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Munoz 1

The Community of Watts Together As One In 1965

Karen Munoz Prof. Og en !TACC 1"" #e$em%er 1& '"1( A%stra$t

Munoz 2 In my resear$h )a)er I ta*+ a%out the im)ortan$e of the $ommunity of Watts. The timeframe I e$i e to stay in ,as 1965. #uring this time the $ommunity ,as fu** of is$rimination an -io*en$e ue to the Watts .iots. The main )oints I fo$us on in my )a)er are the $ommunity& $u*ture& an the )eo)*e ,ho *i-e in the neigh%orhoo & an ,hat o$$urre uring

the riots. I go into etai* on ,hat the $ommunity *oo+e *i+e uring the time of the riots. A*so I mention ho, the )eo)*e *i-ing there fe*t an ho, s$are they ,ere.I ,ant )eo)*e to fee* the )ain of others an see ho, har *ife ,as for them. The im)ortan$e of my )a)er is to sho, ho, the Watts $ommunity $ame together as one to he*) ea$h other out. I got most of my information from the %oo+ !outh*an that mentions the Watts I a*so i resear$h on my o,n an got se-era* arti$*es that he*)e me. !ome a itiona* resour$es I got info from ,ere )i$tures an statisti$s. Im a -ery -isua* )erson so seeing )i$tures an -i eos he*)e me un erstan the i ea of ,hy the riots ha ha))ene .

Karen Munoz Professor Og en !TACC 1"" #e$em%er 1& '"1( Out*ine I. #es$ri%ing The $ommunity of Watts in etai* uring the 1965 Watts .iots.

Munoz 3 1./0anies )arents ha *i-e in Watts sin$e it ,as Mu to,n& a $ountry -i**age ,ith a usty ,agon )ath an hoot o,*s sitting on fen$e )osts 1Pg '5(2.3 Commentary: The $ou)*e ,as ne,*y marrie an i nt ha-e a $hoi$e at the moment %ut to *i-e there. It ,asnt their first o)tion %ut their 4o%s ,ere near %y an ,as $on-enient for them. './They +i$+e me in the %a$+ of the hea man& he sai & -oi$e 5ui-ering. An in my thigh& an in my fa$e. An they )un$he me a $ou)*e times& an I ,as 4ust s$are they ,ere gonna +i** me 1Pg 15'2. Commentary6 This is an e7am)*e of the a%use that ,as going on uring the time. Afri$an Ameri$ans *i-ing in the Watts $ommunity i nt ha-e a -oi$e an ha to ea* ,ith it %e$ause it $ou* $ost them their *i-es. II. What triggere the Watts riots8 1. / On the thir ay of the riots& 1"(r !t. in Watts ,as %urne to the groun . It ,as name %y

the resi ents there Char$oa* A**ey 1Phi**i) Char on2.3 Commentary: Peo)*e ,ho ,itnesse this ,ere s$are to go outsi e of their homes. They %e*ie-e that the )eo)*e rioting ,ere so u)set they ,ou* hurt anyone they $ou* get their han s on. '. /A riot soon %egan& s)urre on %y resi ents of Watts ,ho ,ere em%ittere after years of e$onomi$ an )o*iti$a* iso*ation 19istory Arti$*e2.3 Commentary: The )eo)*e in the City of Watts ,ere so fe u) ,ith a** the ra$ia* tension going on they fina**y e$i e to ta+e matters into their o,n han s.

III. My o)inion on The Watts $ommunity 1. /When I first starte to resear$h the name the first thing that es$ri%e the $ity ,as the ghetto.3 Commentary: When )eo)*e thin+ a%out the City of Watts they thin+ its unfit an ghetto. They ont see that the )eo)*e ,ho *i-e their ha-e strugg*es an ont ha-e another $hoi$e.

