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ArL lnLegraLlon Lesson lan 1emplaLe 1

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L1C 4240: ArL for Chlldren

Lesson 1lLle & 8lg ldea*: Llfe Cycles Crade Level*: 2
Lesson Cvervlew/Summary*:
lnLroduclng Lhe unlL of llfe cycles, bralnsLorm whaL Lhlngs have llfe cycles (ex. planLs, anlmals, lnsecLs, people) and begln
Lhe unlL by sLudylng Lhe llfe cycle of caLerplllars by readlng "1he very Pungry CaLerplllar" and dlscuss/wrlLe down
lmporLanL sLeps ln Lhe llfe cycle of caLerplllars. 1hen research planLs llfe cycles and read 1he 1lny Seed" also by Lrlc
Carle. ulscuss Lhe slmllarlLles and dlfferences of Lhe Lwo llfe cycles and dlscuss whaL ls necessary ln order for any llvlng
organlsm Lo grow.

Class erlods 8equlred:
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1 3 3
key ConcepLs (3-4):

Mlxlng colors Lo creaLe secondary colors from prlmary durlng flnger-palnLlng
undersLandlng Lhe 3 needs of any llvlng organlsm
See Lhe dlfference beLween llfe cycles of llvlng organlsms
LssenLlal CuesLlons (3-4)*:
1) WhaL are slmlllarlLles and dlfferences ln Lhe llfe cycles of caLerplllars and
Lhe llfe cycles of planLs?
2) WhaL are Lhe maln sLeps ln Lhe llfe cycle of a planL?
3) WhaL nuLrlenLs do planLs need ln order Lo susLaln llfe?

Lesson Cb[ecLlves: (LxcellenL resource aL hLLp://
1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo recall lnformaLlon presenLed ln Lhe books and ln Lhe ?ou1ube vldeo Lo dlfferenLlaLe beLween Lhe llfe cycle of a planL and a
SLudenLs wlll be able Lo recall Lhe 3 Lhlngs needed ln order for a planL Lo grow: Soll, Space, LlghL, Alr, and WaLer.
SLudenLs wlll be able Lo plck anoLher llvlng organlsm ln a parL of lL's llfe cycle and flnger palnL a plcLure uslng Lrlc Carle's lllusLraLlons as lnsplraLlon.

Crade Level LxpecLaLlons (CLLs) (3-4) (hLLp://
SLrand 3: CharacLerlsLlcs and lnLeracLlons of llvlng organlsms
8. Organisms progress through lifecycles unique to different types of organisms
a. Identify and sequence life cycles (birth, growth, and development, reproduction and
death) of animals (i.e, butterfly, frog, chicken, snake, dog)
b. Record observations on the life cycle of different animals (e.g., butterfly, dog, frog,
chicken, snake)

Strand I: Product/Performance
3. C. : Create an original artwork that communicates ideas about the following themes:
Nature, Places
ldenLlfy & deflne 4+11+& 5+4)67/)"8 LhaL connecL Lhe arL form wlLh Lhe
oLher ldenLlfled conLenL areas:

Mlxlng colors (prlmary Lo secondary)
Class of anlmal (from an egg, blrLhed or seed)

ConLenL Areas lnLegraLed*: Lesson AcLlvlLles & rocedure(s) !,#$%&$ -$ .$*/ &,$()0)(+:
ArL lnLegraLlon Lesson lan 1emplaLe 2

