Major Test Wordlist H, I, J, K (Bangla Meaning+Mnemonic+Example)

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Major Test 1500 Wordlist (H, I, J, K)

1. Hamper-----hinder; obstruct----- ----PAMPERS DIAPER for babies .restrict the free movement :-) ------ High winds, powerful waves and difficult currents hamper operations. 2. Hangar------storage area (like garage) for a plane------, -----Hanger is something on which we hang clothes so it becomes a storage area of clothes. Just replace clothes with plane so it is a storage area for planes. --------- We work from the helicopter hangar on the upper deck. 3. Harangue------noisy, attacking speech-------- ---- HARANGUE can be split as har + ang + u + when YOU are ANGry with HAR(her), she is subjected to a long or intensive verbal attack. ---------He delivered a long harangue about the evils of popular culture. 4. Harbingers---------indicators; bringers of warnings--------------sounds like HER + FINGER, she shows me what is about to happen by gesturing with her finger. --------- Both are also reliable harbingers of medical disaster. 5. Hasten----hurry; accelerate; rush------ , -----hasten sounds like FASTEN........which means same ------- These volunteers can hasten their own executions by several years. 6. Haughtiness--------arrogance; pride------ , ------ read as HOTTIE - a girl who is considered a hottie will be arrogant. ------- She could look stern, but haughtiness was beneath her. 7. Headstrong--------stubborn; willful----------- Headstrong is a person whose head is strong and hence he doesnt change his opinions, so he is stubborn ------- The headstrong president seems unlikely to give any ground. 8. Hedonism----self indulgence; pleasure-seeking---- , ---he(is) don... and obviously has strong devotion to pleasures of senses -------- It is a masterpiece of mental hedonism, an idea that satisfies itself. 9. Hedonist-------a pleasure seeker---- ----- hey..don... is.. hedonist...don enjoys all the pleasures of life so he believes in pleasure as the aim of life ---------Fair enough: hedonist impulses and revolutionary aspirations are not necessarily contradictory. 10. Heed-------listen to---- , ------- HEED - Think of HEAR means listening and paying attention to something ------ Some of those around him did not heed that warning.

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11. Heresy------against orthodox opinion------- ------- divide this word into her (her)+esy(sounds like essay)... most of the essays written by her are against popular beliefs. Taslima Nasrin, a Bangladeshi writer is one such person who has recently created a furor because of her book -------- That might seem like heresy, but maybe it is just thinking outside the box. 12. Hiatus-------interruption; pause-----, , ------ split it as HI+AT+US.....if anyone says 'Hi' on the way, we will definitely stop for a while. --------- I'm currently starting over after a long hiatus 13. Hidebound-----rigid in opinions------, ------ A person who is BOUND to HIDE something since he is conservative and narrow-minded -------- Professional services, such as law and accountancy, remain hidebound 14. Hieroglyphics--------1. Picture writing; 2. Writing which is difficult to read or enigmatic--- ----- PIC in the word...easy to remember.. ------ While hieroglyphics is commonly used, it is discouraged by Egyptologists. 15. Hinder -----obstruct----- ------- He added that a lack of experience would not hinder his ability to fill in. 16. Histrionic------theatrical; exaggerated----- , ------ histrionic-- sounds like history. We find that most of the plays performed on stage in the theatre are from history, hence the name histrionic, theatrical. ------- It's just a histrionic and inaccurate way to say they think taxes are too high. 17. Hoary-----old------ ------ Hoary or Hairy (white here). -------The jokes are both obvious and hoary 18. Hone-----sharpen; increase; whet------ --- Hone sounds like cone, and both horn and cone are sharp --------- Use the experience to broaden and hone your teaching skills. 19. Hyperbole------grossly exaggerated speech----, ------ hyper (beyond the limit) +bole (means speak)...So someone who gives the statement beyond his limit...Overstating basically. ------- Hype and hyperbole are an accepted part of marketing and public relations. 20. Hypochondriac-----a person obsessed with health; having imaginary illnesses---- --- human cell contains MYTOCONDRIA that is related to health. --------- My hypochondriac tendency is raising its ugly head. 21. Hypocritical------insincere--------- hyper means excessive,hypo means less. critics openly tell harsh comments. hypo+critical (less openly say harsh comments)pretending. --------- His analysis is hypocritical and intellectually dishonest.