Munoz 4

'. /Why ,ou* anyone ,ant to *i-e in that $ity83 Commentary: In the %oo+ !outh*an the $ity of Watts is a*so *oo+e afrai of a** the $rime an hatre that ,as %eing s)rea in the area. o,n u)on. Peo)*e ,ere

I:. O-era** !ynthesis of the meaning of the $ommunity 1im)ortan$e of e-erything that ha))ene 2 1. /I %e*ie-e this ,as an in$re i%*e story on ho, a $ommunity %ui*t u) enough $ourage to efen themse*-es. Commentary6 They ,ante to a** ma+e a ifferen$e an $hange history.

'. /They mo-e in ho)es of getting em)*oye easi*y an mo-ing into ne, homes. I i nt ta+e the time to thin+ a%out a** the strugg*es )eo)*e ,ere going through at the time.3 Commentary: Peo)*e ,ere mo-ing to the Watts in sear$h of ho)e an a %etter *ife.

Karen Munoz Professor Og en !TACC 1"" #e$em%er 1& '"1( The Community of Watts Together As One In 1965

The $ommunity of Watts ,as one of the most im)ortant )*a$es in history. The $ommunity& $u*ture& an )eo)*e ,ho *i-e in the neigh%orhoo & an ,hat o$$urre uring the

riots ,as ,hat ma e Watts a histori$a* )*a$e. The riots in Watts $hange many )eo)*es

Munoz 5 o)inions on ho, treating e-eryone e5ua**y ,as the right thing to o. These -ie,s are sti** %eing use u) to this ay an the $ommunity has $hange for the %etter. Peo)*e ,i** ne-er forget the e-ents that o$$urre for si7 ,ho*e ays in the streets of ;os Ange*es. Peo)*e $ame together an fought for their rights as a $ommunity. They a** su))orte ea$h other so they $ou* fee* at )ea$e +no,ing they ,ou* not %e is$riminate against 4ust for the $o*or of their s+in. #uring 1965 the $ommunity of Watts ,as es$ri%e as a run o,n $ity in ;os Ange*es. Peo)*e ,ho *i-e there ,ou* es$ri%e it as the foggy %ottom*an that no one ,ante to *i-e in.

Often )eo)*e ,ou* $om)*ain a%out a** the )o**ution an horri%*e *i-ing $on itions they ha to ea* ,ith. The en-ironment )eo)*e ,ere *i-ing in at the time ,as -ery unfit. In the %oo+ !outh*an %y <ina .e-oyr they mention the $ity /0anies )arents ha *i-e in Watts sin$e it ,as Mu to,n& a $ountry -i**age ,ith a usty ,agon )ath an hoot o,*s sitting on fen$e )osts 1.e-oyr2.3 The author ta*+s a%out :i$tor Con,ay an his ,ife 0anie *i-ing in the Watts uring 1965. The $ou)*e ,as ne,*y marrie an i nt ha-e a $hoi$e at the moment %ut to *i-e there. It

,asnt their first o)tion %ut their 4o%s ,ere near %y an ,as $on-enient for them. ;i+e many other fami*ies strugg*ing at the time they %e*ie-e Watts ,as fu** of o))ortunity=s an 4o%s. They soon is$o-ere *ife there ,ou* not %e so easy. As the $ity of Watts %egan to %e$ome more )o)u*ate )eo)*e %egan to rea*ize that *i-ing their ,as a %ig sa$rifi$e. The reason %eing ,as %e$ause ra$ia* tensions ,ere at an a** time high that year. The $ommunity of Watts ,as most*y ma e u) of Afri$an Ameri$ans& 0a)anese& an 9is)ani$s in 1965. Most*y Afri$an Ameri$ans ,ere the ones %eing targete an )unishe the most /They +i$+e me in the %a$+ of the hea man& he sai & -oi$e 5ui-ering. An in my thigh& an in my fa$e. An they )un$he me a $ou)*e times& an I ,as 4ust s$are they ,ere gonna +i** me 1.e-oyr2.3 This is an e7am)*e of the a%use that ,as going on uring the time. Afri$an Ameri$ans *i-ing in the Watts

