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Name: Mishell Ypez Level: Advanced Date: !" "#$ %

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+-acticin. an/ 0ind 12 sp1-t n13ada/s is ve-/ imp1-tant 21- 14health 5eca4se the/ imp-1ve 14- s0ills and ma0e 4s happie-6 74t8 3hich ph/sical activit/ is the 5est9 &hich 3ill 2it /14 5ette-9 +e-s1nall/8 I -eall/ li0e sp1-ts as 5as0et5all8 s1cce- 1- v1lle/5all8 I thin0 th1se a-e 24n8 inte-estin. and help me t1 5e st-ess less s1 I p-actice them 2-e:4entl/6 Athletics8 s3immin. 1- tennis is n1t the 5est 21- me 5eca4se I disli0e them6 74t s1me pe1ple li0e t1 d1 dan.e-14s sp1-ts8 t1 2eel the ad-enaline and the -is06 +a-ach4tin.8 can1ein.8 1- p4entin. a-e the m1st p-acticed dan.e-14s sp1-ts and in ;c4ad1- /14 can p-actice them in alm1st eve-/ cities6 I2 /14 d1 a -is0/ sp1-t 1nce8 /14 p-15a5l/ 314ld li0e t1 d1 it a.ain8 54t ta0e ca-e and the m1st imp1-tant thin.: 7e -ela<ed6 In 14- c14nt-/8 3hich is the m1st 2am14s sp1-t9 &ell8 s1cce- =as in the 3h1le 31-ld> m1ves a l1t 12 2ans and a4dience8 s1cce- teams li0e 7a-cel1na8 ;melec and Li.a a-e ve-/ -en13ned6 (he stadi4ms a-e al3a/s visited and c-13ed 12 2ans and s1metimes the vi1lence is p-esent?

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