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22. Hackneyed------common and over-used--------- when a software is hacked, it becomes hackneyed because then all people are able to use that program without paying for -------- Please spare me until you can come up with a less hackneyed theme. 23. Hallowed-----worshipped; consecrated------ , ---"Halo"wed....Put a "halo" over something - Halo belongs to angels! --------- They are all hallowed places, somber and impeccably maintained. 24. Hortatory-----encouraging; exhorting---------- While ploughing farms with bullocks, farmers say "HUR HUR ;HORT HORT" to encourage bullocks to move ahead. This is HORTATORY. ------- There is nothing dated about the author's hortatory message. 25. Halcyon-----peaceful and happy; calm (esp. of summer weather)----- --- halcyon can be considered as opposite of cyclone...just imagine a cyclone. ---------- Despite the years since their halcyon youth, they made brave efforts to dance. 26. Heterodox------unorthodox------- ----- heterodox--hetero-means different+
dox --means opinion, so different or many opinions. Orthodox, heterodox are from the same root. ------- My heterodox views can live within this movement, as many other heterodox views do.

27. Hyperbole------exaggeration [hyperbolic (a)] ----, 28. Hapless------unlucky----- , ---- relate it to helpless -------- We are still hapless idealists, from the very founding of our nation. 29. Hack------1. Chop roughly; 2. Person who writes to earn money, 3. Hired horse----- , , ------ In the two years since my email was hacked; the scam has got even bigger. 30. Hallow------ respect; worship------ , ---Hallow = Hall + ow; in a prayer 'Hall' religious programs are are held. ------They believe they stand on the same hallowed patch of English earth. 31. Hegemony------ political domination; complete authority------ , ---hegemony:he's got money,so he's domineering in the society and he control others. -------Hegemony is then ability to deny, not ability to produce. 32. Hawser------- thick rope or cable----- ------ spell like "hose-r"...hose pipe is like a big long rope used for nautical purposes ----The hawser connection is simplified compared to more realistic and complicated one. 33. Homiletics----art of preaching and giving sermons----------'homely'+'ethics':when ur home,ur dad will preach ethics infront of all relatives as if he is buddha!! -------- Magazines and manuals offer how-to guides to homiletics
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34. Homogeneity------ evenness; uniformity------ ------ It encourages homogeneity and blandness in our diet and environment. ********** H ********** 35. Iconoclast-----person who opposes orthodoxy, someone who attacks the beliefs, customs, and opinions that most people in a society accept ------ icons-ideals; clast is like clash... so iconoclast is someone whose ideas clash with the traditional ideals. ------- There was more than one classical iconoclast in town this week 36. Idiosyncrasy-----a personal peculiarity; something unique to an individual---- , --- Idiot in sync with the crazy ppl are idiosyncratic. ------ It sounds like you are advocating rebellion and idiosyncrasy 37. Ignominious-----shameful------ , --IGNORANT+MINUS(negative personality)....imagine your teacher is saying that you are an ignorant and negative person...what will happen?? will cause public disgrace and shame They tried to dissuade me in such ignominious ways, economically and administratively. 38. Ignominy------shame [ignominious (a) = shameful]-----, ---IGNO(IGNORE)+miny(enemy) YOU ignore your enemy because you have a DEEP DISGRACE FOR HIM. ------ He deserves all the blame and ignominy that befalls him. 39. Illuminate----to light up or make clear----- --The new exhibit will illuminate some of the fascinating dynamics of their co-evolution 40. Illusory-----deceptive; false; misleading----- , ----- The world's solicitude was lovely, even if it was almost certainly illusory 41. Immoderate------excessive; extreme----, ------- The brothers allegedly were motivated by their sister's immoderate lifestyle. 42. Immutable----unchanging; permanent----- , ---- mutation implies changes in genes etc. Therefore, it is im(non) + mutable ie cannot change ------- Scientists once believed that long-term memories were immutable 43. Impartial-----unbiased; neutral--------- There are two PARTS. You don't favor either PART. You are imPARTIAL. -------- Thank goodness this was a completely impartial non-political panel. 44. Impecunious-----having no money----, ---- IM (not) +PECUNIA is a root for money...hence impecunious means having little or no money. ------- Princes and impecunious students stood on terms of perfect equality. 45. Impious-----wicked; profane----, ----- pious means with a -ve prefix,impious means not a person who is not religious lacks

