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Name: Rebecca L. Kenner Lesson Title: Sarah, Plain and Tall Thursday Week 2 Anticipated length of time for this lesson: 120 minutes Date: 10/27/2013


A e Ran e !" Students# $th %rade &a es '(10) ENGL !" LEA#NE#$!%: &ho are the English Learners in the class' List each st(dent )* le+el, ,
Beginning: In"er#e$ia"e: A$%an&e$: FEP: Ear ! In"er#e$ia"e: Ear ! A$%an&e$: Eng i'( On !:

!T-DENT! & T" A.ADE/ . 0# 1E"A2 0# E3! 0# 405 3LAN!: (Use initials instead of full names.) List academic/)eha+ior performance le+els, *+A 0T"E# !T-DENT!: &hich st(dents 6ill re7(ire additional s(pport 6ith this lesson and 6h*' ,n lish Learner students may need additi!nal su--!rt durin this less!n. Students .ill be -r!/ided .ith additi!nal su--!rt by .atchin a /ide!, / additi!nal illustrati/e te0ts and by usin the internet t! -r!/ide additi!nal in"!rmati!n.


Grade Le+el$s%: $th %rade

.ontent Area: Lan ua e Arts88888 !()9ect /atter: Literature88888888

A.ADE/ . .0NTENT !TANDA#D$!%: &hat state:adopted academic content standard$s% or state:adopted frame6or; does this lesson address' .AL <0#N A .0//0N .0#E !TANDA#D!: &hich common core standard$s% does this lesson address' R1 2, %rade $# 1nte rate in"!rmati!n "r!m t.! te0ts !n the same t!-ic in !rder t! .rite !r s-eak ab!ut the sub3ect kn!.led eably.
SL 1, %rade $# 1. ,n a e e""ecti/ely in a ran e !" c!llab!rati/e discussi!ns &!ne(!n(!ne, in r!u-s, and teacher(led) .ith di/erse -artners !n rade $ t!-ics and te0ts, buildin !n !thers4 ideas and e0-ressin their !.n clearly

-N T of !T-D=: &hat is the -N T of !T-D= that addresses the standards a)o+e' Readin 1n"!rmati!nal Te0t S-eakin and Listenin

At 6hat point in the se7(ence of the (nit is this lesson' .hec; one: at the )eginning of the (nit of st(d* )et6een the )eginning and the end of the (nit of st(d*
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at the end of the (nit of st(d*

