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Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut


BBA (HONS) - C 1st Semester

Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan

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Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut

S. No. 1 # " ( ) , . / 1 12 11 1# 1" 1( 1) 1, 1. 1/ 11 #2 #1 ## #" #( Topic !etter of acceptance $%ecuti&e summar' Histor' of Pizza Introduction * Histor' +f Pizza Hut Pizza Hut Mission Statement -omparati&e Strateg' P$ST S0+T Segmentation Positioning Targeting Pizza Hut Strategies 3unctiona4 !e&e4 Strateg' T5M 6Tota4 5ua4it' Management7 8usiness !e&e4 Strateg' Pricing Strateg' Market Share 3our P9s of Marketing Product Price P4ace Promotion -onc4usion References Page Num er " ( ) ) , . / 1 12 12 11 11 11 1# 1# 1# 1" 1( 1( 1( 1) 1, 1. 1/

Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan

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Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut


To: Mr. Imran 0azir, !ecturer IM; Sciences, Peshawar. Su <ect: PREPARATION OF REPORT

0e are Here ' Presenting the presentation on -ompan' Pizza Hut and assure 'ou su mission of our report in comp4iance with the instruction en&isaged. Name of topic is repeated for read' reference p4ease. =Marketing P4ans * 8usiness report on Pizza Hut>

?ours sincere4', @dnan Ahan Mu<ahid Hussain Na&eed Saeed Shahzad Tahir Bartashia @rshad Cate: March 2", #221

Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan

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Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut

Curing the past four decades Pizza Hut has ui4t a reputation for e%ce44ence that has earned the respect of consumers and industr' e%perts a4ike. 8ui4ding a 4eading pizza compan' has reDuired re4ent4ess inno&ation, commitment to Dua4it' and dedication to customer ser&ice and &a4ue. The Dua4ities of entrepreneurship, growth and 4eadership ha&e characterized Pizza HutEs usiness through more than four decades of success. Through the strength of its heritage, its cu4ture and its peop4e and franchisees, Pizza Hut 4ooks forward to more success in future. There are different o <ecti&es of e&er' organization. In order to achie&e these o <ecti&es different targets are set. Targets pass down the hierarch' depending on the nature of the usiness. Therefore, in order to achie&e the o <ecti&es, management decides on different strategies. These strategies are di&ided into man' su Fparts and are usefu4 for the running of the usiness. The emp4o'ees and the management know what the' ha&e to achie&e through the targets which ha&e een set to them and the strategies the' ha&e adopted he4p them know the wa' the' wi44 achie&e the o <ecti&es. Simi4ar4', Pizza Hut has different targets set to them and the' ha&e adopted different strategies to successfu44' achie&e the targets set. These targets are set ' the RS- i.e. the restaurant support centre in Aarachi. These targets are passed on to the RGM 6restaurant genera4 manager7 and he passes them to the workforce. These targets fa44 within the organizationa4 structure in which there are man' peop4e who ha&e different targets to achie&e. In order to successfu44' achie&e the targets the' need to coFoperate and work in a friend4' en&ironment.

Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan

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Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut

@ out Pizza, Some wi44 te44 'ou Ita4'. That9s wrong. 0hat 'ou know as pizza came into &ogue around the time of Napo4eon and the 3rench re&o4ution. Ita4ians, known to e 4o&ers of fine food and wines perfected and imported this terrific dish to @merica. 3rom here it Duick4' endeared itse4f to mass production and reFe%port to the rest of the wor4d. 8on appetiteH


In 11)/, 3rank and Can -arne' had an idea for a great 4oca4 pizza restaurant in 0ichita Aansas. The sma44 #) seat restaurant on4' had room for 1 4etters on the signI the ui4ding 4ooked 4ike a hutI so 9Pizza Hut9 was ornH 3ifteen 'ears 4ater, we opened the first JA restaurant and since then we9&e ecome the iggest Pizza -ompan' on the p4anet, !et see 4isten Pizza Hut Stor' from themH