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respect for god. synonym:IMPIETY -------- Traitors have raised the impious arm of rebellion against this sacred standard. 46. Impoverished------destitute; poor----- ------ if you can break the word as .. in(Im)+Poor(pover)+...condition(ished)that means living in poor condition ---Children in impoverished countries will die in the time it takes to write this post here. 47. Impromptu------unrehearsed; spontaneous----- , --- just remember prompt of in[promptu] that's it -------- It's not too late to organize an impromptu party at your house. 48. Inadvertent-----not intentional-----, ------ Inadvertent - not known in advance, hence unexpected. ----- He suggested that an inadvertent error had occurred. 49. Incantation------chant; invocation; prayer------, --- incantation--read it as inc(h)antation..chanting of magical words etc. ---It is not a magical incantation , the slightest deviation from which will break the spell. 50. Incarceration----putting in prison---- ------ after stealing a car you got tension as you were IN "CARCER" jail -------- Their incarceration rate is seven times the national average. 51. Incessant-----without stopping-----, ---- IN(MEANS not)+cessa(sounds like CEASE (MEANS TO STOP)...something which does not stop , and continues forever, hence UNINTERRUPTED AND UNCEASING. --------- It has become nothing but tiresome, incessant blathering. 52. Incipient-----just beginning----- , ---inci(INITIAL)+pie(nt)(PAYment)...wen only d initial payment is given, ur house wil be partially constructed!! ---Cell phones are a surrogate telecom infrastructure for the nation's incipient economy. 53. Inclination----tendency; a leaning toward----, , ----- people cling to their inclinations ------The inclination now is more toward emphatic self-promotion. 54. Incoherent------not clear-----, , ---- opposite of coherent. ------ Grace was practically incoherent, shuffling around the premises. 55. Incongruous-----not fitting in; out of place-----, -----in + congruence...when 2 things are in congruence they are in harmony so in+congruence means lack of harmony -------The two systems are at once perceived to be incongruous 56. Inconsequential-----unimportant; insignificant; negligible------, , ---- consequence means result- we are never worried about the result of
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inconsequential or worthless things. ------ The show is inconsequential, but the feeling into which it taps is not. 57. Inconspicuous -----not easily seen; subtle; not noticeable----- , ------ in(not)+conspicuous(something clear) hence inconspicuous means something not clear, not easily seen ------- Sometimes being inconspicuous is the best security in the world. 58. Indelible-----cannot be wiped out---------- indelible: in + delete + able- which can't be deleted ------ Let's see how good all that indelible ink is for washing. 59. Indifferent-----1. Neutral; 2. not outstanding----, ----- he showed "no difference" in his means he is unmoved or unconcerned...!!! ------- It's simply more evidence that the world is indifferent to us 60. Indigenous-----native to particular area-----------indian+ geniuses.....native or local talent or genius..... ------- These policies encapsulate human capital, both indigenous and from immigration. 61. Indolence-----laziness-----, ------once u reach adolescence u become lazy ------ Little by little, a sort of innate indolence leads him to discard all his fine intentions. 62. Inductee----novice; beginner---------- Inductee is like induction cooker which has entered the market recently. ------ Each inductee is chosen through a statewide nomination and selection process. 63. Indulgent----pampering; satisfying desires--------- INDULGENT= INDULGE+ GENTLE. Parents who Indulge in issues of their children and are very Gentle. So they lean to the wishes of their children. --------- Such a place leaves little room for self- indulgent melancholy. 64. Inebriation----- drunkenness; intoxication--------- "in beer reaction" -->in drunken state -------- Most of the guests at the party were consuming alcohol as well and were in various stages of inebriation . 65. Ineffable-----cannot be expressed in words-------- in+ef+ fable. fable means story. story can be told. in-fable means something which cannot be uttered such as the name of Lord Voldemort (from Harry Potter). ------- The gift of being able to witness that transformation is ineffable. 66. Inept-----incompetent; unskilled; useless----, ---- IN (not) + EPT (like apt ; which means suitable) = not suitable -------- Don't forget the inept idiot who appointed him in the first place.

