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Darby B.

Foor 412-266-5942 School Address: 217 S. Atherton Street Apt 206 St$te %olle&e' #A 16(01 Education Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA *$+orin& in ,inesiolo&.#A: .42 Academic Honors National Society of Leadership and Success !ean"s List #ecipient Work Experience $ostess% &onefish 'rill, Upper St( )lair, PA %oordin$te se$tin& of rest$ur$nt &uests %le$r $nd reset t$)les $nd m$int$in o/er$ll $ppe$r$nce of dinin& room $ead Lifeguard% *ontclair +states S,i-clu., Upper St( )lair, PA 0esponsi)le for the s$fet- of pool p$trons #romoted to he$d life&u$rd: tr$in ne1 &u$rds $nd super/ise $ll life&u$rds Home Address: 5 !on"uil #l$ce #itts)ur&h' #A 1522(

August 2011-Present

201 -Present 2012-201 201 -Present


)lerical Assistant at Su--er +nrich-ent Progra-% Pitts.urgh, PA 2010-2012 Assist pro&r$m coordin$tors $nd te$chers 1ith re&istr$tion' prep$r$tion of cl$ssroom supplies' $nd coordin$tion of d$il- $cti/ities 2i&ht cleric$l duties Volunteer Experience /inesiology )lu. 0/ )o--ittee, Penn State, University Park, PA Help or&$ni3e the 201 St. #$tric45s 6$- 5, run Solicit )usinesses for don$tions 0$ise $1$reness $mon& students of the e/ent $nd encour$&e their p$rticip$tion. 1elco-e 1eek )re, *, University Park, PA 6irect students $nd f$milies to dorms $nd other c$mpus )uildin&s Aid students 1ith mo/in& )elon&in&s into dorms Penn State !ance *arathon, University Park, PA




!( 2oor #esu-e

*em)er of the c$nnin& committee for the or&$ni3$tion 7mp$ct' $ speci$l interest or&$ni3$tion 1ithin 8hon' the #enn St$te 79%:#$nhellenic 6$nce *$r$thon ;111.thon.or&< %$ll )usinesses to $s4 permission to fundr$ise on their propertAssist 1ith o)t$inin& $ppropri$te permits Ser/e $s li$ison for the 7mp$ct &roup 1ith the )usiness 1hile on site. 2004-2005

3eacher"s Assistant at *t( Le.anon Su--er +nrich-ent Progra-, Pitts.urgh, PA Assist the te$cher in instructin& $ chemistr- cl$ss for element$r- $&ed -outh #resent lessons $nd monitor student pro&ress Assistant )a-p )ounselor at *t( Le.anon #ecreation )enter, Pitts.urgh, PA 2e$d $nd monitor pl$- $cti/ities for -outh $&ed 5-( Leadership Experience &lood !rive )hair, Phi *u 2raternity, University Park ,PA #l$n t1o )lood dri/es per semester for sororit- to sponsor 0ecruit /olunteers $nd donors 1ithin ch$pter *$int$in positi/e rel$tions 1ith Americ$n 0ed %ross Secretary of Phi *u 2raternity Pledge )lass, University Park, PA 0ecord minutes $t pled&e cl$ss meetin&s )aptain% *t( Le.anon 7arsity Soft.all, Pitts.urgh, PA *eet 1ith offici$ls prior to the &$me to discuss rules $nd re&ul$tions )aptain% Pitts.urgh Po,er Soft.all, Pitts.urgh, PA *eet 1ith offici$ls prior to the &$me to discuss rules $nd re&ul$tions


201 -Present


2011 2010

Student )urriculu- Advisory )ouncil )o--ittee *, Pitts.urgh, PA %on/ene 1ith princip$ls $nd $d/isors to discuss curriculum $nd su&&est 1$-s to impro/e 6iscuss possi)le ch$n&es to enh$nce future cl$sses


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