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Name Qualls



Date 12/2-6/13

1. A Booming Economy 2. The Business of Government . Soci!" !n# $u"tur!" Tensions

$h!%ter &'(ectives

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Explain the impact of Henry For an the automo!ile" #naly$e the consumer re%olution an the !ull mar&et of the 1'2(s" Compare the ifferent effects of the economic !oom on ur!an an rural #merica" #naly$e ho) the policies of *resi ents Har in+ an Cooli +e fa%ore !usiness +ro)th" Discuss the most si+nificant scan als urin+ Har in+,s presi ency" Explain the role that the -nite .tates playe in the )orl urin+ the 1'2(s" Compare economic an cultural life in rural #merica to that in ur!an #merica" Discuss the chan+es in -"." immi+ration policy in the 1'2(s" #naly$e the +oals an moti%es of the /u /lux /lan in the 1'2(s" Discuss the successes an failures of the Ei+hteenth #men ment" )ocus *uestion+ Ho) i the !oomin+ economy of the 1'2(s lea to chan+es in #merican life0 Ho) i the omestic an forei+n policy chan+e irection un er Har in+ an Cooli +e0 Ho) i #mericans iffer on ma1or social an cultural issues0 Bui"# B!c,groun# -no."e#ge *re%ie) the Chapter an remin stu ents that the -"." economy )as pic&in+ up steam after the en of 2orl 2ar 3" 4emin stu ents that Har in+ ha promise a 5return to normalcy"6 4emin stu ents that social chan+e follo)e the en of 2orl 2ar 3" /revie. -ey Terms *re%ie) the section,s /ey 7erms" Instruction!" 0esources

The Automo'i"e 1rives /ros%erity Discuss )ays in )hich mass pro uction re%olutioni$e aily life" A Bust"ing Economy Examine ho) a %ertisin+ an cre it !uilt a ne) consumer culture" $ities2 Su'ur's2 !n# $ountry #naly$e the istinctions !et)een life in cities an life in su!ur!s" The H!r#ing A#ministr!tion Examine ho) ne) policies that fa%ore !i+ !usiness" $oo"i#ge /ros%erity Discuss *resi ent Cooli +e,s support of !i+ !usiness" Americ!3s 0o"e in the Wor"# Discuss ho) the )ar- e!t issue ama+e #merica,s reputation in the )orl " Tr!#ition!"ism !n# 4o#ernism $"!sh Discuss the elements of the ur!an-rural i%i e"

0estricting Immigr!tion Examine opposition to immi+ration" The Ne. -u -"u5 -"!n Discuss the rise of the ne) /u /lux /lan" /rohi'ition !n# $rime Explain the effects of *rohi!ition"

Assess /rogress E%aluate stu ent comprehension )ith the Chapter #ssessment"

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