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The following combinations are taken from Brihat Parasa Hora Sastra, Laghu Parasari and Madhya Parasari 3 im ortant books as told by sage Parasara! "#rak#m$a is the bha%a where the &tamkaraka ' lanet with highest number of degrees rogressed in a house ( rasi) is resent in the *a%amsa! Though the conce t of "#rak#m$a is dealt in a small way by sage Parasara, this to ic has been dealt at length by sage +aimini and forms the key focal oint in inferring results from a chart!

1. Benefics in "#rak#m$a , &msa Lagna influenced by benefics king 2. "endra , "ona from "#rak#m$a influenced by benefics wealth and learning
3! &tmakaraka in -handra ( Mangal ( Shukra .asi tra%erser of other/s wi%es Graha in Krakma Surya Purna -handra 'es when infl! by Shukra) Mangal Buddha 1uru Shukra Sani .ahu "etu Surya 3 .ahu Purna -handra 3 1ulika "etu 3 Malefic 3 Shukra 3 Surya , Buddha 3 Sukra , Buddha 3 Sani 3 Shukra ( Surya 7-handra as ected by Shukra -handra as eceted by Buddha Indication .oyal assignments Sensual leasures, scholar 0ea on, work by fire, alchemist &rts, scul ture, trading, intelligent 1ood acts, s iritual knowledge, %edic learning Sensual, lock after state affairs Proffesion of family Thief, bowman, machinery maker, doctor 2le hants, thief 4ear from snakes, doctor 0ealth stolen by thief -ontract diseases of ears, ears ierced 5ntiatiated in religious order 6e%oid of %alour Son of female sla%e Penance ( ser%ant Ser%ant of king &lchemist 6octor

Grahas in 2nd from Krakma Shukra ( Mangal 3 "etu 3 1uru 3 .ahu "etu 'alone) 'also in 3nd from "!) Grahas in 3rd from Krakma Malefic Benefic Graha in 4th from Krakma Sukra , -handra Sani , .ahu Mangal , "etu 1uru Surya -handra -handra '3 Shukra) 3 Mangal '-handra 3 Mangal) 'in 9th) 3 "etu .ahu 3 Mangal 'es when as by -handra) :nly Mangal 'also in 9th) "etu .ahu 3 1ulika Grahas in 5th from Krakma .ahu 3 Mangal 'es when as by -handra) &s of Mars "etu .ahu 3 1ulika Buddha Sun Mangal Sani .ahu "etu Shukra 1uru , -handra Shukra Buddha 1uru Mangal Buddha Sani Surya -handra .ahu ( "etu Sani "etu Buddha .ahu Surya "etu

Indication Tra%erser of other wi%es .estrict -ause this 6estroy wealth 6efecti%e s each or not able to s eak 'if malefic) Indication Bra%e , 8alorous Timid Indication Palatial buildings House made of stones Bricks 0ood Straws , 1rass coition under an o en area 0hite le rosy ' Swetha kushta) 6isorders of blood , bile Black le rosy Patient of consum tion ;lcers 6ynestry ( afflictions due to im ure water 6octor dealing with oisons Indication Suffering from consum tion ;lcers 6ysentery ( im ure water disease 4ear from mean eo le and oison &scetic ( Holding staff Bearer of sword Bearer of s ear Bearer of bow Machinist 0atch<maker Poet ( elo=uent s eaker &uthor Lesser author Still lesser author 8eda 8edanta ( :rator ( 1rammarian Logician Mimamsaka 6ull<witted Musician Sankya Philoso hy &strologer &rcher 0atchmaker &scetic Machinist -arry a sword Bearer of s ear or arrow

-handra , +u iter 'also in "#rak#m$a) Shukra Buddha Shukra 1uru Sani Buddha Mangal -handra Surya "etu

1reat author Lesser author Lesser writer Poet 2> ert grammarian(8eda ?nan 4ool on assembly Mimamsaka *yayika Literature in general ( Sankhya 8edanta ( Music Mathematician ( +yotish

Grahas in 6th from K. Malefic Benefic 72ffects are similar to that Grahas in 7th from Krakma -handra , 1uru Shukra Buddha Surya Saturn .ahu Grahas in th from Krakma Benefic , @th lord Malefic

Indication &griculturist 5ndolent of 3th from "#rak#m$a! Indication of spouse Beatiful Sensual 8ersed in fine arts -onfine to domestic acti%ities :lder, ious or sick 0idow Indication Long life Short life

Grahas in !th from Krakma Benefic influence Malefic influence Sani , .ahu Surya , +u iter 8enus , Mars 'also in Shad<%argas) Mars , Moon &s ect of +u iter only Grahas in "#th from Krakma Benefic Malefic Buddha , Shukra Surya , -handra 'inf by 1uru)

Indication Truthful, de%otee of teachers ( elders, attached to religion .eligious in childhood but falsehood in old<age Betrayer of elders ( teachers, a%erse to ancient classics *ot obey elders and teachers 0oman related to nati%e shall redecease nati%e Prisoner due to his asociation with another woman 1i%en to sensual leasures , addicted to woman Indication .iches, sagaciouos, strong , intelligent Suffer losses in trade and de ri%ed of aternal bliss Many gains , 1reat deeds "ingdom

Grahas in ""th from Krakma 5nfluence by benefic 5nfluenced by malefics 1raha/s in BCth from "#rak#m$a Benefic or none Malefic 2>alted ( :wn benefic "etu 3 Benefic influence &ries(Saggitarius "etu 3 Benefic "etu 3 malefic inluence Grahas in "2th from Krakma Surya 3 "etu -handra 3 "etu Shukra 3 "etu Mangal 3 "etu Buddha 3 Sani 1uru .ahu "etu Shani or(and Shukra in malefic sign Same effects 'Shani

Indication Ha iness from brother ( 1ains in undertakings Auestionable means of gains ( 4amous , 8alorous 5ndication 2> enses on good deeds 2> enses on %icious deeds Hea%en Hea%en , Moksha Moksha *o hea%en , *o moksha $orshiper of Shi%a 1ouri ( Shakti Lakshmi Skanda 8isnu Shi%a 6urga ( Mean deity Skanda ( 1anesha Mean deity , Shukra) in Dth from &m"! osite for

Two malefic in "ona to "#rak#m$a knowledge of mantra , tantra 5f they are as ected by malefic 1raha/s it will be used for e%il ur oses ( o good ur oses!

"emadruma Eoga Cnd and @th from "#rak#m$a or &L malefics inaus icious ' o%erty)

:m Tat Sat

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