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Special Donor Request

Making an Impact
Tlis yeai, youi iiemendous eoiis lave piopelled Inspiiaiional Medicine fuiilei ilan we
could lave imagined. We lave eained oui oi(c) non-piofi acciediiaiion, foiged oui way inio
ile minds and leaiis of lids and ieens, siaiied a momenious ouiieacl campaign, paiineied wiil
Siclle Cell Associaiion of Ameiica, and aie piepaiing oui fisi annual iepoii. We aie inciedibly
ilanlful foi eveiyiling you've done foi us, bui ile jouiney doesn'i end leie. Because of ilis yeai's
success we lave a ieacled an impoiiani junciuie in oui mission.
!" $%&" %'()*"+ ",-(.(*) /%0.*"01$(/12 %*+ 0"34(0" % 56+"0%." 7*%*-(%' 8%-9(*) .6 80(*)
640 (**6&%.(&" ."-$*6'6): .6 .$" ;60" 6; .$" /%.("*. ",/"0("*-"<
Specifcally, we lave ile oppoiiuniiy io fully implemeni Piojeci iPad ai ile }olns Hoplins
Clildien's Ceniei, leading io similai impaci-diiven piogiams ai oilei lospiials and places of caie.
(Sinai, Univeisiiy of Maiyland, Ciiy of Hope, Penn Siaie Heisley, Clildien's Hospiial of
I* 60+"0 ;60 .$(1 &(1(6* .6 8" 0"%'(="+2 >" %0" -%''(*) 6* 640 -04-(%' 14//60. 1:1."5 ;60 $"'/?
iPad donaiions will fll ile wings of ile afoiemeniioned lospiials wiil ile laidwaie and
sofiwaie io ieacl ile paiieni ai lis oi lei need. In oidei io woil wiilin ile iimeline of
implemeniaiion ilai we lave oiclesiiaied wiil ile paiiicipaiing lospiials we call on oui
inciedible sponsois io piopel us ileie. Ii las been !"#$ suppoii ilai las biougli us so fai and we
applaud youi giving spiiii. We lnow ilis is a busy and expensive iime of yeai, bui any donaiion
would be a signifcani boosi iowaids oui goal. We lave sei a modesi fundiaising goal of sy,ooo,
wlicl we believe is iealisiic and compleiely doable in ile iime fiame alloiied.
@*6> .$%. :640 +6*%.(6* >('' 5%9" %* (55"+(%." (5/%-.2 :64 >('' 9*6> ",%-.': >$"0" (. (1
)6(*)2 %*+ (. (1 .%,A+"+4-.(8'"<
Oui vision is io lave iableis in ile lands of seiiously ill clildien acioss a losi of lospiial
paiieni neiwoils. We will lave eacl device connecied io oui mobile device managemeni neiwoil
in oidei io lelp fosiei ile mosi impaciful inspiiaiional media and inieiaciions among devices as
well as leioes, idols and suivivois ouiside oui device neiwoil. Clildien will no longei baiile
illness alone and families will lave peace of mind as well as incieased ease of communicaiion wiil
ileii loved ones. An ambiiious vision indeed, bui wiil youi lelp we can coniinue io siiide ileie.
We've made ii easy io coniiibuie safely and secuiely online iliougl oui !"#$%&'('#)
+,-.&),/ Slould you wisl io send youi gifi by mail oi plone, you will fnd ile necessaiy
infoimaiion below. As always, clecl oui oui evei-giowing +,-('0, foi eveiyiling inspiiaiional.
Happy Holidays,
Bringing hope and positivity to seriously ill kids
Obi Ollawa
Sarah Clemmens
Adriana Jimenez
Coleman Bass
Grayson Gilbert
Ben Weissman
Eric Mundschenk
Edwin Rodriguez
Adam Itkoff
Henry Kumi
Steven Rodriguez
Andrea Caro
Nick Foley
John Sidoti
Alex Felliciano
Yes, I want to make a difference for seriously ill children!
Honoring your Pledge
Pledge Amount Honor
s:o+ -iPad engiaving in youi name
soo+ -iPad engiaving in youi name
-iPad accessoiy bundle foi lids
si,ooo+ -iPad donaied in youi lonoi wiil peisonal engiaving
-iPad accessoiy bundle foi lids
-Membeislip inio ile Inspiie Donoi Ciicle
Payment Method
Ciedii Caid
Visii oui safe and secuie !"#$%&'('#) +,-.&),
Please visii +++/'#(.'%&0'1#&23,$'4'#,/1%) io donaie secuiely iliougl PayPal seiveis.
Please mail youi coniiibuiion payable io:
6#(.'%&0'1#&2 7,$'4'#, 81"#$&0'1#9 6#4/
:; 74<'3 =>,#",
?&20'31%,9 7@ A:A:A
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We will piocess youi paymeni using oui secuie PayPal seiveis.
%&' !"# )*+, -" ."/0-1 */ ,"/"$ "$ 212"$!3 4510+1 */.*60-1 .#$*/7 40!21/-8
Inspirational Medicine is the rst non-prot program of its kind that focuses specically on mobile
technology to improve lives. We set the stage for innovative approaches to patient comfort, care, and well-being.
The Inspirational Medicine Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-prot organization. Contributions to the
foundation are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Tax ID: 80-0775370.
Bringing hope and positivity to seriously ill kids

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