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67. Inertia-----inactivity; lethargy------, -----IN EARTH: buried in a coffin --After 10 years in an unsatisfying job she overcame her inertia and went back to school. 68. Inevitable-----cannot be avoided----- , ---Remember inevitable sounds like IN-EVERY-TABLE( what is UNAVOIDABLE in every table? Answer is food)Food is unavoidable in every(dinning)table. So inevitable=unavoidable ------- It seems that wherever human technology and wildlife meet, damage is inevitable 69. Inexorable-----relentless-----, , ----in(not)+exhort(means to pressurize):that means a person who is inexorable cant be pressurized; he will not yield --------Rather, it has been an unexpected but inexorable military decline. 70. Inexpedient------not advisable----- , ---- IN(not) cannot take part in the expedition because you are not suitable or appropriate.... ------ We think the facts of this case show the proposal to be inexpedient 71. Infallible-----perfect; flawless; cannot make mistakes-----, -----IN (not) +FALL...A person who doesn't fall is a person who doesn't make mistakes.... -------- Fingerprints offer an infallible means of personal identification. 72. Infamous-----famous for something bad-----, ----- No crime is more infamous than the violation of truth. -------- No crime is more infamous than the violation of truth. 73. Infer------deduce; conclude----- , ---- in-fer is like re-fer(send for making decision) and infer is making decision ------ They try to infer the best of our current knowledge. 74. Ingnue-----nave, unsophisticated person-----, ----- Her character is neither a simple ingnue nor a vamp. 75. Ingrate------ungrateful person------ ---- In Latin 'in' stands for not, that is how in~grate = not grateful; thankless -------Only an ingrate would question his casting decisions. 76. Inimical----hostile-----, , ----- inimi=enemy, and enemies cause damage. So inimical means something damaging. ----We should treat Pakistan as a friend when it is friendly and as a foe when it is inimical 77. Innate------inherited; inborn-----, ----- Root word nate = Inborn ------- Perseverance is much more important than innate talent. 78. Innocuous------harmless; inoffensive----- , --in (not) + nocuous (noxious)..... means not noxious.... something which is not noxious is harmless ------ Thank you for the completely innocuous essay you presented today.

