Paul Beltran Valdez

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Paul Beltran Valdez Instructor Ms.Peterson English 1 Honors 27 November 2 1! "o #ill a Moc$ingbird In the novel% "o #ill a Moc$ingbird% author Har&er 'ee (ants readers to (al$ (ith a better understanding o) &re*udice.+) the man, themes relevant to modern li)e &re*udice is a huge theme that has a huge im&act both modern li)e and "o #ill a Moc$ingbird. Pre*udice is being used because there is a lot o) racial &ro)iling still going on in the real (orld and in to $ill a moc$ing bird there is a lot o) racism going on and that-s ho( both o) them com&are to each other.'ee clearl, illustrates &re*udice as the most critical theme (hen he states .,ou arent reall, a nigger/lover% then are ,ou01. 2lso (hen the, sa, .3ell%in the )irst &lace i4m blac$1. 2nd lastl, (hen the, sa,s .the trial had ended be)ore it started1."his em&hasizes &re*udice becsause the, all have something against blac$ &eo&le. 'ee4s most stri$ing e5am&le o) &re*udice is (hen the, state .(ell in the )irst &lace i4m blac$16 ther)ore the, mean that blac$ &eo&le ha less rights than other &eo&le and &eo&le cared less about them.I reall, thin$ that it4s reall, stu&77 because he doesnt done an,thing )or them to treat him li$e that and it doesnt matter that ,our another color or race ever,one should be treated )airl, and e8uall,.9o (hen some readers encounter this statement the, &robabl, thin$ about the troubles that balc$ &eo&le had to )ace *ust because o) racism. 2nother &rominent e5am&le o) &re*udice is (hen the, sa, .,ou arent reall, a nigger/lover%then% are ,ou01 "his is note(orth, because this sho(s that i) ,ou (ould hel& a blac$ &erson ,ou


(ould &robabl, get treated badl, and &eo&le (ould thin$ that ,ou a tarder because ,our a .nigger lover1.I (ould o) reall, li$e it better i) there (as more &eo&le li$e atticus in that time because that meant that blac$ &eo&le stud a better chance and (ould o) atleast been less descriminated against. 'ee4s most crucial e5am&le is (hen the, stated .the trial had ended be)ore it started1. "his is one o) the most obious e5am&le o) &re*udice because the, (ere all against blac$ &eo&le and that the *udge (as even racis because the, alread, $ne( that the, (ere going go loose the case because 2tticus client (as blac$."his is realled )u7777 u& because even &eo&le &eo&le )rom higher branches (ere racis (hich means that balc$ &eo&le didnt have a close chance to be treated e8uall, (hichis reall, sad.

9ome ma, argue that &re*udice is secondar, theme com&ared to education% but I can argue that in so man, di))erent (a,s its a &rimar, theme because education isnt a huge theme that the, tal$ about through the (hole stor,.'i$e (hen the, sa, .i never deliberatl, learned ho( to read1 that isnt a huge thing because man, &eo&le didnt go to school because their li)e (ere in the )arms and couldnt get educated because the, (ere alread, destinied to (or$ in &ic$ing u& cro&s. 9o com&ared to ."he trial had ended be)ore it started1 ,ou can get a lot o) 8uestions and ans(ers )rom this 8uote and it sho(s that through a huge &art o) the stor,."here)ore &re*udice is a huge theme in "o #ill a Moc$ingBird.

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