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Ishan Ranade Honors 100 BD Teacher: Justin Brown 28 October 2013 Yun Jung Kim is interested in bioengineering or electrical

engineering as a field of study. She would like to eventually go into neurology or some sort of other neural based specialization, but she feels that pursuing bioengineering or electrical engineering is a good idea because both majors play into neurology. Another interest that she has followed throughout high school is music, and she plays the violin. A few organizations of which she is already a member are the orchestra and the Chamber Music Club, demonstrating her passion for music. Her goal is to continue playing her instruments throughout high school and she wants to become a part of the musical community around campus. Yun Jung also wants to begin doing some sort of research, hopefully connected to bioengineering, to gain research experience, references, and to see if biology/chemistry is really the path that she wants to follow. Yun Jung is also interested in participating in the Study Abroad program. The University Exchange program would be the best choice for her because it would allow her to take a full quarter in a foreign country while taking her classes in English. This program would allow her full immersion in the foreign country and would give her the best experience with studying abroad. Some countries that Yun Jung would be interested in studying in are Turkey or countries in South Asia. She would like to travel to a less popular location in which she could be taught the history and culture of the country as well as her classes with guidance from professors or foreign friends. She is interested in maintaining a global perspective with her education and her growth, and the study abroad option would be the best way for her to experience a new culture and country while gaining a new outlook. One club that would be very helpful for Yun Jung to join would be the American Medical Student Association, Premedical Chapter. The club is meant to give undergraduates a forum in which to discuss medical questions, such as help with the MCAT or how to get into medical school. This club is also a very good way to get connected with other organizations and people who can help with medically related academics, research, and other opportunities. Another good RSO for Yun Jung to join would be the Psychiatry and Neurology Interest Group, which is an organization that provides medical students with opportunities to learn more about the fields of psychiatry and neurology and to participate in clinical and community service activities. Finally, another broader engineering organization to join would be Engineers Without Borders because it would provide her with a chance to discover other types of engineering fields as well as help underdeveloped countries. The club accepts many different people from a variety of majors, so it would provide good exposure to other fields.

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