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IMO 2013 eQuiz 2 - Week 3 - Class 10 | equiz

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IMO 2013 eQuiz 2 - Week 3 - Class 10

You got 3 of 3 possible points. Your score: 100 % You cracked it!

Question Results
Question: If a pair of linear equation x-y=1, x+ky=5 has a unique solution x=2,y=1, then value of k is Response: Score 1 of 1

-2 3 2 4

Question: If the roots of equation (c 2 -ab) x2 -2(a2 -bc) x + b 2 -ac=0 are equal then Response:

Score 1 of 1

a=1 a3+b3+c3=3abc a2 +b2 +c2 =2abc None of these

Question: The one of the real root of the quadratic equation 3x2 -5x-2=0 is Response:

Score 1 of 1

-3 1/2


IMO 2013 eQuiz 2 - Week 3 - Class 10 | equiz

1/3 2 -1/2

eQuiz by SOF World.


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