LEA#N NG 01>E.T 2E!: &hat specificall* do *o( e?pect st(dents ;no6 and )e a)le to do at the end of this lesson' $The st(dents sho(ld (nderstand 6hat the* need to ;no6 and )e a)le to do and 6h* it is important to them at the )eginning of each lesson,% The !b3ecti/e "!r this less!n is that students .ill be ain kn!.led e !n the similarities and di""erences !" the 6id.est Re i!ns and 6aine. Pre/i!usly students ha/e /ie.ed /ide!s and researched thr!u h the internet and in"!rmati!nal te0ts in"!rmati!n !n b!th re i!ns. Students .ill n!. access this kn!.led e by creatin a 7enn 8ia ram t! c!m-are and c!ntrast the re i!ns. Students .ill .!rk c!llab!rati/ely t! create the dia ram. Students .ill then be in .!rkin indi/idually t! create an illustrated ma- !" a 6id.est State. &The st!ry Sarah, Plain and tall d!es n!t e/er deci-her .hich 6id.est State that 9aleb and Anna reside in. Students are t! use e/idence "r!m the te0t and "r!m !utside s!urces t! :-r!/e; .hich state it is.) "o6 6ill *o( ;no6' &hat e+idence 6ill sho6 the e?tent to 6hich the st(dents ha+e met the o)9ecti+e' The !b3ecti/e .ill be met by students4 creati!n !" a 6id.est State ma-. The !b3ecti/e is the same "!r all students. The "inal !utc!me .ill be a c!m-leted detailed ma-. LANG-AGE 01>E.T 2E! )* LE3 Le+el: &hat specific lang(age and +oca)(lar* 6ill st(dents )e e?pected to ;no6 and (se 6hen sho6ing master* of this lesson@s content' Tier 2 2oca)(lar* $Non:content Dependent Academic 2oca)(lar* and m(ltiple meaning 6ords%, Land"!rms, m!untains Tier 3 2oca)(lar* $.ontent:dependent academic +oca)(lar*%, Pi!neers, -rairie, -lains &hat e+idence 6ill sho6 that st(dents ha+e m(ltiple opport(nities to practice the lang(age o)9ecti+e'
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Pri!r acti/ities in the less!n -lan .ill -r!/ide students .ill multi-le !--!rtunities. Students .ill be e0-!sed t! multi-le in"!rmati!nal res!urces such as in"!rmati!nal te0ts, internet s!urces, and a music /ide!. Students .ill ha/e the !--!rtunity t! use -ractice the lan ua e !b3ecti/e thr!u h!ut this and -recedin less!ns. "o6 6ill *o( differentiate for +ario(s lang(age le+els' 1 .ill di""erentiate "!r /ari!us lan ua e le/els by -r!/idin in"!rmati!n in a /ariety !" "!rms. 1 .ill use b!th "icti!n and n!n( "icti!n b!!ks t! -r!/ide an understandin !" the less!n4s !b3ecti/e. 1n"!rmati!n .ill als! be -r!/ided by the use !" illustrati!ns and by in"!rmati!n -r!/ided th!u h internet res!urces. "o6 6ill the e+idence demonstrate the e?tent to 6hich the st(dents ha+e met the o)9ecti+e' Students must use in"!rmati!n -r!/ided in the st!ry, Sarah, Plain and Tall, by Patricia 6acLachlan t! make in"erences t! in"!rmati!nal te0ts. STUDENTS )ITH IEP': dentif* the appropriate academic and/or )eha+ior E3 goals that *o( 6ill address in this lesson for each st(dent, *!ne &hat e+idence 6ill sho6 that these E3 goals are integrated into *o(r lesson' *+A Descri)e the accommodations and/or modifications necessar* for each st(dent to acti+el* participate inA and achie+e the desired o)9ecti+e for this lesson, Students re<uirin additi!nal assistance .hile researchin .ill ha/e the su--!rt !" instruct!r !r classr!!m su--!rt -ers!nnel. "o6 6ill each st(dent )e s(pported d(ring this lesson' Sca""!ldin "o6 6ill the e+idence demonstrate the e?tent to 6hich each st(dent has met the o)9ecti+e' The "inal !utc!me !" a detailed illustrated ma- .ill dem!nstrate the !b3ecti/e has been met.

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/ATE# AL!/TE."N0L0G=/#E!0-#.E!: &hat materials $s(ppliesA e7(ipmentA teaching aids% need to )e prepared and a+aila)le' Printed 6a-s, :=eartlands; music /ide! &y!utube), internet c!nnecti!n > c!m-uters, in"!rmati!nal te0t !n 6id.est Re i!ns .LA!!#00/ !-330#T 3E#!0NNEL: "o6 6ill paraprofessionalsA +ol(nteersA or other teachers s(pport st(dents d(ring this lesson' 9lassr!!m su--!rt -ers!nnel .ill assist students in research meth!ds and ensure that students are !n task durin desi nated research time. "o6 6ill *o( integrate technolog*' "o6 does this lesson s(pport the district@s technolog* goals' Techn!l! y is a main c!m-!nent !" this less!n. Students .ill use desi nated internet sites t! research a 6id.estern state and ain kn!.led e !n the re i!n. Students .ill als! /ie. an !nline /ide!. Descri)e *o(r timeline for implementation and (se of materialsA technolog*A and reso(rces, The less!n is estimated t! take 120 minutes. 7ide! ? minutes 7enn dia ram @0 minutes Research ?? minutes 9reati!n and 1llustrati!n !" 6id.est State @0 minutes