Munoz 6 $ommunity i nt ha-e a -oi$e an ha to ea* ,ith it %e$ause it $ou* $ost them their *i-es. Many staye 5uiet %e$ause of fear *ater they rea*ize it ,as time to stan u) for themse*-es. Mar5uette .o*an ,as an Afri$an Ameri$an ,ho ma e a signifi$ant affe$t uring the Watts riots in 1965. Many )eo)*e sa, him as a ro*e mo e* %e$ause he ,as fighting for the rights of e-eryone. 9e ha an in$i ent ,ith a )o*i$e offi$er that triggere the start of the riots. The Watts riots %egan on August 11& 1965. An Afri$an Ameri$an man from the Watts $ommunity ha re)orte a re$+*ess ri-er to a ,hite )o*i$e offi$er. A$$or ing to the arti$*e !outh Centra* history the )o*i$e offi$er s)ee off to $at$h the $ar. The ri-er ,ho ha %een )u**e o-er ,as name Mar5uette >rye an he ,as ,ith his %rother .ona* . A$$or ing to the offi$er he ga-e Mar5uette a so%riety test ,hi$h he ha fai*e . The offi$er to* the %oys the $ar ,as going to %e to,e . .ona* ,ent to go get his mother to see if she $ou* he*) the situation. When they $ame %a$+ $haos ha %ro+en out. A))arent*y a man ,ho ,as a s)e$tator ha s)it on the ,hite offi$er. At this )oint there ,as a%out ("" )eo)*e on the %*o$+ ,at$hing the sho, that ,as %eing )ut on. Many Afri$an Ameri$ans ,ere -ery u)set %e$ause they thought the offi$er ,as %eing unfair. That night the $ity of ;os Ange*es %e$ame a ,ar zone that *aste si7 ays. The Author of the arti$*e es$ri%es the s$ene of the riots /On the thir ay of the riots& 1"(r !t. in Watts ,as

%urne to the groun . It ,as name %y the resi ents there Char$oa* A**ey 1Char on2.3 Peo)*e ,ho ,itnesse this ,ere s$are to go outsi e of their homes. They %e*ie-e that the )eo)*e rioting ,ere so u)set they ,ou* hurt anyone they $ou* get their han s on./A riot soon %egan& s)urre on %y resi ents of Watts ,ho ,ere em%ittere after years of e$onomi$ an )o*iti$a* iso*ation 1?9istory?2.3 The most amage that ha %een one ,as most*y to )ro)erty. A$$or ing to the arti$*e Ameri$ass @r%an Crisis /;os Ange*esAA,hi$h *eft fiftyAfi-e )eo)*e ea an $ause more than B1 %i**ion in )ro)erty amage& the most $ost*y in the nation=s history1#reier2.3 The

Munoz 7 Watts riots ,as the ,orst re%e**ion that ha))ene in the $ity of ;os Ange*es. <o one thought the )ro%*em ,ou* get this out of han . @nfortunate*y ue to a** the -io*en$e many )eo)*e ie an the riots $ause mi**ions of o**ars ,orth of amage. When the in$i ent of Mar5uette >rye o$$urre the $ity e$i e to organize a meeting that the $ommunity ,as a%*e to atten . Community *ea ers in the $ity ,ante to $reate a so*ution for a** the ma ness that ,as going on. They met at Athens Par+ to e-a*uate the situation an see if there ,as anything they $ou* o ifferent*y to sto) the riots. To many )eo)*es sur)rise