1958 3rank and Can -arne' open the first Pizza Hut in 0ichita, Aansas. 11.# 1222 restaurants are open throughout the JS@. 11." Pizza Hut went internationa4 with restaurants in Kapan, -anada * $ng4and. The first JA Pizza Hut opened in Is4ington, !ondon. 11.. Pep !C" ought Pizza Hut. 11/2 Pan Pizza was introduced. 11/# The JA <oint &enture started etween Pep !C" #$% &'!()*e#%+ 11/( +&er )2 restaurants so far in the JA. 11/, 8' now, there were 122 restaurants in the JA and )222 wor4dwide. 11/. @n a&erage of one restaurant opened each week in the JA. 11// The JA9s F!* ( De,!-e*. U$!( was opened in Aings ur', !ondon. 199/ There were 1,222 restaurants in /( countries. 111" There were "22 restaurants and de4i&er' stores in the JA. 1990 12,222 Pizza Huts were open for usiness. 1991 Pepsi-o decided to focus on their drinks usiness. @s a resu4t, Tricon G4o a4 Restaurants was orn, creating the 4argest restaurant rand in the 0or4d. Tricon ecame the partner compan' with 0hit read. 1999 Pizza Hut had o&er (22 restaurants, emp4o'ing 1(222 peop4e. /22/ Tricon G4o a4 ecame YUM3 B*#$% I$4. /225 0hit read so4d their share of the <oint &enture to ?umH 8rands Inc. P!66# H7( UK L(% was now 122L owned ' ?umH #22/ 0e ought Godfather9s Pizza in Ire4and with #/ stores.

Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan

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Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut

P!66# H7(8 M!

!"$ S(#(e9e$(

0e take pride in making a perfect pizza and pro&iding courteous and he4pfu4 ser&ice on time a44 the time. $&er' customer sa's, MI944 e ackHM 0e are the emp4o'er of choice offering team mem ers opportunities 3or Growth, @d&ancement, @nd Rewarding -areers in a 3un, Safe 0orking $n&ironment. P.$.@.R.!.S P@SSI+N for e%ce44ence in Coing e&er'thing $N$-JT$ with positi&e energ' and urgenc'. @--+JNT@8!$ for growth in customer satisfaction and profita i4it'. R$-+GNIB$ the achie&ement of others and ha&e fun doing it. !IST$N and more important4', respond to the &oice of the customer.

Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan

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Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut

This forced competitors to 4ook for new methods of increasing their customer ases. Man' pizza chains decided to di&ersif' and offer new nonF pizza items such as 8uffa4o wings, and Ita4ian cheese read. The current trend in pizza chains toda' is the same. The' a44 tr' to come up with some newer, igger, etter, pizza for a 4ow price. +ffering specia4 promotions and new pizza &ariations are popu4ar toda' as we44. 3or e%amp4e, chicken is now a common topping found on pizzas. In the past, Pizza Hut has a4wa's had the first mo&er ad&antage. Their marketing strateg' in the past has a4wa's een to e first. +ne of their main strategies that the' sti44 fo44ow toda' is the di&ersification of the products the' offer. Pizza Hut is a4wa's adding something new to their menu, tr'ing to reach new markets. 3or e%amp4e, in 111# the famous uffet was 4aunched in Pizza Hut restaurants wor4dwide. The' were tr'ing to offer man' different food items for customers who didn9t necessari4' want pizza. @nother strateg' the' used in the past and are sti44 using is the di&ersification of their pizzas. Pizza Hut is a4wa's tr'ing to come up with some inno&ati&e wa' to make a pizza into something s4ight4' different F different enough that customers wi44 think itEs a who4e new product. 3or e%amp4e, 4et9s 4ook at some of the pizzas Pizza Hut has marketed in the past. In 11/", Pizza Hut introduced their Pan Pizza, which had a guarantee of eing read' to eat in ) minutes when dining at Pizza Hut restaurants. In 111", the' introduced the M8igfoot,M which was two sDuare feet of pizza cut into #1 s4ices. In 111), the' introduced MStuffed -rust Pizza,M where the crust wou4d e fi44ed with cheese. In 111., the' marketed MThe $dge,M which had cheese and toppings a44 the wa' to the edge of the pizza. -urrent4', the' are marketing MThe 8ig New ?orker,M tr'ing to ring the famous New ?ork st'4e pizza to the who4e countr'. !ast4', Pizza Hut has a4wa's &a4ued customer ser&ice and satisfaction. In 111), Pizza Hut egan two customer satisfaction programs: a J@N 6in JS@ 1F/227 num er customer hot4ine and a customer ca44F ack program. These were imp4emented to make sure their customers were happ', and a4wa's wanted to return. In our p4an, we wi44 first gi&e a situation ana4'sis of current and re4e&ant en&ironmenta4 conditions that affect our p4an. Ne%t, we wi44 gi&e a rief ana4'sis of the current fast food industr', and an' trends or changes that might occur in the future.

Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan

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Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut

Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan

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Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut


In our &isit to Pizza Hut we conducted research on P$ST 6Po4itica4, $conomic, Socia4 and Techno4ogica47 @na4'sis. In the interna4 ana4'sis of Pizza Hut we ha&e considered S0+T of the -ompan'.

PEST <P",!(!4#,= E4"$"9!4= S"4!#, & Te4'$",">!4#,?

Po4itica4 issues inc4ude regu4ator' frame work operating in <udicia4 s'stem which ma' affect the usiness in different wa's. There are not man' po4itica4 factors in Peshawar affecting Pizza Hut as is 4ack of competition. 3actors such as 4aws on usiness emp4o'ment, po44ution and ta%ation app4' on the organization which it has to fo44ow regarding the ru4es.


If the count'Es econom' is etter so the GCP of the countr' wi44 e good, this is a green signa4 for the usiness as the per capita income of the peop4e wi44 e increased and the' wi44 spend more mone'. In our sur&e' we came to know that most of the peop4e in the eginning of the months spend more and the' &isit pizza hut &er' often. 0hen the inf4ation rate increases the cost of raw materia4 a4so increases and this 4eads towards high prices of the products and &ice &ersa.

Pizza hut is a mu4tinationa4 and it is asica44' originated from @merica so the organization is o&erwhe4med ' western cu4ture. There are socia4 forms of societ' which consist of Jpper c4ass, midd4e c4ass, midd4e upper c4ass, 4ower c4ass and 4ower c4ass. $&er' countr' has cu4tura4 norms, &a4ues, e4iefs and re4igion which can affect the organization.


Now a da'Es techno4og' is impro&ing so as aking and heating o&ens wi44 e of new and efficient techno4og' and wi44 pro&ide efficient ser&ice. Cue to new techno4og' there are new wa's of marketing 4ike internetO te4emarketing and the organization can ad&ertise their products with much more faster pace. -omputer ased customer data that is MIS 6managing information s'stem7 he4ps in co44ecting customer data, dai4' transactions, future forecasting and decision making. New &ehic4es wi44 make their ser&ice more efficient.

Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan

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Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut

$&er' organization has its strengths, weakness, opportunit' and threats. So, the S0+T ana4'sis for pizza hut is as under:

S(*e$>(' ;
Pizza Hut is the market 4eader in pro&iding different products of pizzas as there are no competitors in this sector. There good image makes the organization more strong. Pizza Hut is pro&iding good taste, Dua4it' products with Dua4ified staff, good atmosphere and h'gienic en&ironment. The' are specia4ized in pizzas. Moti&ation 4e&e4 of staff is &er' high which make the organization more prosperous. The' are IS+ 6Internationa4 Standard +rganization7 certified. The' ha&e enough resources for operating different acti&ities of the organization. The' are pro&iding free home de4i&er' ser&ice. The' ha&e created monopo4' in this sector. @nother ig Strength and e&en a C"9pe(!(!-e A%-#$(#>eis the fact that the' ha&e a fu44 ser&ice restaurant as we44 as de4i&er' ser&ices. Most of Pizza Hut9s competitors do not ha&e restaurants. 8ecause of the restaurant, Pizza Hut can market too man' different segments that other pizza chains cannot. 3or e%amp4e, Pizza Hut can market to fami4ies much easier than Comino9s or !itt4e -aesar9s.


e ;

Howe&er, the fact that Pizza Hut does ha&e a restaurant to run is a4so a weakness. Pizza Hut has higher o&erhead costs, due to the restaurant that other competitors don9t ha&e to dea4 with. @nother resu4t of higher o&erhead costs is higher prices Pizza Hut must charge. + &ious4', Pizza Hut is not the 4ow cost producer. The' re4' on their Dua4it' pizza and good ser&ice to account for their higher prices. The' are pro&iding 4ess range of products comparati&e4' with high prices. The' are more focused on 0estern taste instead of $astern.