Think about the sequence of this lesson. Describe your plans for instruction in the order in which they will be implemented. Under Instructional Strate ies!" e#plain what you will do to present the content to the students. $hat will you do%say& Under Student 'cti(ities!" e#plain what the students will do durin each step of instruction.
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In'"r*&"i+na S"ra"egie' ,an'-er in .+/ .e +-0 The hoo;/1 G 7(estion: &hat 6ill *o( sa* or do to connect this lesson to st(dents@ life e?periences and access prior ;no6ledge' !tate *o(r e?act 6ording, *!. that y!u ha/e learned s! much ab!ut the re i!ns in the A.S. 14d like t! sh!. y!u a sh!rt music /ide! ab!ut the =eartlands. &hat 6ill *o( sa* or do to connect this lesson to *o(r pre+io(s lesson or to the standards' This less!n is c!nnected t! the -ri!r less!ns as it dra.s !n kn!.led e !btained in -re/i!us less!ns. This less!n c!nnects t! the 99SS by R1 2 inte ratin in"!rmati!n "r!m t.! te0ts !n the same t!-ic in !rder t! .rite !r s-eak ab!ut a sub3ect kn!.led eably.
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S"*$en" A&"i%i"ie' Students .ill /ie. the sh!rt music /ide! and ain in"!rmati!n !n the =eartlands !" America. *e0t students .ill .!rk t! ether t! c!llab!rate a 7enn dia ram c!m-arin and c!ntrastin 6aine and the 6id.estern States.

LEP1PLD Le%e Students in need !" additi!nal su--!rt .ill recei/e su--!rt "r!m classr!!m su--!rt -ers!nnel.

S"*$en"' -1IEP' an$1+r +"(er' Students in need !" additi!nal su--!rt .ill recei/e su--!rt "r!m classr!!m su--!rt -ers!nnel.

Students .ill use in"!rmati!n !btained in the /ide! and "r!m -re/i!us less!ns t! c!m-lete a 7enn dia ram.

Students .ill use in"!rmati!n !btained in the /ide! and "r!m -re/i!us less!ns t! c!m-lete a 7enn dia ram. Students .ill hear and see in"!rmati!n -r!/ided by !ther students in a /isual -resentati!n !" in"!rmati!n by the use !" a 7enn dia ram.

Students .ill use in"!rmati!n !btained in the /ide! and "r!m -re/i!us less!ns t! c!m-lete a 7enn dia ram. Students .ill hear and see in"!rmati!n -r!/ided by !ther students in a /isual -resentati!n !" in"!rmati!n by the use !" a 7enn dia ram

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This less!n als! c!nnects t! 99SS SL1 en a e e""ecti/ely in a ran e !" c!llab!rate discussi!ns .ith di/erse -artners !n rade $ t!-ics and te0ts, buildin !n !thers4 ideas and e0-ressin their !.n clearly. &hen and ho6 6ill *o( present the academic learning o)9ecti+e$s%' Lang(age o)9ecti+e$s%' The academic learnin !b3ecti/es .ill be discussed -ri!r t! students be innin their research time. Students .ill ain an understandin !" .hat in"!rmati!n is necessary "!r the c!m-leti!n !" the -r!3ect. The lan ua e !b3ecti/e .ill be discussed .hile students are researchin their t!-icB students .ill be a.are !" the terms and lan ua e needed t! success"ully -resent their "inal -r!3ect. Students .ill use in"!rmati!nal te0ts t! ain kn!.led e. Students .ill use s-eci"ic internet .ebsites t! ain additi!nal kn!.led e. Students .ill use in"!rmati!nal te0ts t! ain kn!.led e. Students .ill use s-eci"ic internet .ebsites t! ain additi!nal kn!.led e. 1llustrated in"!rmati!nal te0ts .ill be -r!/ided t! assist student4s ac<uisiti!n !" kn!.led e. 9lassr!!m su--!rt -ers!nnel .ill be a/ailable "!r additi!nal su--!rt i" needed. Students .ill use in"!rmati!nal te0ts t! ain kn!.led e. Students .ill use s-eci"ic internet .ebsites t! ain additi!nal kn!.led e. 1llustrated in"!rmati!nal te0ts .ill be -r!/ided t! assist student4s ac<uisiti!n !" kn!.led e. 9lassr!!m su--!rt -ers!nnel .ill be a/ailable "!r additi!nal su--!rt i" needed.

