The Giving Tree Info 2013

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The Giving Tree at AISB

You can help make a child's Christmas brighter.

Student Council and Roots and shoots students are helping to organize
The Giving Tree again this year which is a project where you fill a shoebox
with items that will help brighten the lives of less fortunate
children. Last year 100 shoeboxes were filled and they went to
children from 3 organizations; PAVEL childrens Cancer Hospital
(!!!"#$%&'#('#)#*+,"-%., Touched Romania (
and Fundatia Sf. Dimitrie (
With your help, this year we are hoping to fill even more shoeboxes!
How it Works
On Tuesday, Dec. 3rd at 3pm there will be a tree set up in the atrium which will have
nametags. Each nametag will have on the back, the name of the organization as well as
the name, age, and sex of the child you will be helping.
All you have to do is!
1- Select a nametag ornament from the Giving Tree.
2- Put your name, e-mail and phone number on the master form that will be on a
bulletin board by the tree. (This is very important so please dont forget to do this
as it is the only way we can keep track of which gifts go with which child)!
3- Fill the shoe box with items that are appropriate for your childs age. (See on the
back for ideas on possible things that you can buy).
4- Wrap the top and bottom of an adult sized shoe box separately with festive
paper and put the nametag ornament on the inside of the box. (Please put a
rubber band around your box to keep the lid in place). You can also have your
child write a Christmas card that he/she can include in the box.
5- Bring your shoe box to the library reception desk before Tuesday, Dec. 10
3pm so that we have time to organize the boxes and send to their respective
organization before we all leave for the holidays.
This holiday season, regardless of our cultural or religious background, we can
all be thankful for what we have and give to those that are less fortunate than
If you have any questions then please visit the bulletin board in the atrium
or contact Janice Myles at
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Some general suggesLlons for fllllng any box:

o Warm gloves, haL and/or scarf
o Socks, underwear, pa[amas
o Crayons, pens, markers or colored
o 1ooLhpasLe and LooLhbrush
o Soap
o Palr brush
o SweeLs/candy, chocolaLes
o 1oy/game
o 8omanlan book
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o SLuffed anlmal
o 8all
o 1oy cars
o uoll or acLlon flgures
o Small muslcal lnsLrumenL

*+8 +/ %&/1 34)#2 9 6+ :;
o SLuffed Loy anlmal
o AcLlon flgure
o Card games
o Legos or playmobll
o SLlckers
o !ump rope

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o !ewelry and halr accessorles
o Palr producLs
o Make up, nall pollsh
o erfume
o Came: chess, domlnoes, cards,
o Small bag or purse
o waLch
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o AfLershave
o halr producLs
o 1ravel slze board games
o 1-shlrL
o Socks
o WaLch
o 8aseball cap

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