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Student__________________________Teacher______________Score_____ 1-EXPERT 2-PRACTICIONER 3-APPRENTICE 4-NOVICE Score Traits CLEAR, WELL ORGANIZED, WELL DEVELOPED IDEAS o Narrative is logically sequenced, with clear beginning, middle, and end. ___1 o Transition words or phrases connect paragraphs smoothly. (First, Later, Finally . . .) ___2 o Lead sentence grabs the reader's attention. (Start with one of the following: something ___3 unexpected, a quote, some dialogue, a question. . .) ___4 SENTENCE VARIATION IN PARAGRAPHS

___1 ___2 ___3 ___4

o o o o o o

Introductory participial phrase (Listening carefully, she heard . . .) (Frightened by the noise, she jumped . . .) Compound sentence (Ashley screamed loudly, but Serina ran away.) 2 independent clauses separated by a semicolon (Lisa called for help; no one came.) Appositive phrase (Jacob, the best speller in the class, won the contest.) Introductory prepositional phrase (From the bottom of the well, a noise . . .) Introductory adverb clause (When John finished his homework, he . . .) (Until, Since, After, Before . . .) Variety of sentence length Vivid, lively verbs are used. (Weak: Lea was bossy. Strong: Lea bossed her brother constantly.) Imaginative, unusual adjectives are used. (beautiful, angelic, magnificent, awe-inspiring) Vague, overused, repetitive language is avoided (a lot, very, really, then, big, pretty, and, like . . .). Metaphor (Our house is a zoo. My dog is a genius.) Simile (Our house is like a circus. Lily's hair is as soft as silk.) Personification (The summer breeze whispered quietly to me. The stars looked down on me and helped me find my way. Gossip is everyone's enemy.)

WORD CHOICE ___1 ___2 ___3 ___4 ___1 ___2 ___3 ___4
o o o

o o o


o o o o o o o o No run-on sentences (Incorrect: Janie left school early, she had to go to the doctor.) No sentence fragments (Incorrect: If Janie went to the doctor.) Subject/verb agreement (Incorrect: One of the toys are missing. Correct: One of the toys is missing.) Correct, consistent verb tense usage (Don't accidentally mix present and past tenses.) Punctuation is correct. Capitalization is correct. Spelling is correct. Paragraphs are indented correctly.

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