Mar5uettes mother ,as en$ouraging others to $a*m o,n. Peo)*e ste))e u) an to* others that rioting ,ou* nt he*) so*-e the )ro%*em. !ome ,ante to so*-e the rioting in a more )ea$efu* ,ay. As a $ommunity they ,ante to $ome u) ,ith a so*ution that ,as %enefi$ia* to e-eryone not 4ust one ra$e. #uring the meeting the me ia ,as a%*e to sho, some of the )ea$efu* ta*+ers. The ne,s trie to %roa $ast a** the )eo)*es i eas so the ,or $ou* s)rea . They %e*ie-e that )eo)*e ,ou* $ome to their senses an sto) %eing so insane. @nsu$$essfu**y the me ia fai*e to s)rea the ne,s ho, the $ommunity *ea ers ,ante . Peo)*e fe*t that %y rioting they ,ou* get their )oint a$ross easier.As e7)e$te though the rioting $ontinue an the <ationa* Cuar ,as $a**e in to $ome an he*) the )o*i$e. !in$e the re%e**ion in Watts ha )eo)*e *i-ing on e ge some e$i e it ,as time they fine some,here e*se to *i-e. Peo)*e ,ere so es)erate to get out of that $ity they thought mo-ing to a near %y $ity ,ou* %e %etter. Many )eo)*e %e*ie-e if they *eft things ,ou* $a*m o,n an then they $ou* mo-e %a$+ in the future./The e7)*osion in ne7t oor Watts $ause many <egroes to mo-e to this $ity& %rought the %*a$+ )o)u*ation to more than 5" )er$ent& an a$$e*erate the )ro$ess of so$ia* egeneration 1D*man2.3 The near %y $ity ,as the $ommunity of Com)ton. The $ity of Com)ton is a $ou)*e %*o$+s o,n from Watts. Peo)*e *oo+e at this $ity as a $han$e to

Munoz 8 start fresh. ;itt*e i they +no, ra$ia* is$rimination ,as o$$urring e-ery,here not 4ust in Watts. ;ater )eo)*e rea*ize they ,ere going to ha-e to fight unti* the ru*es ,ere $hange . To ay ,e remem%er the $ity of Watts as a histori$a* )*a$e ,ere mi**ions of Afri$an Ameri$ans fought for e5ua* rights for e-eryone. The arti$*e Watts .iots remem%ere mentions /Ca*ifornia Assem%*y mem%er Mer-yn #yma**y %rought a %ri$+ >ri ay to a gathering 4ust ste)s a,ay from ,here the Watts riots %egan near*y E" years ago 1Cres+o2.3Mery-n ,as an eye,itness of the riots. 9e remem%ers those ar+ gray s+ies& %ui* ings %urning. Peo)*e running an s$reaming trying to fin a safe )*a$e to hi e. Parents trying to )rote$t their $hi* ren from harm. 9e mentions that it ,as a har time in his *ife %e$ause he ha ne-er seen su$h $haos in his *ife. 9e ,as gi-en the so $a**e %ri$+ at the time as an a$t of *oya*ty from the )eo)*e. The )eo)*e ,ante him to thro, the %ri$+ an estroy it so they +ne, he ,as *oya* to them. 9e ne-er to*

anyone ,hat he i ,ith it. <o, E" years *ater he is sti** remem%ering ,hat ha))ene on the ay of Aug 11& 1965. 9e has seen the $ommunity of Watts gro, together as one an $hange %e$ause of ,hat ha))ene uring the riots. The $ity of Watts is no *onger 4ust a )*a$e ,here Afri$an

Ameri$ans *i-e. A$$or ing to the arti$*e the author mentions that /The $ommunity no, in$*u es a *arge ;atino )o)u*ation& a $hange some )arti$i)ants attri%ute to ?%*a$+ f*ight&? the mo-ement of mi *eA$*ass Afri$an Ameri$an fami*ies out of the area 1Cres+o2.3 The $ommunity of Watts

to ay has $hange in many ,ays. >or one thing the $ommunity is more i-erse. D-en the )o*i$e for$e is more i-erse in $u*ture. The ,hite )o*i$e offi$ers ,ho ,ou* ,on er the streets of Watts in 1965 no, ha-e more $o*or in them. Meaning the )o*i$e are no, *oo+ing more *i+e the $ommunity. This sho,s that the riots i ma+e a ifferen$e in sho,ing that e5ua*ity is -ery im)ortant.

