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Victorian Amos Dr.

Jan Rieman ENGL 1101 September 9, 2013

Amos 1

1) Brandt defines a sponsor of literacy by saying that Sponsors, as I have come to think of them, are any agents, local or distant, concrete or abstract, who enable, support, teach, model, as well as recruit, regulate, suppress, or withhold literacy and gain advantage by it in some way.
2) a. My parents of course influenced my literacy based on the fact that they raised me. The schools they enrolled me in, the classes they made me take outside of school, and the phrases they brought from Mississippi and Germany definitely had an affect on my literacy life. b. Mississippi also affected my literacy life. The place I grew up in was definitely not big on proper grammar. Using terms such as What is you doin? and Liked-ed (even though I never say these terms) definitely influenced my literacy negatively. Which is why proper grammar is so very important to me. c. Even though most may not think of it (or even count it) I think Acrobatics & Tumbling influenced my literacy as well. All the terms that we use may be foreign to others but it makes perfect sense to me. When some people say Full I immediately think of a 360 degrees backflip. Or bow and arrow may be an archery term to most but to me its a body position a flyer pulls in the air. 3) A. Access: Considering the fact that I come from a high class family and live in America I think that access to anything is easily within reach. Whether it has to do with my education, literacy, entertainment or any other sources that may influence me. B. Support: Also because of the fact that I have a great family base and easy access to resources support is easy to come by. Support (to me) can be physical, emotional, financial, and educational and again because of my family I have support in all of theses areas. C. Patronage: To me patronage means that someone is willing to help you or support you in anyway they can. Which as described in the previous two paragraphs I think it is safe to say my parents patronage me.

4) I did not think of it but I think I am sponsoring my own education. Even though my support comes from family and friends I am the one putting in the work to get my homework and grades done. So I think I am sponsoring myself. 5) I have no questions/comments (I am just glad I got through the assignment).

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