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Arnold 1

WST 394
Women and Crime

Natalie Arnold
EDT 394
5 September 2013

Arnold 2

Teacher Information ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Objectives ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Course Reads................................................................................................................................................. 3
Course Objectives ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Field Trips ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
Bibliography .................................................................................................................................................. 6

Arnold 3

Teacher Information
Dr. Alesha Durfee
Office: Wilson 307
Office hours: Tuesdays 3-4 pm and Thursdays 10-11 am or by appointment
Email: (best way to contact me)
Office phone: (480) 965-8655

Determining the links between women and crime, gender gap between victimization and offending,
theories on female offending and victimization, experiences in the justice system, and the female body
versus state control.

Course Reads

Mallicoat, Stacy L. (2011). Women and Crime: A Text/Reader. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Ritchie, Beth E. (2012). Arrested Justice: Black Women, Violence, and America's Prison Nation.
NYU Press.

Arnold 4

Course Objectives
Feminist Criminology
Girls and Juvenile Delinquency

Intimate Partner Violence

Female Offenders and Their Crimes


Reaction to general disregard and discrimination
of women in traditional study of crime
Study of girls in the juvenile system, how lifeevents may have led to delinquency, and other
theories behind females in the criminal justice
Study on how abuse occurs in intimate relations,
victim and offender relations, and results of said
Examine how women become offenders, how to
identify women offenders, and common crimes
for female offenders
Consider all the factors, attempting to define how
these are all related to one another, and what
ideologies you have gathered from course

Arnold 5

Field Trips
There will be two field trips during the course of this class:

Mesa Municipal courts
Perryville Prison Tour

Arnold 6


"Feminist School of Criminology." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 09 Feb. 2013. Web. 05

Sept. 2013

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