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Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

Teacher Candidate: Mackenzie Areheart Subject/Grade: Social Studies/Kindergarten Learning Objective:

Lesson: # 2 Date and Time of Lesson: October 17, 2013/30 minutes

Students will be able to distinguish between tools that a firefighter uses and tools that other community helpers use by correctly placing six tool cards on a chart.

Alignment with Standards: SC State K-2.3 Identify authority figures in the school and the community who enforce rules and laws that keep people safe, including crossing guards, bus drivers, firefighters, and police officers. EEDA Standard 4: Students will demonstrate a positive attitude toward work and the ability to work together. 4.1. Identify careers in the community. CC.W.K5.2 Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic. CC.SS.K5.4 Describe familiar people, places, things, and events and, with prompting and support, provide additional detail.

Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections:

Before this lesson students will have already had an experience where they will have met a firefighter and explored a fire truck. This lesson will expand on learning that has already taken place. In order to complete this lesson students have to be able to use scissors to cut paper. They also have to able to copy words that they see written to make complete sentences and draw pictures to match their words.

Assessment(s) of the Objectives:

Lesson Objective(s) Students will be able to distinguish between tools that a firefighter uses and tools that other community helpers use by correctly placing six tool cards on a chart. Assessment(s) of the Objective(s) Pre-Assessment: Teacher will question students individually before the lesson and write down their responses. What do firefighters do? Can you tell me one tool that they use? During-Assessment: Students will complete an activity using cards and a yes/no chart. The students will distinguish between which tool cards are used by firefighters and which tool cards are used by other community helpers. Teacher will walk around and check students work to see that they have correctly placed the cards. Post-Assessment: Students will write a complete sentence using the chart we created as a class as a reference. Students Use of Formative Assessment These assessments will be used to see if the students have gained an understanding of the job of a firefighter and what firefighters use to do their job. From here students will continue to learn about other community helpers and will need to information they gained in this lesson to compare and contrast community helpers.

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template will draw an illustration to match their sentences.

Rev. 2013

In order to accommodate ESOL students and those that cannot read I will use lots of visuals in my chart and the cards placed on the chart will be in picture and word form. While going through the lesson I will explain how the tools are used and make sure the students understand the names of the tools to accommodate ESOL students since they may not be familiar with vocabulary necessary to learn about fire fighters. To accommodate students that have a speech disability I will make sure that as I give directions I will model for the students and visually show them what to do. Students that finish early will work on writing more sentences and drawing more pictures using the chart we will create as a reference.

Materials: Assessments Data Sheet Firefighters can, have, use chart Visual Cards for the chart Firefighter song Tool Card Handouts (26) Yes/No charts (26) Paper Tape Crayons Picture of firefighter on Smart board Procedures: 1. To begin the lesson teacher will ask students about the experience they had on career day with the firefighter and the fire truck. This will provide an opportunity for students to display their basic knowledge of firefighters. 2. Teacher will lead an activity where she guides students in creating a Firefighters can, have, use chart. Students will participate by helping place visual description cards in the right category for the chart. *Questions to Ask: What tools do firefighters use? What do firefighters do? Why are firefighters important? How do firefighters help our community? 3. Teacher will lead students in singing the Firefighter Song. (*if time allows) 4. Students will complete an activity where they cut cards containing different tools and will have to distinguish between the tools to see whether or not they can be associated with a firefighter. Students will place cards on a yes/no chart. 5. Teacher will walk around and observe to see students understanding of the tools that firefighters use based on their placement of the cards. (*during-assessment) 6. After I check students off to see that they have placed the cards correctly they will work on writing a sentence based on the chart we created during whole-group instruction and draw a picture to match their sentence. (Ex: Firefighters use helmets.) (*post-assessment) Activity Analysis:
Creating the chart will allow students to understand what firefighters have and use, what they can do, and what they are like. This chart will provide the foundation of knowledge for students to be able to complete the next activity by themselves. Students will be able to interact during this whole-group instruction as they share and work together to complete it. The chart will also be beneficial because it can stay hanging in the room for students to use later. After we have created the chart students will work as individuals to cut tool cards and place them in one of two categories (yes or no). This activity will assess students knowledge to see whether or not they understand what tools are associated with firefighters.

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

The only time that technology will be used in this lesson is to pull up a picture of a firefighter for the students to see. Technology will not be used other than that in this lesson. I feel that the lesson will be effective without using the Smart board since the students will have a chance to interact during the whole-group instruction where we place information on the chart together. Creating the chart will allow the children to have a visual to look back on when they work as individuals that they had a part in creating. This chart will be placed in the classroom after the lesson is over and they can continue to use it during interactive writing.

Monroe, A. (2013, October 3) Fire Safety and Big Alan. Retrieved from Kelly. Songs. Retrieved from Vega-Singer, A. Fun facts about firefighters and their gear. eHow. Retrieved from

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

This is very similar to the chart that I will use, but I will be creating my own version. Instead of writing in the can, are, and have columns I will use large index cards to draw pictures and write words that can either work in the can, are, or have columns. As a class we will complete the chart by placing the large visual cards into the correct column. **handouts are also attached in the email

Firefighter Song (tune: I'm a Little Teapot) I'm a little firefighter on the go. Here is my helmet Here is my hose. When I see a fire, Hear me shout: "Turn on the water and put the fire out!" Shhhhhhhh!

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