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Joshua Perkins Mr.

Bruton 10/29/13 Outline of Formal Project An Analysis of Fix My Ride during Make a Difference Day I. Main hesis! "o# to $o throu$hout Make a %ifference %a& #ithout 'ein$ un(ro)ucti*e )ue to not kno#in$ #hat to )o or #here to $o. II. +hat to )o u(on arri*al a. ,o to 312 + Mc-inne& .t / %enton0 1 23201 '. .i$n in 'ehin) the church in room 112 i. 4ecei*e name5ta$ an) foo) tickets ii. ,et information #here the foo)/e*ent is locate) #ith a ma( that sho#s #here to #alk c. ,o meet #ith the 6hairman of Make a %ifference %a&0 4ick +hite0 at a((ro7imatel& 8!00 a.m. #here foo) is 'ein$ $i*en out i. 9isten to s(eech ii. :n$a$e in eatin$/also a time #here #e are encoura$e) to s(eak #ith other (artici(ants on #h& &ou;re there iii. Fin) information a'out each station an) #ho to s(eak #ith a'out joinin$ that station ). Fin) out #hat station is most fittin$ for &ou i. Meet #ith su(er*isor of that station ii. Perform all task necessar& #hile at that station III. +hat each station entails a. .tation 15 Oil 6han$e i. 9ift front of car on jack ii. %rain oil that;s in car iii. Fin) out #hat kin) of oil nee)s to 'e re(lace) i*. Fill #ith oil '. .tation 25 ire 4otation i. 9ift all < tires off the $roun) #ith the 3 jacks at han) ii. =se the a((ro(riate socket to take the lu$ nuts off iii. ake off the tires an) rotate (ro(erl& >front tires to 'ack0 'ack tires cross to the front? i*. Put lu$ nuts 'ack on an) lo#er 'ack )o#n c. .tation 35 +ashin$ the 6ar i. Po#er5hose the car )o#n ii. 6lean #ith s(on$es an) soa( iii. %etail the rims i*. .(ra& )o#n a$ain to $et the soa( off ). .tation <5 %r&in$ the 6ar i. %r& the car I@. 6heckin$ Out a. ,o to room 108 an) meet #ith %iana +hite i. ,i*e time of arri*al car) to her to sho# ho# man& hours &ou (artici(ate) ii. 4ecei*e shirt for (artici(atin$ in this e*ent >onl& if there < or more hours? @. 6onclusion! A manual to sho# #here to $o0 the times to 'e there0 an) a )etaile) o*er*ie# of #hat is $oin$ to 'e $oin$ on at this e*ent #ill hel( make thin$s run more efficientl&.

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