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List the steps $se7(ence% of *o(r lesson, ncl(de ho6 *o( 6ill )e chec;ing for (nderstanding $progress monitoring% in each step, Ste- 1# 6usic 7ide! Pr! ress .ill be m!nit!red by askin students .hat they learned in the /ide! Ste- 2# 9!llab!rati/ely create a 7enn dia ram c!m-arin and c!ntrastin the 6id.est re i!ns and 6aine. Pr! ress .ill be m!nit!red by class -artici-ati!n Ste- @# Research usin in"!rmati!nal te0t and internet .ebsites Pr! ress .ill be m!nit!red by the instruct!r .alkin ar!und the r!!m t! ensure that students are -r! ressin Ste- $# 9reati!n !" :Sarah4s 8estinati!n 6a-; Pr! ress .ill be m!nit!red by student4s !ral -resentati!n !" in"!rmati!n &citin
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Ste- 1# Watch 7ide!, -artici-ate in brie" class discussi!n Ste- 2# 9!llab!rati/ely create a 7enn dia ram, c!m-arin and c!ntrastin the 6id.est and 6aine Ste- @# Students .ill acti/ely research a 6id.est state usin in"!rmati!nal te0t and the internet Ste- $# Students .ill create an illustrated ma-, markin s-eci"ic land"!rms and -r!/idin a ma- key. Ste- ?# Students .ill !rally -resent their ma-s citin e/idence "r!m the st!ry as they make the determinati!n !" :Sarah4s 8estinati!n;

Students in need !" additi!nal su--!rt .ill recei/e su--!rt "r!m classr!!m su--!rt -ers!nnel. 1llustrated in"!rmati!nal te0ts .ill be -r!/ided t! assist student4s ac<uisiti!n !" kn!.led e. The in"!rmati!n .ill be -r!/ided in a /ariety !" di""erent .ays t! ensure student success.

Students in need !" additi!nal su--!rt .ill recei/e su--!rt "r!m classr!!m su--!rt -ers!nnel. 1llustrated in"!rmati!nal te0ts .ill be -r!/ided t! assist student4s ac<uisiti!n !" kn!.led e. The in"!rmati!n .ill be -r!/ided in a /ariety !" di""erent .ays t! ensure student success.

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in"!rmati!n -r!/ided in the st!ry as e/idence) Descri)e the +ario(s modalities that *o( and *o(r st(dents 6ill )e (sing, Lin uistic class discussi!n and c!llab!rati!n S-atial creati!n > dis-lay !" 7enn dia ram and ma1nter-ers!nal Students .ill .!rk t! ether t! create 7enn dia ram 1ntra-ers!nal Students .ill indi/idually create a ma*aturalist Students .ill ain in"!rmati!n !n nature as-ects !" 6id.est State&s). Lin uistic class discussi!n and c!llab!rati!n S-atial creati!n > dis-lay !" 7enn dia ram and ma1nter-ers!nal Students .ill .!rk t! ether t! create 7enn dia ram 1ntra-ers!nal Students .ill indi/idually create a ma*aturalist Students .ill ain in"!rmati!n !n nature as-ects !" 6id.est State&s). Lin uistic class discussi!n and c!llab!rati!n S-atial creati!n > dis-lay !" 7enn dia ram and ma1nter-ers!nal Students .ill .!rk t! ether t! create 7enn dia ram 1ntra-ers!nal Students .ill indi/idually create a ma*aturalist Students .ill ain in"!rmati!n !n nature as-ects !" 6id.est State&s). Students in need !" additi!nal su--!rt .ill recei/e su--!rt "r!m classr!!m su--!rt -ers!nnel. Students use in"!rmati!n "!und in the "icti!n st!ry Sarah, Plain and Tall and -air it .ith in"!rmati!nal "!und in in"!rmati/e te0ts and internet res!urces t! c!m-lete an accurate ma- !" a 6id.estern state. Students use in"!rmati!n "!und in the "icti!n st!ry Sarah, Plain and Tall and -air it .ith in"!rmati!nal "!und in in"!rmati/e te0ts and internet res!urces t! c!m-lete an accurate ma- !" a 6id.estern state. Students .ill be i/en the Lin uistic class discussi!n and c!llab!rati!n S-atial creati!n > dis-lay !" 7enn dia ram and ma1nter-ers!nal Students .ill .!rk t! ether t! create 7enn dia ram 1ntra-ers!nal Students .ill indi/idually create a ma*aturalist Students .ill ain in"!rmati!n !n nature as-ects !" 6id.est State&s). Students in need !" additi!nal su--!rt .ill recei/e su--!rt "r!m classr!!m su--!rt -ers!nnel. Students use in"!rmati!n "!und in the "icti!n st!ry Sarah, Plain and Tall and -air it .ith in"!rmati!nal "!und in in"!rmati/e te0ts and internet res!urces t! c!m-lete an accurate ma- !" a 6id.estern state. Students .ill be i/en the
Lesson 3lan Template page D

