Olson Ms Dashboard

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Experienced Principal: 7 Years

Olson Demographics African American: 72% Asian: 14% White: 9% Latino:3% American Indian: 2%


Staff Very inexperienced; ~half of the teachers are in their 1st year at Olson.

8% EL 28% SPED

Culture and Self Perception: We are teaching discipline. We are helping students become college-ready. We are doing better than our reputation suggests.

Staff Beliefs: +Respect for all +Best practice +Teacher responsibility --Preventing bullying --Meeting needs of Special Education & GT students --Influence on SIP

Staff of Color 42%

Students of Color 91%

MCA Reading Proficiency African American: 23% Asian: 31.4% White: 33.3%

Student Behavioral Incidents:

MCA Math Proficiency African American: 22.1% Asian: 39.2% White: 28.1%

MAP Reading Growth All groups underperformed vs. the District except American Indian students and students in Special Education.

MAP Math Growth All groups underperformed vs. the District except Asian students and students in Special Education students.

Only 4% of the salary budget is dedicated to mental health professionals.

African Americans accounted for 99% of all behavioral incidents.

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