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79. Innovate-------create; introduce something new----- , ---- in (invent) +nov(novelty=new thing)...innovate...create ------- Nevada is bringing Project Shield to innovate portable gaming. 80. Inscrutable------mysterious; impenetrable------, ----IN(not)+SCRUTINY(critical observation or examination)....a thing that cannot be examined or understood is inscrutable. ------- The remainder of the contents was equally inscrutable. 81. Insentient------unfeeling---, ----in+sentinements no sentiments = no feelings -------- An insentient therapist who failed to see what the teenager's real problem was 82. Insipid------dull; bland; boring------, ---- in+sip+id(it) in-'not, -ve prefix', so when you do not sip it, i.e a juice ,then it means the juice lacks flavor. ---How insipid, miserable and degrading an idle life is without any definite object in view 83. Instigate------to start; provoke----- , ------ I am always motivated whenever I see the Institute gate (relate to instigate) of "MIT" -------- The idea is not to instigate or inspire change, but rather to control and manage it. 84. Instigator------troublemaker; person who entices others to do something---- ----- He was a heroic truth-teller to some, a loudmouth instigator to others. 85. Insurgent-----a rebel--------- a person (army man) who does not listen to the command of his sergeant is rebellious in nature therefore in-sergeant = one who does not listen to his sergeant [commander] thus is rebellious. ------ The military's tried nearly everything to stop insurgent bombs. 86. Interminable------never-ending-----, ----- IN + TERMINABLE = NOT + TERMINATE + ABLE ------- The debates are becoming interminable and the wives of the treaty-makers are getting restive. 87. Intermittent------sporadic; irregular------ - , ---- In Cinema films ,are divided in two parts having a "intermision" between them. --------- The railways face intermittent problems due to political unrest in some regions. 88. Intransigence-------stubbornness----- , 89. Intransigent------stubborn; unyielding-----, ----- intransigent = in-'not' + transact => won't do the transaction -------- He has remained intransigent in his opposition to the proposal. 90. Intrepid-----brave----, ------IN TRAP... you are fearless and confident that you will come out of it. --------- Those at home will probably never know anything about what happened to the intrepid explorers.
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91. Inveterate-----habitual--------In this word. we have a root ie.. veter--that have lasted a long time and seem likely to continue. This itself gives an idea of the meaning -------- As others have mentioned she was an inveterate traveler. 92. Invidious-----arousing envy------, ------ invi seems like "envy" check the meaning of envy and you will understand the mnemonic -----The precise question is whether the difference in treatment is invidious or arbitrary. 93. Inviolable---cannot be invaded--- , ---violate is to break, to infringe thus inviolable is which cannot be broken or infringed, or which cannot be corrupted ------ Such companies frequently bleat that personal data is secure and inviolable 94. Irascible----easily angered----, ---- concentrate on rasc- a rascal is one who is irritable, choleric, short-tempered & hotheaded ------- The irascible old individualist makes his life sound dully plausible and pat. 95. Ire-----anger [irate (a) = very angry] ------, ----- ire sounds like arey!! which is a phonetic exclamation when a person gets angry with you ------- It also, as you know, got up the ire of some of my colleagues. 96. Irksome----annoying; infuriating---------- ir(iritate) + some >>> somewhat irritating. -------- There are only a few irksome group dynamics that cannot be easily escaped. 97. Ironic-----satiric; unexpected-----, ----- The ironic part is the struggle he had to go though to prove his worth. 98. Irrational-----unreasonable; absurd----, ----Please do your research before making such sweeping, totally irrational statements. 99. Irreproachable-----cannot be criticized; perfect------ , ----- r (not) +re(again)+approach(attack)= thing that is not available for getting attacked again -------- A government statement says "the army should be irreproachable." 100. Irrevocable-------cannot be cancelled; unchangeable----- ---not+REWORKABLE..that cannot be reworked ------- Find a gracious way to delay making irrevocable decisions 1. Itinerant----nomadic; wandering from place to place------ sounds like itenary( plan of a trip).. So a traveler..keeps on wandering\ travellinghope its helpful.. --Itinerant laborers travel with all their possessions from farm to farm in search of work 2. Imperturbability-----quality of being calm and not easily disturbed [imperturbable (a)]--, ---- im - not, perturb - disturb, ability, ability to not get disturbed ------- What suggestions of imperturbability and being, as against the human trait of mere seeming.
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3. Incise----cut into [incision (n); incisive (a)]-----/ ----- IN+SIZE...when you are flabby and you want to be in size you have to CUT(reduce) your weight ------Incise the skin on the midline over the poll and forehead to below the eye sockets. 4. Inured------hardened; habituated---- , ---- someone INJURED again and again will become TOUGH -------- Some critics believe investors have become inured to the hefty payouts. 5. Inveigle----- coax; cajole; wheedle; entice----- , ---Inveigle- envy+girl..when u envy her u think of teaching her a lesson by luring her n finaly deceiving her ------- She inveigled him to write the letter. 6. Idyll----- story or incident in peaceful or ideal setting [idyllic (a)]----- , ----- sounds like IDEAL..Most of the times when we talk about our ideals we use poetry -------- My first few years in that department were, if nothing else, an idyll . 7. Interregnum------interval between reigns or governments---------reg stands for king or
kingly styles (e.g. in regicide,regalia etc.) so inter regnum = in between two kings(referring to their ruling period). ------- There was an interregnum, a period of diffuse groping and stumbling.

