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Crime and punishment. By R.K. Narayan.

-Fondly imagine/believe/hope etc: to believe something that is untrue, hope or something that !ill probably not happen etc -Blin": to shut and open your eyes #uic"ly $parpadear% -Felt his blood rushing to his head -&rigger: the part o a gun that you pull !ith your inger to ire it. -'elivered a !holesome slap $le di( una buena cachetada% -)ob-sobbed: to cry noisily !hile breathing in short sudden bursts. -*ut!ardly: $adverb% according to the !ay people or things seem. +the teacher agreed out!ardly, -Ca-oling: ca--ole: to gradually persuade someone to do something by being nice to them, or ma"ing promises to them. Ca-ole somebody into doing something. + eeling more and more convinced every day that !hat the little ello! needed to ma"e him a normal citi.en !as not ca-oling, -Citi.en: someone !ho lives in a particular to!n, country, or state. -Cane: $verb% to punish someone, especially a child, by hitting them !ith a stic". / $noun% a stic" that !as used in the past by teachers to hit children !ith as a punishment: -*utlay: the amount o money that you have to spend in order to start a ne! business, activity etc. -/tter: complete - used especially to emphasi.e that something !as very bad, or that a eeling !as very strong. -&ravail: a di icult or unpleasant situation, or very tiring !or". -&ri ling: unimportant or o little value. -&he teacher !as aghast: eeling or loo"ing shoc"ed by something you have seen or -ust ound out. $espantado% -0ssemble: to put all the parts o something together. -1erely: used to emphasi.e ho! small or unimportant something or someone is. +the boy merely smile in a superior !ay, -0! ully: very -2histle: a small ob-ect that produces a high !histling sound !hen you blo! into it. $silbato% -)truggled: to try e3tremely hard to achieve something, even though it is very di icult. / to continue doing something that you ind very di icult or tiring /

-0!"!ardly: ma"ing you eel embarrassed so that you are not sure !hat to do or say 45 di icult6 -7n#uiry: a #uestion you as" in order to get in ormation. -/nobtrusively slun": unobtrusive: not easily noticed slin" 8 slun": to move some!here #uietly and secretly, especially because you are a raid or ashamed 45 creep6. -1ug up: to try to learn something in a short time, especially or an e3amination 45 s!ot up6. 1ain characters Teacher: 9atient 8 obedient 8 !ea" 8 tolerant :e thought that he !as in charge o a little gorilla. Boy: 1ischievous: someone !ho is mischievous li"es to have un, especially by playing tric"s on people or doing things to annoy or embarrass them Not motivated Not good at school 0n only child 'isrespect ul *bstinately Parents: &hey study child 8 psychology theories. &he ather has !ritten a thesis on in ant psychology &he mother had studied a great deal o it. &hey !orried about the tests. &hey thought that an adult must never set up contrariness or repression in the child;s mind. 2e can thin" about the di erences bet!een this teacher and 1r. Keating $'ead poets society% and <ouanne =ohnson $'angerous mind%. &his t!o teachers are interesting, understanding, inspiring, encouraging, enthusiastic.

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