1ased on 1loom@s ta?onom*A 6hat 7(estions 6ill *o( as; to chec; for (nderstanding' $1e s(re to differentiate 7(estions for appropriate de+elopmental and academic le+els%, 9!m-rehensi!n# 1n the st!ry !" Sarah, Plain and Tall the character Sarah tra/els "r!m
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6aine t! a 6id.estern state. The 6id.estern state is n!t -articularly named thr!u h!ut the st!ry. Asin e/idence "r!m the te0t ch!!se a 6id.estern state that bec!mes Sarah4s destinati!n Why did y!u ch!!se this stateC Synthesis# Asin e/idence "!und thr!u h researchB create a ma- !" a 6id.estern state includin labels.

-a e D4s !" the st!ry .here the descri-ti/e in"!rmati!n !" the 6id.estern state can be "!und. Students in need !" additi!nal su--!rt .ill recei/e su--!rt "r!m classr!!m su--!rt -ers!nnel.

-a e D4s !" the st!ry .here the descri-ti/e in"!rmati!n !" the 6id.estern state can be "!und. Students in need !" additi!nal su--!rt .ill recei/e su--!rt "r!m classr!!m su--!rt -ers!nnel.

&hat e+idence 6ill sho6 that this lesson 6as connected to *o(r st(dents@ life e?periencesA interestsA and pre+io(s lessons' The -re/i!us less!ns .ill c!nnect t! this less!n. The less!ns .ill c!nnect t! students4 li"e e0-eriences and interests by inc!r-!ratin techn!l! y.

This less!n c!nnects t! -re/i!us less!ns. Students ha/e -re/i!usly read the "icti!n st!ry, Sarah, Plain and Tall. Students -re/i!usly .ere t! identi"y "actual in"!rmati!n -resented in the st!ry. This less!n c!nnects t! students4 li"e e0-eriences and interests by inc!r-!ratin techn!l! y int! the less!n.

This less!n c!nnects t! -re/i!us less!ns. Students ha/e -re/i!usly read the "icti!n st!ry, Sarah, Plain and Tall. Students -re/i!usly .ere t! identi"y "actual in"!rmati!n -resented in the st!ry. This less!n c!nnects t! students4 li"e e0-eriences and interests by inc!r-!ratin techn!l! y int! the less!n.

This less!n c!nnects t! -re/i!us less!ns. Students ha/e -re/i!usly read the "icti!n st!ry, Sarah, Plain and Tall. Students -re/i!usly .ere t! identi"y "actual in"!rmati!n -resented in the st!ry. This less!n c!nnects t! students4 li"e e0-eriences and interests by inc!r-!ratin techn!l! y int! the less!n. The "inal creati!n !" the maLesson 3lan Template page 10

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The "inal creati!n !" the maall!.s the student t! -ers!nally c!nnect t! the less!n by ha/in the students -ers!nally create a /isual. &hat e+idence 6ill *o( collect d(ring the lesson and/or at the end of the lesson that 6ill sho6 the e?tent to 6hich st(dents ha+e met *o(r lesson o)9ecti+es' The 7enn dia ram .ill dem!nstrate student4s kn!.led e. This in"!rmati!n .ill be c!llected at the be innin !" the less!n. The ma-s .ill be c!llected at the end !" the less!n t! dem!nstrate students4 r!.th. .los(re: &hat 6ill *o( do or sa* to s(mmariEe and concl(de the lesson' Readin "icti!n st!ries can be a "un .ay t! et in"!rmati!n. This st!ry .as an e0am-le !" that. 1n !rder t! make use
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The "inal creati!n !" the maall!.s the student t! -ers!nally c!nnect t! the less!n by ha/in the students -ers!nally create a /isual. 8urin the less!n in"!rmati!n .ill be c!llected c!llab!rati/ely "r!m the students by creatin a 7enn dia ram. Students .ill meet the !b3ecti/e by c!m-letin a detailed ma- and -resentin their ma-.

all!.s the student t! -ers!nally c!nnect t! the less!n by ha/in the students -ers!nally create a /isual. 8urin the less!n in"!rmati!n .ill be c!llected c!llab!rati/ely "r!m the students by creatin a 7enn dia ram. Students .ill meet the !b3ecti/e by c!m-letin a detailed ma- and -resentin their ma-.