1. vlsual ArL (lnsplraLlon ArLlsL: Lrlc Carle_)
2. LlLeracy
3. Sclence

uA? 1
1. 8egln by readlng 1he very Pungry CaLerplllar" by Lrlc Carle Lo Lhe class.
2. 1alk Lo Lhe sLudenLs abouL whaL Lhe caLerplllar needed ln order Lo geL Lo
Lhe sLage of a buLLerfly and Lalk abouL Lhe dlfferenL parLs of Lhe llfecycle
dlscussed ln Lhe book.
3. 8egln Lhe lesson by asklng Lhe sLudenLs whaL Lhlngs have llfe cycles and
begln Lo wrlLe all of Lhelr ldeas on Lhe smarL board Lo use as a resource laLer
4. 1hen begln on anoLher sheeL on Lhe smarL board and ask Lhe sLudenLs
whaL Lhey belleve ls a llfe cycle and whaL ls needed Lo have llfe. WrlLe Lhese
answers on Lhe board. (Make sure Lo call on dlfferenL sLudenLs Lhan wlLh Lhe
flrsL quesLlon.)
3. Pave Lhe sLudenLs Lhen Lurn ln Lhelr sclence books Lo Lhe chapLer abouL
llfe cycles and have Lhem read wlLh a parLner Lhe paragraph abouL whaL ls
needed ln order Lo llve. Pave Lhe sLudenLs wrlLe Lhese facLors down ln Lhelr
lnLeracLlve noLebook.
6. 1hen go back up Lo Lhe pages where Lhe sLudenLs bralnsLormed and go
Lhrough each facLor Lo make sure each of Lhe Lhlngs are classlfled as a llvlng
7. 1hen lnLroduce Lhe concepL LhaL planLs also can be classlfled as llvlng
organlsms and read Lhem Lhe book, 1he 1lny Seed" by Lrlc Carle.
8. When flnlshed readlng Lhe sLory, ask Lhe sLudenLs whaL Lhey LhoughL was
slmllar and dlfferenL ln boLh books and beLween Lhe caLerplllar and planL.
9. 1hls ls Lhe perfecL Llme Lo also Lalk abouL Lhe way Lrlc Carle lllusLraLes hls
books uslng flnger palnLlng of Lhe ob[ecLs and a mlxLure of prlmary colors Lo
creaLe LexLure ln Lhe 2u arLwork.
10. 1o end class, show Lhe sLudenLs Lhe ?ou1ube vldeo abouL whaL planLs
need Lo grow and say each Lhlng aloud as a class.
uA? 2
11. 8evlew Lhe Lhlngs needed for a llvlng organlsm Lo grow and have each
sLudenL plck one llvlng organlsm Lo sLudy.
12. 1ell Lhe sLudenLs LhaL Lhey wlll need Lo flnd a llvlng organlsm Lo do
research on uslng
13. 1ell Lhe sLudenLs Lhey musL flnd ouL where Lhe anlmal/llvlng organlsm
usually llves, whaL lL looks llke and lf Lhe organlsm came from a seed, egg or
was blrLhed.
ArL lnLegraLlon Lesson lan 1emplaLe 3

14. AfLer all sLudenLs are flnlshed answerlng Lhose 3 quesLlons, glve Lhe
sLudenLs llned paper and have Lhem wrlLe one compleLe senLence for each
quesLlon on Lhls plece of paper. 8emlnd Lhem Lo look aL Lhe no excuse
words and Lhe word wall as a resource for spelllng. And revlew LhaL a
compleLe senLence has a caplLal leLLer aL Lhe beglnnlng and a perlod aL Lhe
end of Lhe senLence.
13. Cnce Lhe wrlLlng parL ls done, Lell Lhem Lo puL Lhose papers away and Lo
puL on a smock/apron and meeL aL Lhe fronL Lable for a demonsLraLlon.
16. Pave Lhe sLudenLs surround Lhe Lable and have Lhe sLudenLs ln fronL
bend down so LhaL everyone can see. 1ell Lhe sLudenLs LhaL Lhey wlll now be
creaLlng an lllusLraLlon of Lhelr llvlng organlsm LhaL looks slmllar Lo Lrlc
Carle's lllusLraLlons. Make sure Lo Lalk abouL glvlng Lhe plcLure LexLure,
mlxlng colors Lo geL secondary colors and LhaL Lhe palnL ls washable. Also
Lell Lhem lL ls lmporLanL Lo have a background so LhaL Lhe people looklng aL
Lhe drawlng can see Lhe hablLaL or home of Lhe llvlng organlsm also.
17. Pave Lhem head back Lo Lhelr seaLs Lo bralnsLorm quleLly (level 1 volces)
wlLh Lhelr nelghbor whaL Lhey wlll be lllusLraLlng whlle you geL Lhe supplles.
Announce Lo Lhe sLudenLs when Lhey are ready Lo Lurn Lhelr volces off and
puL Lhelr Lhumbs up and you wlll come around Lo hand ouL a plaLe, paper
Lowels and a cup of waLer. Lach Lable wlll share a plaLe of washable palnL
and paper Lowels and Lhe cup of waLer.
18. Cnce Lhe Lable geLs Lhelr resources, Lhey may begln flnger-palnLlng Lhelr
lllusLraLlon. Also Lell Lhe class LhaL Lhelr volces should remaln aL a level 3
(lnslde volces) durlng Lhe palnLlng Llme. lf lL geLs louder, Lhe room wlll have
Lo go Lo sllence.
19. 1o galn Lhelr aLLenLlon once sLudenLs are flnlshed, ask Lhem Lo puL Lhelr
hands ln Lhe alr and Lhen Lo puL Lhelr hands ln Lhelr laps. lnsLrucL Lhe
sLudenLs Lo clean up and Lhen Lo have a seaL back aL Lhelr Lable.
20. 1o end class, allow Lhe sLudenLs Lo share Lhelr wrlLlng and palnLlng Lo Lhe
class. (8eflecLlng anLlclpaLory seL)
21. Pang Lhe lllusLraLlons up Lo dry and have Lhe sLudenLs puL Lhelr wrlLlngs
on Lhelr desks. (uurlng lunch/recess, hang up Lhe wrlLlngs and drawlngs ouL
on Lhe bulleLln board ln Lhe hallway)

