SJ Week 1 Readings

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Cardiff Sufi Group: The Spiritual Journey, Week 1

Weekly Readings

The Journey

Welcome to the Cardiff Sufi group, part of the Threshold Society. This week we begin a new selection of readings from the Masna i, arranged around the theme of the spiritual !ourney. "s in pre ious weeks, we will e#plore two passages from the Masna i together. We suggest this four step approach to working with this selection$ Read this selection, out loud if possible, se en times. %well upon the phrase or sentence that touches you. "sk yourself what rele ance or application this has to yourself. &inally, sit in the afterglow of these reflections and open yourself to whate er new insight or message the %i ine might ha e for you.

Te#t 'ne
( en though you)re not e*uipped, keep searching$ e*uipment isn)t needed on the way to the +ord. Whoe er you see engaged in a *uest, befriend her, offer your head to her, for choosing to be a companion of seekers, you become one yourself, protected by con*uerors, you, yourself, will learn to con*uer. -f an ant seeks the rank of Solomon, don)t smile in contempt at its *uest. Wasn)t all of your skill, wealth and handicraft, "t first merely a thought and a *uest. /0.1223412256

Cardiff Sufi Group: The Spiritual Journey, Week 1

Te#t Two
7y lo e, the bitter becomes sweet, by lo e, copper becomes gold, by lo e, the dregs become clear, by lo e, the dead become li ing, by lo e, the king becomes a sla e. &rom knowledge, lo e grows. 8as stupidity e er placed someone on such a throne. /9.13954096

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