8urin the less!n in"!rmati!n .ill be c!llected c!llab!rati/ely "r!m the students by creatin a 7enn dia ram. Students .ill meet the !b3ecti/e by c!m-letin a detailed ma- and -resentin their ma-.

Students .ill share in"!rmati!n they "!und in the "icti!n st!ry that lead them thr!u h their research. Students .ill share in"!rmati!n they "!und durin their research.

Students .ill share in"!rmati!n they "!und in the "icti!n st!ry that lead them thr!u h their research. &Students .ill be i/en the -a e D4s !" the st!ry .here the descri-ti/e in"!rmati!n

Students .ill share in"!rmati!n they "!und in the "icti!n st!ry that lead them thr!u h their research. &Students .ill be i/en the -a e D4s !" the st!ry .here the descri-ti/e in"!rmati!n
Lesson 3lan Template page 11

!" the in"!rmati!n "!und in "icti!n st!ries it is im-!rtant t! -air them .ith in"!rmati!nal te0t.

!" the 6id.estern state can be "!und.) Students .ill share in"!rmati!n they "!und durin their research. Students .ill :-ublish; their .!rk !n the student .all. &This less!n .ill c!nclude at the recess bell.) Students .ill clean u- and -re-are "!r the ne0t sub3ect. Students .ill :-ublish; their .!rk !n the student .all. &This less!n .ill c!nclude at the recess bell.) Students .ill clean u- and -re-are "!r the ne0t sub3ect.

!" the 6id.estern state can be "!und.) Students .ill share in"!rmati!n they "!und durin their research. Students .ill :-ublish; their .!rk !n the student .all. &This less!n .ill c!nclude at the recess bell.) Students .ill clean u- and -re-are "!r the ne0t sub3ect.

&hat 6ill *o( do or sa* to transition to the ne?t lesson or acti+it*' 1 .ill ask the students t! :-ublish; their .!rk !n the student .all. This less!n .ill c!nclude at the recess bell. 1 .ill ask the students t! clean u- and -re-are "!r the ne0t sub3ect.

PART D: REFLECTION f *o( ha+e not ta(ght the lesson: &hat diffic(lties do *o( anticipate that st(dents ma* ha+e 6ith the lesson content' &h* do *o( thin; these 6ill )e areas of diffic(lt*' 1 antici-ate that students may ha/e di""iculties .ith researchin in"!rmati!n !n the internet. 1 -lan t! ha/e classr!!m su--!rt -ers!nnel -resent durin the research h!ur. 1 .ill r!u- the students by numberin them !"" 1,2. The 14s .ill research in"!rmati!nal te0ts "!r the "irst 20 minutes. 6ean.hile the 24s .ill research s-eci"ic internet sites "!r the "irst 20 minutes. The
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r!u-s .ill s.itch a"ter 20 minutes. The last 1? minutes .ill be the students :ch!ice time;, they can c!m-lete research usin their meth!d !" ch!ice. &hat other potential Ftro()le spotsG are *o( anticipating' 1 antici-ate that students make n!t use their research time .isely. ?? minutes is a sh!rt am!unt !" timeB students .ill need t! .!rk dili ently. Students need t! limit their research t! in"!rmati!n used t! create a ma-. 1 .ill use check in strate ies e/ery 10 minutes t! m!nit!r student -r! ress.

PART E: APPLICATION f *o( ha+e not ta(ght this lesson: "o6 might the str(ct(re of this lesson inform the de+elopment of f(t(re lessons'
The structure !" this less!n .ill all!. students t! be -re-ared "!r "uture research -r!3ects. Students .ill ain e0-erience in research by usin multi-le s!urces such as in"!rmati!nal te0t and internet sites. Students .ill als! ain e0-erience in c!m-arin "icti!n st!ries .ith in"!rmati!nal te0ts t! ain kn!.led e. &A "icti!n te0t !"ten re/eals "actual in"!rmati!n t! the readerB it is u- t! the reader t! elab!rate !n that in"!rmati!n in !rder t! make meanin .)

Dominican -ni+ersit* of .alifornia -;iah .enter

Lesson 3lan Template page 13

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