AnLlclpaLory SeL (Calnlng ALLenLlon)*:
8ralnsLormlng everyLhlng around Lhem LhaL has a llfe cycle as a class and
Closure (8eflecLlng AnLlclpaLory SeL):
Classroom sharlng Llme of Lhelr wrlLlngs and flnger-palnLlng plece.
ArL lnLegraLlon Lesson lan 1emplaLe 4

wrlLlng Lhose answers on Lhe smarL board as a laLer resource.

9+"1)#*5' !--'--1'&# sLraLegy:
Saylng each of Lhe 3 Lhlngs planLs need ln order Lo grow aloud aL Lhe end of
class Lo make sure each sLudenL waLched Lhe vldeo and wrlLLen 3 Lhlngs
needed ln order for llvlng organlsms Lo grow wrlLLen ln Lhe lnLeracLlve

:711)#*5' !--'--1'&# sLraLegy*:
1he 3 senLences wrlLLen down abouL Lhelr chosen llvlng organlsm and Lhelr
arLwork LhaL corresponds wlLh Lhe research Lhe sLudenLs dld.

WhaL sLudenL 2"*+" ;&+</'=(' wlll Lhls lesson requlre/draw upon?
1he sLudenLs need Lo know LhaL everyone ls born and all llvlng organlsms go Lhrough a llfe cycle of blrLh Lo deaLh and growLh ln beLween.
know whaL prlmary colors are
1he sLudenLs musL know how Lo plck ouL lmporLanL lnformaLlon from LexL ln Lhe Lrlc Carle books, vldeo and webslLes.

Pow wlll you engage sLudenLs ln *1)(*&*&(> '?2/+"*&(> and/or '?2'"*1'&#*&( ln Lhls lesson?
8y allowlng Lhem Lo plck one llvlng organlsm of Lhelr cholce Lo research, answer quesLlons abouL and creaLe senLences based on Lhelr research.
1he sLudenLs are able Lo lmaglne Lhelr chosen llvlng organlsm ln lLs hablLaL and lllusLraLe Lhe plcLure LhaL Lhey have creaLed ln Lhelr mlnd.

Pow wlll Lhls lesson allow for/encourage sLudenLs Lo -+/5' 2"+6/'1- *& =*5'"('&# <)8-?
SLudenLs have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo lnvesLlgaLe answers Lo Lhe quesLlons abouL Lhelr chosen llvlng organlsm.

Pow wlll you engage sLudenLs ln "+7#*&'/8 "'@/'4#*&( on Lhelr learnlng?
8y remlndlng Lhem Lo use Lhe word wall and no-excuse word llsL Lo make Lhelr wrlLlngs meeL Lhe 2
grade expecLaLlons.

Pow wlll you adapL Lhe varlous aspecLs of Lhe lesson Lo =*@@'"'&#/8A)6/'= -#7='&#-?
Pave Lhose who are glfLed wrlLe more Lhan one senLence for each answer wlLh more deLalls.
Pave Lhose who are more challenged work wlLh anoLher sLudenL or palr up Lo work on Lhe pro[ecL LogeLher.

WhaL opporLunlLles/acLlvlLles wlll sLudenLs be glven Lo "'5*-' )&= *12"+5' Lhelr undersLandlngs and Lhelr work?
use Lhe word-wall, no excuse word llsL and remlnd Lhem Lo Lhlnk abouL whaL a senLence needs ln order for lL Lo be compleLe for Lhelr wrlLlngs.

WhaL opporLunlLles/acLlvlLles wlll you provlde for sLudenLs Lo -B)"' Lhelr learnlng ln Lhls lesson?
1hey have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo share Lhelr wrlLlngs and palnLlngs when Lhe lesson ls over.

Lesson 8esources/8eferences !,#$%&$ -$ .$*/ &,$()0)( -/ ,*1.)2)34 #)35&6 %7891*&6 8)8#$&6 $8(:+:
1he very Pungry CaLerplllar" by Lrlc Carle
ArL lnLegraLlon Lesson lan 1emplaLe 3

1he 1lny Seed" by Lrlc Carle.
1he needs of a lanL" ?ou1ube vldeo by: Parry klndergarLen Muslc

* lnclude Lhls lnformaLlon durlng Lhe 3-mlnuLe class oppleL presenLaLlon.
SllversLeln, L. 8. & Layne, S. (n.d.). ueflnlng arLs lnLegraLlon. 8eLrleved from

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