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CCD: Cleidocranial dysplasia/dysotosis occurs in approximately 1 per million individuals worldwide Signs: Absent collarbones (clavicles) Delayed closure

of fontanelles Delayed loss of t e primary decidous: Delayed appearance of permanent teet ! "nusual s aped teet ! Supernumerary teet Ehlors Danlos Type 4 #s an autosomal dominant defect in t e type$### collagen synt esis! affecting approximately 1 in 1%%&%%% to '(%&%%% people) *ype + (vascular type) is considered one of t e more serious forms of , lers-Danlos syndrome because blood vessels and organs are more prone to tearing (rupture)) .atients wit ,DS type + express a c aracteristic facial appearance: large eyes& small c in& t in nose and lips& lobeless ears& ave a small stature wit a slim build& and typically ave t in& pale& translucent s/in (veins can usually be seen on t e c est and abdomen) wit very easy bruising and propensity to develop ecc ymoses)

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