Closing The Gap Lessonplan Final

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Lesson Plan

School Counselor: Allyse McNeil Activity: Closing the Gap: How Should I Study? Grade(s): 6th, 7th, and 8th, grade students ASCA Student Standards (Domain/Standard/Competencies): A:B1.3 Apply study skills necessary for academic success A:B1.6 Use knowledge of learning styles to positively influence school performance Learning Objective(s): 1. Learn multiple study strategies 2. Learn how to use learning styles positively 3. Gain insight into personal learning style and study strategy preferences Materials: Access to Multimedia Procedure: Introduce the lesson o What kind of learner are you? o Studying Strategies Present the content o Present How to Achieve Academic Success PowerPoint Check for understanding o Think-Pair-Share: Students will explain what their learning style means to them; was it accurate? o Why is being aware of your learning style important? o Think-Pair-Share: Students will strategize one new way of studying effectively, according to their dominant learning style. Date: Nov 2012

Plan for Evaluation: How will each of the following be collected? Process Data: Each grade level will be taught this lesson during homeroom. Perception Data: Students will be asked to write about how the lesson changed their study strategies and if they found the lesson helpful. Outcome Data: Students must indicate if they incorporated the knowledge into their studying routine and if they found it helpful. Follow Up: At the end of the school year, counselors will have students write a short essay detailing if/how the new learning strategies and learning styles have helped them throughout the school year.

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