Portfolio Rubric - Blank

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Rubric for Portfolio Assessment!

Excellent Knowledge and Understanding The candidate has: Included section and artifact descriptions demonstrate a high level of knowledge of the Seven Arenas of Living. Articulated a strong understanding of how individual course activities help students develop in the Seven Arenas of Living. Thinking The candidate has: Communication The candidate has: Organized the artifacts within the portfolio extremely well, supporting thinking about the Seven Arenas of Living. Communicated a testament to the Catholic faith tradition and personal faith formation; the form exceeds expectations. Used conventions, vocabulary and terminology with a high degree of uency. Application The candidate has: Included artifacts that reect the extension of knowledge and skills to elaborate on connections between course content and the distinctive vision and teachings of the Catholic School Board. Competent Included section and artifact descriptions demonstrate sufcient knowledge of the Seven Arenas of Living. Considerable understanding of how individual course activities help students develop in the Seven Arenas of Living. Organized the artifacts within the portfolio, competently representing thinking about the Seven Arenas of Living. Competently used the portfolio as a mechanism for communicating a testament to the Catholic faith tradition and personal faith formation. Used conventions, vocabulary and terminology to meet expectations. Developing Included section and artifact descriptions demonstrate some knowledge of the Seven Arenas of Living. Is developing understanding of how individual course activities help students develop in the Seven Arenas of Living. Somewhat organized the artifacts within the portfolio, representing some thinking about the Seven Arenas of Living. Communicated some testament to the Catholic faith tradition and personal faith formation.

Name: Dana Glofcheskie

Beginning Included section and artifact descriptions are absent or are not substantial enough to demonstrate knowledge of the Seven Arenas of Living. Limited understanding of how individual course activities help students develop in the Seven Arenas of Living. Not organized the artifacts within the portfolio, reecting little about the candidates thinking about the Seven Arenas of Living. Not adequately communicated a testament to the Catholic faith tradition and personal faith formation. Shown limited ability to use conventions, vocabulary and terminology to communicate understanding. Shown limited understanding of how to make connections between course content and the distinctive vision and teachings of the Catholic School Board.

Shown developing abilities to use conventions, vocabulary and terminology to communicate understanding. Included artifacts that reect some use of knowledge and skills to make some connections between course content and the distinctive vision and teachings of the Catholic School Board.

Included artifacts that reect the application of knowledge and skills to identify connections between course content and the distinctive vision and teachings of the Catholic School Board.

A+! A! ! B+ ! ! Fail!

All criteria at the excellent level. 4 at the excellent level with the remaining 2 criteria at competent level. No criteria can be at the beginning or developing level. 4 or more criteria achieved at the competent level or above with 2 or less at the developing level. No criteria can be at the beginning level. Any criteria achieved that do not meet the requirements for A+, A or B+

Your grade is


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