Munoz 9 The Watts riots ,as the ma4or e-ent in history that he*)e sha)e the $ommunity. The riots he*)e %ring mi**ions of Afri$an Ameri$ans together to stan u) for their rights. <ot on*y ,as this for Afri$an Ameri$ans %ut& this he*)e others un erstan that e-eryone is entit*e to ha-e e5ua* rights. Many 0a)anese an 9is)ani$s ,ere %eing harasse at the time a*so %ut they i nt o mu$h to try to $hange it. The Afri$an Ameri$an $u*ture ,ere the ones ,ho fina**y e$i e that the ,hite $u*ture ,as )ushing their *u$+. Most*y ,hite )o*i$e offi$ers ,ere the ones $ausing a har time for e-eryone. Peo)*e 4ust ,ante to tea$h them a *esson an ma+e it +no,n that they ,erent going to ta+e the %ruta* %eatings that ha %een going on. The Watts riots ,as a huge turn in history. <o one in ;os Ange*es thought this ,ou* e-er ha))en %ut& the )eo)*e ,ho i it are no, a mire %y others. Peo)*e are gratefu* %e$ause if the rioting for rights ,ou* nt ha-e ha))ene may%e things ,ou* sti** %e ifferent to this ay. In ;os Ange*es in the $ommunity of Watts you $an fin the famous Watts to,ers that ,ere $reate %y Ita*ian esigner !a%ato. The ,atts To,ers arti$*e mentions that /This master)ie$e& ,hi$h the artist $a**e <uestro Pue%*o 1Our To,n2& ,as his ((Ayear o%session1Fro,n2.3 !a%ato ,ante to $reate a master)ie$e that ,ou* %ring ifferent $u*tures together. 9e ,ante )eo)*e from -arious %a$+groun s to $ome an en4oy this %eautifu* $reation. !a%ato says /The Watts To,ers Arts Center )ro-i es i-erse $u*tura* enri$hment )rogramming through tours of the To,ers& *e$tures& $hanging e7hi%itions& an stu io ,or+sho)s for %oth tea$hers an stu ents1Fro,n2.3 D-ery year mi**ions of )eo)*e $ome to The Watts to,ers to *earn a%out the stru$ture an the meaning %ehin it. This ,ou* %e a goo )*a$e to $ome to an 4ust *earn some history %ehin The Watts. The to,ers asso$iation )rogram a*so hosts a festi-a* e-ery year that e-eryone is ,e*$ome to. The $on$e)t is to attra$t )eo)*e from aroun the ,or* ,ith ifferent musi$& foo & an retai* mar+eting. The Watts to,ers an festi-a*s that o$$ur their are

Munoz 10 +no,n as the heart of Watts. It 4ust goes to sho, that )eo)*e are sti** sti$+ing together as a $ommunity. <o, that I ha-e rea an resear$he the $ommunity of Watts my o)inion has $hange . /When I first starte to resear$h the name the first thing that es$ri%e the $ity ,as the ghetto.3 Arti$*es an )i$tures ma e the $ommunity seem *i+e a )*a$e ,here no one shou* %e *i-ing. They es$ri%e it as %eing a s,am) an mu to,n. .ea ing a** these arti$*es that es$ri%e ho, it *oo+e ma e me thin+ of the ,orst )*a$es a )erson $an *i-e in. In my hea I thought& /Why ,ou* anyone ,ant to *i-e in that $ity1Munoz283 In the %oo+ !outh*an the $ity of Watts is a*so *oo+e o,n u)on. Peo)*e ,ere afrai of a** the $rime an hatre that ,as %eing s)rea in the

