responsible Party: Department chair/ audition manager/ artistic director(s)
A2. Intake Review (Degree Program Faculty):
Date Of Review: Post-audition(s) (variable)
Data Used: Audition forms, crew interest forms, audition/interview ballots
Key Observations: Skill level, ability level, commitment of students to meet production/program minimum requirements
Actions Taken: Posting of cast lists, posting crew assignments, submitting scholarship recommendations to Admissions
Participants: Degree program faculty
Responsible Party: Dept. Chair, Artistic director(s)
B1. Fall Mid-Term Data Development (Recital, Performance, Exhibition, Portfolio Review, Other):
Date(s): Variable, depending on production dates
Activity: Production of stage performance(s)
Method of Documentation Used: Performance, production meetings, department faculty meetings, post-show talk-back sessions
with respective audiences
Participants: Degree program faculty
Responsible Party: Dept. Chair
B2. Fall Mid-Term Data Review (Degree Program Faculty, External Reviewer, Accreditation Body, Other)
Date of Review: Post-production (dates variable)
Data Used: Ticket office sales report, program faculty meetings/debriefings, student participant self-evaluations
Key Observations: Audience demographics, discussion/debriefing of the production process, student skill/ability growth
Actions Taken: Marketing strategy adjustments as needed, recommendations for procedure/policy changes, assessment of
learning experience(s)
Participants: Degree program faculty
Responsible Party: Dept. Chair
C1. Fall End-Term Data Development (Intake Report, Fall End Term Report, Surveys, External Reviews, Course Evaluations, Other)
Date(s): Late Nov. (dates variable)
Activity: Senior Capstone(s), course evaluation, program faculty meeting & review,
Method of Documentation Used: ticket office sales, student self-evaluations, course evaluations
Participants: Degree Program Faculty
Annual Assessment Plan Timeline & Actions
BA Musical Theatre; Department of Theatre & Dance; School of the Arts
Responsible Party: Dept. Chair

C2. Fall End-Term Data Review (Degree Program Faculty, Guest Faculty, Professional Experts, Institutional Research Office, Other)
Date of Review: Last week of classes/final exam week
Data Used: Student evaluations, ticket office/attendance data, guest artist evaluation ( when applicable), dept. faculty input
Key Observations: Determination of successes & challenges, impact of these on the remainder of the season
Actions Taken: Planning for Spring term, selection of the following years season of productions, dermination of study/travel
opportunities for Jan Term of the following academic year
Participants: Degree Program Faculty
Responsible Party: Dept. Chair
D1. Spring Mid-Term Data Development (Recital, Performance, Exhibition, Portfolio Review, Other):
Date(s): Variable, depending on production dates
Activity: Production of stage performance(s)
Method of Documentation Used: Performance, production meetings, department faculty meetings, post-show talk-back sessions
Participants: Degree program faculty
Responsible Party: Dept. Chair
D2. Spring Mid-Term Data Review (Degree Program Faculty, External Reviewer, Accreditation Body, Other)
Date of Review: Post-production (dates variable)
Data Used: Ticket office sales report, program faculty meetings, student participant self-evaluations
Key Observations: Audience demographics, discussion/debriefing of the production process, student skill/ability growth
Actions Taken: Marketing strategy adjustments as needed, recommendations for procedure/policy changes, assessment of
learning experience(s)
Participants: Degree Program Faculty
Responsible Party: Department Chair
E1. Spring End-Term Data Development (Intake Report, Event #1 Report, Surveys, External Review Report, Course Evaluations,
Date(s): Late April. (dates variable)
Activity: Senior Capstone(s), course evaluation, program faculty meetings & review,
Method of Documentation Used: Ticket office sales, student self-evaluations, course evaluations
Participants: Degree program faculty
Responsible Party: Dept. Chair
E2. Spring End-Term Data Review (Degree Program Faculty, Guest Faculty, Professional Experts, Institutional Research Office,
Date of Review: Last week of classes/final exam week
Data Used: Student evaluations, ticket office/attendance data, guest artist evaluation (when applicable), dept. faculty input
Annual Assessment Plan Timeline & Actions
BA Musical Theatre; Department of Theatre & Dance; School of the Arts
Key Observations: Determination of successes & challenges, impact of these on the following years season /academic year
Actions Taken: Planning for Fall Term, finalizing the following years season of productions
Participants: Degree Program Faculty
Responsible Party: Dept. Chair

F. Annual Assessment Review & Report on Findings & Actions Taken (Degree Program Faculty, Dept/School Faculty, Guest
Faculty, Institutional Research Office, Other)
Date of Review: Last week of classes/final exam week of Spring Term
Data Used: Compilation of all preceding data from the current academic year; data generated from faculty self-evaluations,
Dept. Chair evaluation of program faculty, program faculty evaluation of Dept. Chair, deans evaluation of program faculty and
Dept. Chair
Key Observations: Success and challenges of production processes, courses, and student (program major and minor) advising
Actions Taken:
Curriculum: Addition or deletion of catalog courses, creation of special topics courses
Staffing: Submission of Personnel Requisition(s) as may be determined
Facilities: Offering of supplications that our building will not collapse
Operations: Realignment of areas of responsibilities within the program as may be determined
Procedures/Processes: Implementation by degree program faculty
Participants: Degree program faculty
Responsible Party: Dept. Chair

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