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Annotated Bibliography Assignment

Diabetes information for Teens Lawton, Sandra Augustyn. Diabetes Information For Teens, Health Tips About Managing Diabetes And Preventing Related Complications Including Information About Insulin, Glucose. 1st. Detroit, MI: Omnigraphics Inc, 2006. Print. Annotated Bibliography: This source highlights a lot of important issues that revolve around type II diabetes. Some examples of what was highlighted include information about different types of diabetes, risk factors, and diagnostic procedures. This source also identified strategies used to manage blood glucose levels, healthy eating, coping with feelings, etc. This book is a valuable resource for my research and it will be used throughout the entirety of my research because of the sheer amount of information it has on multiple subjects surrounding diabetes. One section of this book that I will be sure to use in my research would be the information about blood glucose monitoring and promoting a healthy lifestyle. Complete Nurses Guide: TO DIABETES CARE Childs, Belinda P., ed. Complete Nurses Guide: TO DIABETES CARE. Alexandria, Virginia: American Diabetes Association, Inc., 2005. Print. Annotated Bibliography: The main points that are included in this resource are the fundamentals of diabetes care, complications, key aspects of diabetes management, specific patient groups, diseases and treatments that affect diabetes, and diabetes care in community settings. Each of these sections has numerous points that divulge a multitude of information that surrounds the main points that were previously listed. I will use this resource in my research in order to supply the needed background information about diabetes so that there is no confusion on the matters that are being

discussed. This source also offers a valuable look at diabetes from a nurses perspective vs. individuals with diabetes. I will also use this source to provide information regarding complications associated with diabetes in my research. Procedures and medications to help patients control their diabetes. Garcia-Pascua, Maria de Carmen, and John Kidby. "Procedures and medications to help patients control their diabetes." Emergency Nurse 20.8 (2012): CINAHL Database. Web. 25 Oct 2013. Annotated Bibliography: The main points that were included in this source were acute and potentially life-threatening complications as a result of having diabetes. One example of one of these life-threatening complications is diabetic ketoacidosis which is characterized by a hyperglycemic state. I will use this source in my research in order to provide examples of what problems can occur due to having diabetes. This article will also allow me to outline the similarities and differences in the symptoms of diabetes and some prevention strategies which will be in my research project. Diabetes "Diabetes." Nutrition for Life: A No Fad, Non-Nonsense Approach to Eating Well and Reaching Your Healthy Weight. London: Dorling Kindersley Publishing, Inc., 2007. Credo Reference. Web. 25 October 2013.
Annotated Bibliography: This source was primarily about how to adapt your diet in order to prevent and live with diabetes. It discussed important lifestyle tips such as eating healthy, weight control, when to eat, maintaining protein levels, and limiting dietary fat. I will use this source in my research project in order to talk about what lifestyle changes people should make in their diets in order to prevent their chances of getting

diabetes. This source will also be important in discussing how to eat in order to manage symptoms associated with diabetes.

Diabetes Diet & Food Tips Paul, M. A Trusted Non-Profit Resource. June 2013. Web. 25 Oct. 2013.
Annotated Bibliography: The main point of this source was primarily dealing with diets that were specific to people with diabetes. It provided specific examples of numerous types of food that should and should not be eaten. I will use this source in my research paper in order to provide information on what specific foods should have a place in an individuals diet and what foods should be avoided. This source will also be valuable for me to be able to provide information on how to eat to maintain an optimum blood sugar level if a person does have diabetes.

Diabetes Meal Plans and a Healthy Diet Diabetes Meal Plans and a Healthy Diet. American Diabetes Association. 9 Aug. 2013. Web. 25 Oct. 2013.
Annotated Bibliography: Like my previous resource, this source has information dealing with meal plans for people who are suffering from diabetes. This source also provided some general information about what a persons meal plan should consist of in order to have a truly healthy diet. This source is related to my previous source because it has information involving meal plans and what food to eat if a person does in fact have diabetes. I will only use this resource to give specific examples of food that should appear in the diet of a sufferer of diabetes.

A review of low and reduced carbohydrate diets and weight loss in type 2 diabetes.

Dyson, PA. "A Review Of Low And Reduced Carbohydrate Diets And Weight Loss In Type 2 Diabetes." Journal Of Human Nutrition & Dietetics 21.6 (2008): 530-538. CINAHL with Full Text. Web. 27 Nov. 2013.
Annotated Bibliography: This source was primarily about low carbohydrate diets and weight loss. This source focused on multiple small studies that revolved around a reduced intake of carbohydrates and how that lead to a reduced body weight. This study will be used to provide proof that changes made in an individuals diet can have beneficial effects. I will also use this study to support my claims that diets are important in the monitoring and control of type II diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes and obesity in adults. Whitmore, C. "Type 2 Diabetes And Obesity In Adults." British Journal Of Nursing 19.14 (2010): 880-886. CINAHL with Full Text. Web. 27 Nov. 2013. Annotated Bibliography: The primary subject matter that was covered in this resource dealt with physiological mechanisms that relate being overweight or obese with the development of type II diabetes. This article also served to analyze some approaches to controlling weight in those people who have type II diabetes. Some of the approaches that were analyzed include dietary management, reduced carbohydrate diets, and bariatric surgery. I will use this resource in my research in order to discuss why weight management is so important in the prevention of type II diabetes. This resource will also be valuable in providing specific examples and statistics on the rates that diabetes is linked to being overweight or obese. Diet and exercise in the prevention of diabetes. Walker, KZ, et al. "Diet And Exercise In The Prevention Of Diabetes." Journal Of Human Nutrition & Dietetics 23.4 (2010): 344-352.CINAHL with Full Text. Web. 27 Nov. 2013.

Annotated Bibliography: This source was about people who have a reduced fasting glucose or a reduced glucose tolerance and how those conditions lead to a higher threat and development of type II diabetes. This source also focused on lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise, and it has shown that these changes can have drastic impacts on the postponing or ultimately stopping the start of type II diabetes. I will use this source to provide valuable evidence based research on the relationship between type II diabetes and exercise and diet. This source has a lot of statistics that will lend itself to providing authority to my research because four cohort studies were performed in 4,864 high risk people for anywhere from two and a half to six years. All these studies back up the main points that were discussed in this source too.

Current treatment of type 2 diabetes. Nazarko, Linda. "Current Treatment Of Type 2 Diabetes." Nursing & Residential Care 13.11 (2011): 530-532. CINAHL with Full Text. Web. 27 Nov. 2013.
Annotated Bibliography: The main points that were discussed in this resource dealt with many topics that were mentioned in my previous sources such as food, exercise, medication, blood glucose monitoring, etc., and how all of these aspects contribute to controlling type II diabetes. This source also discussed possible drug therapies for type II diabetes which was not mentioned in any of my previous sources. This source will be beneficial to my research in providing current treatments and prevention methods for those individuals who already have diabetes. I will also use it to define some of the vocabulary that revolves around my topic such as Diabetes Mellitus, hypoglycemic agents, and glycemic control.

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