area. It ,as angerous for e-eryone at the time %e$ause anything $ou* ha))en. In some of the $ha)ters in the %oo+ Watts is es$ri%e as a ,ar zone. Peo)*e ,ere afrai to go outsi e their homes to go %uy e-ery ay su))*ies. It ,as a tough time to %e *i-ing in es)e$ia**y if you ,ere Afri$an Ameri$an. I soon rea*ize that uring the time& %efore )eo)*e starte to mo-e into Watts it ,asnt as )o)u*ate . #uring WWII many Afri$an Ameri$ans mo-e to the $ity of Watts./They mo-e in ho)es of getting em)*oye easi*y an mo-ing into ne, homes1 Munoz23. I i nt ta+e the time to thin+ a%out a** the strugg*es )eo)*e ,ere going through at the time. Thats a** they $ou* affor at the time& most fami*ies ,ere 4ust trying to ma+e a %etter *i-ing for themse*-es so they $ou* mo-e out an ha-e a %etter *ife. This ma e me thin+ of )eo)*e to ay an ho, they are suffering from )o-erty or nee he*). I sa, things $om)*ete*y ifferent after I too+ the time to resear$h the e-ents that o$$urre an ,hy they ha))ene . A $ommunity is a )*a$e ,here you shou* fee* $omforta%*e %eing ,ho you are an no one shou* ha-e the right to 4u ge you. As I i resear$h on the Watts at first it seeme *i+e a -ery ysfun$tiona* $ommunity. >rom ,hat I rea in !outh*an The City of Watts ,as the *ast )*a$e

Munoz 11 you ,ante to %e in. In many of the Arti$*es it mentione a** the $rimes that ,ere %eing $ommitte %y the )o*i$e men in 1965. This ,as horri%*e to rea %e$ause I $ou* on*y imagine ho, the )eo)*e ,ho *i-e there fe*t. I %e*ie-e that ,hat %rought the Watts $ommunity together ,ere the riots that ha))ene . The Watts riots *aste a%out si7 ays an the )eo)*e of the $ommunity ,ere trying to )ro-e a )oint. They ,ante the ,hite ra$e to see ho, they ,ere affe$ting e-eryone. The ,hite ra$e ,ou* eny other $u*tures a$$ess to restaurants& mo-ies&

restrooms& an e-en the %ea$h. A$$or ing to the e$*aration of in e)en en$e e-eryone ,as su))ose to ha-e e5ua* rights. This ,asnt the $ase at a** in the Watts an e-en in other )*a$es. /I %e*ie-e this ,as an in$re i%*e story on ho, a $ommunity %ui*t u) enough $ourage to efen themse*-es 1Munoz2.3 !omeho, the riots an e-erything these )eo)*e ,ent through %rought them $*oser as a $ommunity. They ,ante to a** ma+e a ifferen$e an $hange history. I %e*ie-e they ,ere thin+ing a%out the out$ome of things in the *ong run as ,e**. They i nt ,ant their $hi* ren or future generations gro,ing u) in a neigh%orhoo fu** of ra$ism. The Watts riots ,i** a*,ays %e remem%ere as an in-ent in history that %rought many )eo)*e together an ma e a ifferen$e. We sti** remem%er ,hat ha))ene to this ay so I %e*ie-e that ,hat ha))ene ,as a ste) in the right ire$tion. The $ommunity of Watts is one of the most im)ortant )*a$es in history. The $ommunity& $u*ture& an )eo)*e ,ho *i-e in the neigh%orhoo & an ,hat o$$urre uring the riots ,as ,hat

ma e Watts a histori$a* )*a$e. Than+s to the $ourage of thousan s the Watts $ommunity has $hange for the %etter. The $ommunity is no, a more sta%*e )*a$e for )eo)*e to *i-e. The $ommunity no *onger has ra$ia* tensions& e-eryone gets a*ong no matter ,hat s+in $o*or they are. Peo)*e $ame together an fought for their rights as a $ommunity. They a** su))orte ea$h other so they $ou* fee* at )ea$e. The riots may ha-e $ause many things %ut one thing it $ause ,as

Munoz 12 )eo)*e to $ome together. Than+s to that no, e-eryone has e5ua* rights an $an ,a*+ o,n the street ,ithout %eing 4u ge .

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