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Concordia University Chicago College of Education

Teacher Candidate: Gabriela Salinas Subject: Problem Solving Central Focus: Categorizing Grade Level(s): Preschool Theoretical Principles and/or ResearchBased Best Practices in this Lesson Social Activism Theory/ Cooperative Work Outcome.

Lesson Plan Design 2013

Date: 9/12/2013 Course for which the Lesson is developed: EDUC-1070 Classroom Teacher: Ms. Salinas Time allotted: 30-45 Minutes

Categorizing is the process of putting objects in order. My students will develop a sense of organization. They will be able to classify groups Common Errors, Developmental Approximations, Misconceptions, Partial Understandings, or Misunderstandings for this Lesson Many common errors could be the color, shape, or type the students are categorizing. I will address these misconceptions by having examples of what they will be categorizing.

Implemented August 2013 Adapted from Layzell, D., (2013). Lesson Plan Model. Illinois State University; Leland Stanford Junior University (2012) ed-Teacher Performance Assessment; Tomlinson, C. (2004) How to differentiate in mixed ability classrooms; Worldclass Instructional Design and Assessment (2012) WIDA 2012 Amplified ELD Standards.

Concordia University Chicago College of Education

Standard(s)/Benchmark(s) to be met in the Lesson: (ILS, Common Core, or Professional Learning Standards) 12.C.EC Make comparisons among objects that have been observed Learning Objective(s):

Lesson Plan Design 2013

Assessment Tool(s) and Procedures:

Students are expected to categorize the examples given. Classify Groups

Students will develop groups based on the characteristics they identified.

Procedures: List in sequence the actions taken by teacher and students throughout the lesson. A. Engage Students: (Diagnostic/Pre-Assessment may be included here.) First and foremost I would develop a Pre- Assessment to see where my students stand with classification. Pre-Assessment would include a worksheet with five different objects, they will be given a category and the students are to write out the objects that belong under the category given. I will come up with different categories that my students are interested in. Ex: Animals, shapes, colors. Each board will be decorated to catch my students attention.

B. Communicate the Purpose of the Lesson to Students (Objectives and Assessment): Students will be asked to put each item in the category that is represented in each group. Each board will have a category with a title and a picture of the corresponding object. In groups, each student will work together to classify each group. C. Instructional Sequence: 1. I will assign groups of two or three, and give each group a category. Ex: Animals, Shapes, Colors, nature

2. Each board will have a title and a picture corresponding to the category. There will be 10 objects in each assigned group, the groups will only place The objects that correspond to their title on their poster board. 3. The remaining objects will be put to the side and as a class we will classify where each remaining object belongs.

D. Monitoring Student Engagement and Learning: (What will the teacher do to ensure student engagement?) I will monitor each group by walking around and keeping myself active with their group work. I will sit down with every group to make sure that they
Implemented August 2013 Adapted from Layzell, D., (2013). Lesson Plan Model. Illinois State University; Leland Stanford Junior University (2012) ed-Teacher Performance Assessment; Tomlinson, C. (2004) How to differentiate in mixed ability classrooms; Worldclass Instructional Design and Assessment (2012) WIDA 2012 Amplified ELD Standards.

Concordia University Chicago College of Education

understand why each object belongs to that specific category.

Lesson Plan Design 2013

E. Student Interactions: I will encourage my students to work in groups of 2 or 3. I will use Cooperative work outcome in order to insure that all students are being assessed. I would like to use an evaluation criteria checklist to make sure they have completed each task.

F. Closure: Purpose of the Lesson is clearly restated by students and/or teacher (Objectives and Assessment) My students successfully completed this activity. Each group successfully classified numerous groups

Lesson Plan Details Instructional Materials: Large poster board with category titles 10 different pictures with objects corresponding to each title

Use of Technology: I will be using the APP Agnitus Personal Learning Program available on the iPad Safety in the Physical Environment: Make sure each student is engaged in the lesson. Academic Language Explain how the Academic Language is scaffolded in the Lesson using Sensory, Graphic and/or Interactive supports. Sensory: They are transmitting a message Graphic: The students get a pictorial demonstration Interactive: Students interact with their peers and develop organization skills Assessment The assessment used in this assignment Diagnostic (Pre-): (Formal or Informal) I would use an informal assessment. I would but together a written matching test to see if my students have any prior knowledge
Implemented August 2013 Adapted from Layzell, D., (2013). Lesson Plan Model. Illinois State University; Leland Stanford Junior University (2012) ed-Teacher Performance Assessment; Tomlinson, C. (2004) How to differentiate in mixed ability classrooms; Worldclass Instructional Design and Assessment (2012) WIDA 2012 Amplified ELD Standards.

List the Academic Language used in the Lesson. Include Tier 1, 2, and 3 language.

Describe the Evidence that Students know and use Academic Language appropriately: My students were assessed on how accurately they categorized each object into groups. Providing, I have made an evaluating checklist

Concordia University Chicago College of Education

Lesson Plan Design 2013

Formative: (Formal or Informal) A formal checklist would be the way I would monitor each student. Reflective: (Formal or Informal) The students learned to classify/categorize groups. This is an informal activity. Summative: (Formal or Informal) I would use an informal evaluation to evaluate this activity.

Differentiating Instruction Identify the Element(s) of the Lesson that is Differentiated: Content, I would say each student differs because some students may not be as familiar with the objects as another student would. I think working in groups best fits this assignment. Identify the Student Characteristic that you will use to Differentiate: Student readiness: I would use whole class. It differentiates because I am guiding the class in a discussion.

Analyzing Teaching (Reflection): To be completed after the lesson is taught A. Give evidence that the lesson was successful for students meeting the learning objective/s. (at least one example) In all of my groups, each student was able to identify why each object was placed in the category assigned. The students were able to identify what the groups were and what belonged in those groups.

B. If you could teach this lesson to the same group of students again, what are two or three things you would do differently to improve the learning of these students based on their varied developmental and academic needs and characteristics? I would plan out a pre-assessment worksheet. This worksheet would help each student with organizing objects into different categories before they are put into groups. This way they have prior knowledge to what they are given. Clearly state each change you would make. Explain why and how you would change it. Explain the difference it would make in student learning. Give evidence from your experience in teaching the lesson. It would make a difference because it would give the student a visual to look at and examine before they are given objects to organize.

Pre-assessment worksheet Individual work first

I would give a pre-assessment worksheet and have the student work individually to ensure that they understand the concept of this assignment.

Implemented August 2013 Adapted from Layzell, D., (2013). Lesson Plan Model. Illinois State University; Leland Stanford Junior University (2012) ed-Teacher Performance Assessment; Tomlinson, C. (2004) How to differentiate in mixed ability classrooms; Worldclass Instructional Design and Assessment (2012) WIDA 2012 Amplified ELD Standards.

Concordia University Chicago College of Education

Lesson Plan Design 2013

Implemented August 2013 Adapted from Layzell, D., (2013). Lesson Plan Model. Illinois State University; Leland Stanford Junior University (2012) ed-Teacher Performance Assessment; Tomlinson, C. (2004) How to differentiate in mixed ability classrooms; Worldclass Instructional Design and Assessment (2012) WIDA 2012 Amplified ELD Standards.

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