Opp"*(7$!(!e ;
New markets can e e%p4ored and new opportunities the' can gain. Pizza Hut can come up with the new products considering the $astern taste of the peop4e as 4ike McCona4ds. Ci&ersification of new products can increase their market share. The' can reduce their prices ecause of more resources.

T'*e#( ;
P!66# Hut9s num er one threats are from their competitors. -urrent4', Their c4osest competitor is Comino9s Pizza who is working to open their 8ranch at Aarachi. Comino9s main competiti&e ad&antage o&er Pizza Hut is their !ower price. ii. !itt4e -aesar9s who is esta 4ishing their se4f in India and might mo&e to
i. Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan Page 12

Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut

Pakistan is another one of Pizza Hut9s competitors, right ehind Comino9s in market share. !itt4e -aesar9s is famous for offering 4arge Duantities of pizza for 4ess mone'. iii. New entrance 4ike Cominos pizza in Pakistan market can affect their market share. i&. +ther 4oca4 restaurants can affect their market share ' pro&iding pizzas with 4ower price. &. Socia4 factors can affect their image as a 0estern organization.

Main segments which Pizza hut has captured are the com ination of higher incomes and dua4 career fami4ies , due to higher income consumer ha&e more disposa 4e income , a44owing them to eat out more often . Pizza Hut ho4ds the most market share in the Pizza industr', the percei&ed Dua4it' and ser&ice of the compan' wi44 he4p to ensure a etter the a&erage chance at a successfu4 introduction of a new product. The introduction of a product that keeps with toda' trends is a4so important to reduce the risk of fai4ure. Pizza Hut ma%imum market segment is 'ounger generations. These generation ranges from 1# to "2, the o&era44 spending of these generations is most4' on non essentia4 items, the higher amount of spending has een done on eating out.

Pizza Hut was among the first mu4tinationa4 rands to enter the food retai4 sector in Pakistan. 0hen the first Pizza Hut restaurant opened in Aarachi the Duick ser&ice industr' was at a nascent stage and the pizza categor' was dominated ' a so4e regiona4 p4a'er who had a margina4 presence. Pizza Hut went on to p4a' a significant ro4e in pioneering and de&e4oping this categor' in Pakistan. 0or4dwide and in Pakistan, Pizza Hut has come to ecome s'non'mous with the 9 est pizzas under one roof9. This is ecause at Pizza Hut the e4ief is that e&er' pizza has its own magic, thus making it a destination product P which e&er'one seeks. It is this e4ief that has ignited the passion to create, inno&ate and ser&e the finest product the industr' has to offer, whi4e setting standards for others to stri&e to rep4icate. Pizza Hut is committed to pro&iding uncompromising product Dua4it', offering customers the highest &a4ue for mone' and gi&ing ser&ice that is warm, friend4' and persona4.
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Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut

@ critica4 factor in Pizza Hut9s success has een its uniDue dining e%perience. -rew mem ers at Pizza Hut stri&e each da' to pro&ide 8CUSTOMER MANIA8 F the kind of ser&ice that ensures that e&er' &isit of the customer is a memora 4e one. Pizza Hut9s constant endea&or to pro&ide e%tra &a4ue P whether it is pizzas which are a&ai4a 4e to suit e&er' price range, new promotions or the introduction of inno&ati&e product ranges F that puts a 9?um9 on e&er' customer9s face F has a44owed it to increase its presence in Pakistan to the current "/ restaurants across 1 cities.

Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan

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Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut

M#*@e( T#*>e(!$>;
Pizza hut targeted market defines them as a fami4' product. This is ecause the' donEt rea44' direct4' market their customers. The' are target e&er'one whereas their competitors target a certain gender or age. 8ut pizza hut targets a wide range of customers. This is ecause the' want to make the most mone' and who 4ames them. The' ha&e man' competitors and the' are ound to tr' e&er'thing to cope up tops. Their competitors are e&er'where. There are <ust a few that are main competitors and pizza hut wi44 a4wa's tr' to e the est and get the most mone' ' making their products etter Dua4it' ut a4so cheaper. The' tr' to offer something different with their product as we44. The' offer a range of stuffed crusts to tr' and attract customers. The' a4so do &egetarian options with meet free pizzas and a sa4ad and pasta ar. Not a 4ot of restaurants offer a sa4ad and a pasta ar. This is another competiti&e idea to attract or customers.


@ usiness9s strateg' is the pattern of decisions and actions that are taken ' the usiness to achie&e its goa4s. @ usiness has a &ariet' of goa4s and o <ecti&es. @44 usinesses need to organize their usiness acti&ities in order to achie&e their usiness o <ecti&es. Running a usiness in&o4&es p4anning the current as we44 as future acti&ities. Hence, in order to achie&e the usiness o <ecti&es, a44 usiness organizations adopt different strategies. Simi4ar4', Pizza Hut has adopted man' strategies which he4p achie&e the targets set ' the main office to the 4oca4 store opened at Peshawar. -hanges are the e%terna4 as we44 as interna4 en&ironment has 4ed Pizza Hut rethink their past strategies and has therefore designed new strategies after noticing the changes in the en&ironment. These en&ironmenta4 changes are seen through the P$ST and S0+T ana4'sis. @fter considering a44 the factors Pizza Hut has decided upon the strategies and their current strategies are di&ided into fi&e main categories and further ha&e su Fparts. These strategies are: F

F7$4(!"$#, S(*#(e>!e ; A
These are strategies designed to impro&e the efficienc' of a usiness9s operations. The' often focus on an area, such as marketing, human resource etc. @44 usiness organizations adopt strategies at functiona4 4e&e4 as once the functiona4 o <ecti&es are achie&ed, corporate o <ecti&es ecome eas'. In order to make the functiona4 strateg' efficient, Pizza Hut has made a44 the functiona4 departments coFoperate with each other.

Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan

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Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut

T"(#, B7#,!(. M#$#>e9e$( <TBM?: F

This is the most important for a food chain 4ike Pizza Hut. @44 the emp4o'eesE ackF ofFtheFhouse i.e. the kitchen assistants are trained according4'. The' are gi&en e%tra c4asses in order to meet the Dua4it' standards set ' Pizza Hut around the wor4d. This strateg' is important in order to satisf' the -H@MPS. This strateg' is strict4' imp4emented in Pizza Hut in order to fu4fi44 the Dua4it' standards. Cifferent Dua4it' management staff is a4so there at Pizza Hut. The shift managers ha&e the task to o ser&e whether the Dua4it' standards are met or not, whereas there are a tota4 Dua4it' management department at the main office in Aarachi. This department has the task to imp4ement Dua4it' standards and know whether the' are achie&ed or not.

B7 !$e

Le-e, S(*#(e>.; A

8usiness 4e&e4 strategies are p4ans made to gain a competiti&e ad&antage o&er its ri&a4s in a market. Hence, a44 the usinesses need to adopt usiness 4e&e4 strategies in order to compete in a competiti&e en&ironment. If we take a 4ook at the Pakistani market, there are no 4arge competitors of Pizza Hut ut un4imited sma44 competitors e%ist in the market. The threat of competitors is &er' 4ow as there is no internationa4 food chain offering pizza in Pakistan at present. Therefore, present strategies adopted ' Pizza Hut are keeping in consideration the present competition. 0hereas, in future this competition wi44 increase and Pizza Hut wi44 ha&e to change a44 its usiness 4e&e4 strategies in order to compete with its ri&a4s. In &er' near future Cominos is opening its first ranch in Aarachi. This wou4d e a threat for Pizza Hut and hence, the strategies wou4d e changed.