8. Impugned------challenged; called into question------ , --- im + PUGN ~ pugn looks like pungaa(hindi); NOW think of a person who is habitual of taking PUNGAA, he will always CONTRADICT people, and will always CHALLENGE others (impugn others). ------ The motivations and intentions of participants will not be impugned 9. Inchoate---undeveloped; nascent----, ---choate seems like "chote" for example "chote bachche" means not fully grown up or in the initial stage of life. ------- My tentative take is that there's an inchoate quality to their fears that's new. 10. Iniquitous-----evil; unjust [iniquity (n)]------ , ---- Iniquitous: this sounds like in quit us We should quit those habits, virtues that are bad. Thus iniquitous = wicked. ---------The Government's new policies are iniquitous on so many levels. 11. Incumbents----- occupiers of a job or position, someone who has an official position ----, ---- INCUM + BENT = OFFICIALS are BENT on(determined) to bring an INCUM home, as it is NECESSARY to survive ---Voters will have the chance to see the incumbent and her opponent in a series of three debates

12. Intemperate------ excessive; immoderate [intemperance (n)] -----, ----Cannot control his temper. Excessive in behavior, voracious in drinking alcohol ----- First, my apologies if my own response to your comment was intemperate
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13. Importune----------beg; solicit [importunate (a)]---- , , --- Im (not) + portune (fortune). Someone who doesn't have fortune BEGS PERSISTANTLY. ------ Those you importune can decide if they deem your team a worthy cause that they wish to underwrite. 14. Intangible-----cannot be touched; abstract [intangibility (n)]-----, ------ in+ tangible--- tangible means that can be touched, felt, intangible means the opposite --They tend to see the concept as intangible goods and unworthy of their time or money 15. Inscrutability------quality of being difficult to comprehend [inscrutable (a)]----, ---- Difficult to SCREW!!!! -------They're so far ahead of us in fiendishness and, of course, inscrutability 16. Intractability-------stubbornness; resistance [intractable (a)]-----, ---Intractable: things which cannot be brought in the right track... opposite of tractable ------ Yet I am not despairing about this apparent intractability 17. Inerrancy-----infallibility; inability to make mistakes [inerrant (a)] ---- --ERR in inERRancy stands for an error... so IN+ERR+ANCY = No Error (No Fallacy) which means infallibility -------- The accuracy, precision and inerrancy of the exact words used is amazing. 18. Impeding----hindering [impede (v); impediment (n)] ----- , --impede from impedance meaning resistance ------ We should stop wasting time and impeding the shift to sustainable energy. 19. Indigence-----Poverty--------- Indian gents are very poor as compared to other countrymen ------ The coastal counties have lots of people on indigence 20. Indecorous----unseemly; inappropriate (of behavior) -----, --- not decorate properly..INAPPROPIATE ----We cannot follow them and listen to their conversationthat would be indecorous 21. Inefficacious----ineffective----- ----- But this plan of regulation was not only inefficacious, but unsafe 22. Indicted-----accused (of crime) ---- ---- Rhymes with VERDICT ------ Some of those likely to be indicted are in the government itself. 23. Improbity------- lack of honesty or integrity----- ----24. Intelligible------can be understood---- ------ Familiarity means these words are readily intelligible.
