Over Current Relay

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Power System Protection S.A.

Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection

Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Power System Protection

Department of Electrical Engineering IIT Bombay

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination

Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Principles of Overcurrent Protection Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting Classication of Overcurrent Relay Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations Pick up Current Setting Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination Summary

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Principles of Overcurrent Protection Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting Classication of Overcurrent Relay Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations Pick up Current Setting Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination Summary

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Limitations of a Fuse It is difcult to control the time to trip. This makes primary backup relay coordination difcult. Once fuse melts, it has to be replaced for reenergization of the equipment. Thus it is difcult to have remote operation.

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Principles of Overcurrent Protection Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting Classication of Overcurrent Relay Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations Pick up Current Setting Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination Summary

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Set reference or threshold for discriminating overcurrent Iref . Measure device current I.
I Compute the ratio abs( Iref ) which is known as the Plug Setting Multiplier.

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Trip the device, if PSM is above the threshold. The threshold is always greater than 1.

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Principles of Overcurrent Protection Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting Classication of Overcurrent Relay Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations Pick up Current Setting Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination Summary

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Time Multiplier Setting Overcurrent relays normally play the dual roles of primary and backup protection. Backup action requires a wait state. By providing the additional setting feature of TMS, this can be achieved.
T TMS is dened as the ratio T , where T is the desired m relay operating time for a given PSM and Tm is the corresponding operating time at TMS=1.

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination

Relay operating time can be varied by varying the TMS setting.


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Classication of Overcurrent Relay Instantaneous relay

Its action is very fast. It has only pick up setting. It does not have any TMS setting. This relay is not suitable for backup protection.

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Classication of Overcurrent Relay Instantaneous relay

Its action is very fast. It has only pick up setting. It does not have any TMS setting. This relay is not suitable for backup protection.

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Time delayed denite time relay

It can be adjusted to issue trip decision after a specied delay. This delay is independant of PSM value. It has both time setting and pick up setting. It is used for short length feeders.

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Overcurrent Protection Using Denite Time Relay

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination

R1 trips without any intentional time delay. R2 has to coordinate with R1 and its operation is delayed by CTI. R3 has to back up R2 and it is again time delayed.


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Principles of Overcurrent Protection Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting Classication of Overcurrent Relay Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations Pick up Current Setting Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination Summary

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Lack of Coordination Between Fuse and DT relay DT relay R1 has to back up fuse. After point X relay acts faster than fuse. This lack of coordination is due to different characteristics of fuse and relay. This lead to the development of inverse characteristics for overcurrent relay.

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Classication of Overcurrent Relay Inverse denite minimum time relay

It is inverse in the initial part and tends to approach a denite minimum operating time characteristics as the current becomes high. This is the most widely used characteristics.

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Principles of Overcurrent Protection Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting Classication of Overcurrent Relay Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations Pick up Current Setting Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination Summary

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

IEC Standard Equations for Inverse Characteristics Standard Inverse Characteristics t = TMS 0.14 (I /Is )0.02 1

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Very Inverse Characteristics t = TMS 13.5 (I /Is ) 1

Extremely Inverse Characteristics t = TMS 80 (I /Is )2 1

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Principles of Overcurrent Protection Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting Classication of Overcurrent Relay Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations Pick up Current Setting Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination Summary

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

IEEE Stanard Equations for Inverse Characteristics Moderately inverse: t = Very inverse: t =
TD 7 TD 7 0.0515 (I /Is )0.02 1

+ 0.114

19.61 ( I / Is ) 2 1 TD 7

+ 0.491 + 0.1217 + 0.18 + 0.01694

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Extremely Inverse: t = US CO8 Inverse: t = US CO2 Inverse: t =

28.2 ( I / Is ) 2 1 5.95 ( I / Is ) 2 1 0.02394 (I /Is )0.02 1

TD 7 TD 7

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

IEEE Standard Curves

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Principles of Overcurrent Protection Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting Classication of Overcurrent Relay Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations Pick up Current Setting Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination Summary

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Faults are classied into two: Phase fault which do not involve ground. Earth fault which involve ground.

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection

Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Guidelines for Setting Pickup Current for Phase Fault Relays Pickup current should be above the maximum load current. Pickup current should be below minimum fault current. Pickup current should also be below the minimum fault current of the feeder that it has to back up. The back up relay also should provide time for primary relay to operate. This time interval is known as coordination time interval.

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Principles of Overcurrent Protection Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting Classication of Overcurrent Relay Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations Pick up Current Setting Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination Summary

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection

Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Algorithm for Identifying Primary and Backup Relays

Identify leaf nodes and root nodes. Find the parents of the active child nodes. The corresponding relays should back up the leaf node relays. Update active child nodes to corresponding parent node.

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Principles of Overcurrent Protection Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting Classication of Overcurrent Relay Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations Pick up Current Setting Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination Summary

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Algorithm for Setting and Coordination of Overcurrent Relays in a Radial System Initialize the coordination tree. Are there any leaf nodes except the root? If yes, go to step 3, else go to step 7. Identify the leaf node in coordination tree. If the PSM of these relays are not set so far, set their PSM. Identify the parents of leaf nodes in step 3. Compute their PSM and TMS for backup protection and coordination. Delete the leaf nodes. Update the coordination tree and go back to step 2. Coordination activity is complete.

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


Fundamentals of Overcurrent Protection

Power System Protection S.A.Soman Principles of Overcurrent Protection
Limitations of a Fuse Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Time Multiplier Setting

Summary Limitations of fuse protection. Fundamental principle of overcurrent relay. Plug setting multiplier and time multiplier setting. Classication of overcurrent relay. Primary relay and back up relay. Setting and coordination of overcurrent relays.

Classication of Overcurrent Relay

Lack of Coordination Problem IEC Standard Equations IEEE Standard Equations

Pick up Current Setting

Guidelines Primary and Back up Relays Setting and Coordination


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