P*!4!$> S(*#(e>.: F
The 4e&e4 of competition a usiness faces determines its pricing strateg'. Sometimes a usiness has the scope to set its price and sometimes a usiness cannot. 0hen a usiness has the scope to set its price there is a num er of pricing strategies or po4icies it might choose. @s there are no such competitors of Pizza Hut which cou4d compete with the Dua4it' of pizza produced at Pizza Hut, therefore, the pricing strateg' adopted ' Pizza Hut is 9market skimming9. Pizza Hut has adopted this pricing strateg' as the' want to ho4d ma%imum share of the market ' ma%imum profit. This is a go4den era for Pizza Hut, as there are no competitors and hence, Pizza Hut is free to charge an' price the' want. The' are charging higher prices due to the uniDueness of the product. The' satisf' the target market as the food Dua4it' is worth the price paid. The pricing strateg' is not <ust to get the worth
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Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut

of Dua4it' ut a4so to gain ma%imum profits efore an' competitor enters ecause then Pizza Hut wi44 ha&e to change its pricing strateg'. @4though the prices wou4d e 4owered with the new entrants in the market ut not to a greater e%tent as the Dua4it' food products are not homeFproduced. The' are imported from different countries keeping in &iew the est Dua4it'.

Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan

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Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut

M#*@e( S'#*e;
@s there are Cozens of Pizza Supp4iers G4o a44' Pro&iding Ser&ices in different part of the 0or4d, ut Pizza Hut is the +ne who got the 8igger Market Share G4o a44'. This is the Sur&e' taken ' www.sur&e'.com that Pizza Hut is ha&ing (/L of +&era44 Pizza Market in the 0or4d. @fter that Cominos is 4eading with a percentage of #2L whi4e the rest "#L is di&ided in the Remaining Pizza Pro&iders G4o a44'.



Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan

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Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut


Product refers to the actua4 program 'ou are p4anning. The goa4 of pizza hut is to de&e4op the est product with the resources a&ai4a 4e. Pizza Hut se44s pizzas in four different sizes: persona4 6an indi&idua4 ser&ing7, sma44, medium and 4arge, though most stores ha&e done awa' from with the sma44 size. @ &ariet' of toppings are a&ai4a 4e, p4us Mspecia4t'M st'4es, inc4uding Meat !o&ers, Pepperoni !o&ers, -heese !o&ers, Qeggie !o&ers, Cou 4e -heese urger, Supreme, Super Supreme and the new4' introduced Pizza Mia. The pan pizza has a thicker crust than most other commercia44' a&ai4a 4e pizzas .so their products ha&e he4p them to retain their customers and to increase them .the' pro&ide their customers with comp4ete nutrition p4an and hea4th' food is guaranteed. The nutrition p4an a4so c4ear4' te44s dia etes patients can use what range of food at pizza hut. +&er weight patients are a4so satisfied and the pizza with 4ess cho4estero4 can e ordered. This encourages the customers to &isit pizza hut rather than going e4sewhere. @s pizza hut has to oost its sa4es in the e%isting markets, so the' the new food products are introduced in a44 ranches 4ineF 'P4ine ecause a44 ranches are operated in coFoperation with one another. Cifferent products for different regions are a4so de&e4oped as there are choice differences. Pizza hut offers a 4ong 4ist of products and ne&er afraid to offer new products 4ike in Peshawar according to market the' introduce the &er' first M-hap4i Aa a PizzaM which was &er' hea4th' product ' Pizza hut in this region. There are a 4ot man' products according to different geographica4 p4aces. !ike in India the' ha&e got there &egeta 4e pizzas, which has a 4arge market there 8JT not the -ow Meat Pizza.

Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan

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Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut

. @s there are no such competitors of Pizza Hut which cou4d compete with the Dua4it' of pizza produced at Pizza Hut, therefore, the pricing strateg' adopted ' Pizza Hut is 9market skimming9. Pizza Hut has adopted this pricing strateg' as the' want to ho4d ma%imum share of the market ' ma%imum profit. This is a go4den era for Pizza Hut, as there are no competitors and hence, Pizza Hut is free to charge an' price the' want. The' are charging higher prices due to the uniDueness of the product. The' satisf' the target market as the food Dua4it' is worth the price paid. The pricing strateg' is not <ust to get the worth of Dua4it' ut a4so to gain ma%imum profits efore an' competitor enters ecause then Pizza Hut wi44 ha&e to change its pricing strateg'. @4though the prices wou4d e 4owered with the new entrants in the market ut not to a greater e%tent as the Dua4it' food products are not homeFproduced. The' are imported from different countries keeping in &iew the est Dua4it'. 3irst, this pricing strateg' wi44 he4p segment the market. Cifferent groups of customers are wi44ing to pa' different prices for the same product. The highR4ow pricing strateg' wi44 a4so create e%citement. The pricing strateg' adopted ' Pizza Hut is 9market skimming9. Pizza Hut has adopted this pricing strateg' as the' want to ho4d ma%imum share of the market ' ma%imum profit. This product wi44 emphasize product and ser&ice Dua4it'

It refers to the est p4ace to offer program. That is the p4ace where it is 4ocated and through what channe4s are we distri uting programs and the competiti&e ad&antage 4ies in distri ution. The pizza hut Peshawar is situated out of the market area near @rm' Stadium and Shami road. This site has een chosen keeping in &iew the fo44owing factors. It is in an out of centre 4ocation on retai4 or !eisure Park with good parking accessi i4it'. Second4' the catchment area is of a specified minimum size and within a gi&en dri&e time to the site. Cistri ution The t'pe of distri ution channe4 used ' Pizza Hut is the direct channe4. The direct channe4 is successfu4 when there is an e%treme4' 4arge market that is geographica44' dispersed. The direct channe4 is a4so usefu4 when there are a 4arge num er of u'ers, ut a sma44 amount purchased ' each. Pizza Hut uses three different methods of se44ing its products direct4' to the market.
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Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut i.

The first method of distri ution used ' Pizza Hut is Home. +ffice de4i&er'. -ustomers can ca44 Pizza Hut ahead of time, p4ace an order, and the order is de4i&ered to the customer9s home. can go to the nearest Pizza Hut, p4ace an order and either 4ea&e with the order or eat at the restaurant. +ne of Pizza Hut9s 4argest competiti&e ad&antages is its restaurant st'4e faci4it'. Pizza Hut offers a c4ean p4ace to sit down and en<o' the &ariet' of pizzas, sa4ads, and sandwiches in a fun, fami4' atmosphere.

ii. @nother method of distri ution is for customers to dineFin. -ustomers

iii. The third method of distri ution is to order +n4ine. Se4ecti&e -ount'

-ustomers can now go on the Internet and p4ace an order for Pizza. This method is usefu4 ecause it a44ows customers to &iew the entire menu, down4oad an' specia4 coupons, and order without ha&ing to disc4ose an' credit card num ers.

Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan

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Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut

The o <ecti&es of promotion are to introduce a new product, stimu4ate demand, change the shortFterm eha&ior of the customers, and encourage repeat or greater usage ' current customers. Pizza hut uses man' promotiona4 strategies. The main promotion is a coupon to purchase. This promotion is a4so distri uted main4' ' mai4, ut a4so ' f4iers on co44ege campuses around the countr' in order to reach the target market.The' are using i44 oards on main stream p4aces to get there customer. The' are a4so distri uting door to door rochures to capture more and more customers. Pizza huts a4so using marketing techniDues. These are the strategies Pizza hut is using for its marketing. Pizza huts tr'9s to attract the 'ounger generation as their main market segment. @part from this Pizza Hut is using intense marketing strategies the' are a4so gi&ing ads in magazines. @d&ertising camping wi44 creates awareness of the products in our target markets.

Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan

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Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut

Pizza Hut has man' targets which it has achie&e in a gi&en period of time. The timeFperiod is most4' a 'ear. Therefore, in order to fu4fi44 the targets different strategies are adopted ' Pizza Hut. It can e conc4uded that these strategies ha&e een successfu4 and there is f4e%i i4it' in the strategies, as the' can e changed with the changes in the market conditions as we44 as the targets.

Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan

Page #1

Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut


Mr. @mir Be , Shift Manager, Pizza Hut, Peshawar Mr. Hamad Be , Shift Manger, Pizza Hut, Peshawar !ower staff of Pizza Hut, Peshawar Goog4e Search $ngine www.a

Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan

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