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25. Ironclad-----cannot be altered; firm-----, , --- clad means clothed. So ironclad means clothed with iron. Now one who is clothed is iron would be very firm. He would be unaltered, unchangeable and inflexible. -------- It took ironclad determination to be uninterested in her. 26. Impugn-----challenge; question someones honor etc. ---- , ----- pugn is root word meaning fight... (for eg ..pugnacious means quarrelsome) so impugn means sense of contradicting in order to cause a dispute ------ These findings are not meant to impugn your character. 27. Incubus------encumbrance; nightmarish thing------ , --- to wait IN QUE for a BUS is a burden or nightmare. ------- It shall be one of my cherished objects to remove this incubus of our prosperity. 28. Imperative-----must be obeyed------ , ---- you have to attend your "important r(el)ative "...nd tht meeting is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY and IMPORTANT -------- It was an important suit, and great accuracy was imperative . 29. Indigent-------poor; needy [indigence (n)] ------, ---- indigent == indian + gents (they are mostly poor, needy due to demands of their wives)...hahahahahaha --------- The clinic provides free care for indigent patients. 30. Impropriety------ inappropriate behavior------ , ----- impropriety= im-proper i.e. unsuitable -----The scandalized stage manager immediately ordered him to correct this impropriety ********** I ********** 31. Jaded-----tired; bored; worn out----------- jaded sounds like faded.. which means WORN OUT, WEARIED, TIRED ----- He's got a lot of ailments, but it hasn't made him bitter or jaded or anything. 32. Jargon ------specialized language used by experts----- ----- in gaun (village) ppl use typical or different laguage from metro cities. ------- Knowing the 311jargon of tour operators will help in planning your trip. 33. Jaundiced------cynical; pessimistic-----, ---- Jaundiced as we know is yellowed so when our eyes are also yellowed we cannot see correctly --- After all, both produce quite similar and somewhat jaundiced views of human nature 34. Jaunt------short pleasure trip---- ---- Journey to your AUNT's place J-AUNT ------- There's no better way to start a day than with a jaunt by the sea. 35. Jeopardize------put at risk; endanger------- , ---- sounds like leopard... leopard r now ENDANGERED species ------ But this kind of familiarity can jeopardize a business.


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36. Jingoistic------extremely patriotic; nationalistic------ jinGOISTIC==egoistic....would do anything for it ------- They do want to inspire patriotism, but a critical patriotism, not a jingoistic one. 37. Jocular ----in a joking manner------, ---- Joke(joc) + cooler (cular). Imagine a cooler which throws out jokes. (jocular = said or done as a joke) ------ I'm feeling jocular, even if the end of spring break is nigh. 38. Jollity-------gaiety; happiness------, ------remember jolly ------ What these judgments miss is that jollity can be a form of strength. 39. Judicious-------correct in judgment; wise---- , ---- judi+cious--- having JUDgement qualities ----- At the heart of science are judicious observations and measurements. 40. Jurisprudence------science or study of law------ ---- juris = pertaining to law; prudence = intelligence/science ----- Jurisprudence has always been a wild card in the legal deck. 41. Juxtapose------place next to----- ---- juxtapose...just next + position...So place something just next to something. ------ Every time you juxtapose two images, you say something. 42. Jockeying------- maneuvering; struggling to get ahead of others [jockey (v)]---- , --------Streaming sites are evolving daily as studios and platforms jockey for position. 43. Jibe------ agree with; complement; match up with (in British usage jibe means mock)--- ----- ji+be : means you ji(agree) with someone ------ Their answer doesn't quite jibe with current conventional wisdom. 44. Jamb-------door post---- ------ He extinguished the fire and found the door jamb had been pried 45. Jubilant-------ecstatic; delighted; rejoicing--------- joy without end -------- In both places, jubilant crowds welcomed the rebels. ********** J ********** 46. Kindle--------------to start a fire---------- , ----------kindle sounds like CANDLEWhich when lighted can cause something to catch fire. -------------Uncivilized people use the friction of two pieces of wood to kindle a fire. 47. Knotty----------complex; difficult to solve--------------, -------k+notty(naughty)..naughty childrens are difficult to manage. ---------That was a knotty problem ********** K **********


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By Saifur Rahman

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