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Principal Performance & Development Plan 2013

Name Classification School Region Designated Officer Critical Friend or Collegiate Group members Review period to Record No. School No.

Date plan agreed Principals signature Designated Officers signature

Optional School Context (provide a brief statement outlining any school specific issues that need consideration in the planning process)

Peter Lalor College is emerging from a radical and comprehensive transformation in 2011 from a Year 7-12 secondary college to a successful senior vocational college specialising in VCAL applied learning! and Vocational "ducation and #raining V"#!$
Social Communit! and Demographics

%ituated in an esta&lished su&ur& characterised &y lo' socio-economic status( cultural diversity and high youth unemployment$ A small &ut gro'ing specialised senior vocational college 'ith a 201) enrolment of appro*imately +0 students( on a current gro'th trend from ,0 students in 2012 to appro*imately 1-0 students &y 201-$ %upportive school council and school community
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#he college is also a community hu& 'ith an array of community programs operating in the college in partnership 'ith many community agencies( including many under the um&rella of the City of .hittlesea and Plenty Valley Community /ealth 0allo'ing student learning programs to &e integrated 'ith the 'ider community groups that operate 'ithin the college$ Capa&le and enthusiastic staff team strongly committed to the future of the school and engaging the students in high 1uality applied learning programs$ 2ffering 3oundation( 4ntermediate and %enior VCAL and an increasing range of V"# programs Lead %chool and site of the ne' 5,$6 million 2uter 7orthern #rade Centre 27##C! opening in 3e&ruary 201) /ighly successful in guiding students to successful post-school path'ays in employment or further education and training %trong focus an literacy( numeracy( employa&ility s8ills( learning through 9doing: and programs &ased on Positive Psychology %tudents do 6 days at school and one day in a structured 'or8 placement$


Resources and facilities

.ell appointed classrooms "*cellent trade training 0 27##C( plus /air and ;eauty %alon( commercial 8itchen( digital photography studio and <ac multi-media la&$ Currently 1-1 modern computer facilities for students and interactive 'hite&oard in all classrooms =ymnasium( outdoor &as8et&all court community garden and spacious grounds

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School #mprovement Focus $ % &'$&($) C!cle % *ttach a cop! of !our School Strategic +lan and *nnual #mplementation +lan ,*#+Select a Key Improvement Strategy/Significant Project where you will have a hands-on leadership role and which will form the basis for the Professional earning !ocus" #ighlight your selection directly onto your $IP or alternatively provide the details below" $lso list additional actions which indicate your specific involvement" $ .e! #mprovement Strateg!(Significant +ro/ect %&escribe the 'ey improvement strategy/significant project and any lin's to regional or system priorities( 0o improve each student1s literac!2 numerac! and emplo!abilit! s3ills to a level that enables them to achieve their pathwa! goal.

*ctions %)hole school and individual leadership actions( *nsure +on demand, testing is completed for all students in literacy numeracy in !ebruary and .erm / each year" *nsure data is provided to0 discussed and understood by all teachers 1uild in 2 in 1 improvement goal for all students in +2onnect 3roup, goal setting"

*chievement 4ilestones %2hanges in practice and behaviour(

+rofessional 5earning Focus $ % &'$&($) C!cle

Indicate the Professional earning re4uired to enhance your leadership s'ills and support the successful implementation of the above initiative" $ 6hat will # do7 Insert the relevant domains0 capabilities or profile statements from The Developmental Learning Framework for School Leaders that describe the leadership you need to highlight0 develop or improve in relation to the above initiative" Include specific s'ills0 'nowledge and behaviours"

8ow will # do this7 )hat professional learning actions will I underta'e to build my own capacity in this area5 6efer to Bastow nstitute or Leadership Development websites 9ear $ 7ear 2

6hat evidence will # use to measure m! progress7 )hat data and achievement milestones %changes in practice and behaviours( will I use to monitor my leadership growth and development5 6efer to Summary of Feedback Sources 9ear $ 7ear 2

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7ear 8 7ear /

7ear 8 7ear /
9!urther bo:es can be added if re4uired

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School #mprovement Focus & % &'$&($) C!cle % *ttach a cop! of !our School Strategic +lan and *nnual #mplementation +lan ,*#+Select a Key Improvement Strategy/Significant Project where you will have a hands-on leadership role and which will form the basis for the Professional earning !ocus" #ighlight your selection directly onto your $IP or alternatively provide the details below" $lso list additional actions which indicate your specific involvement" & .e! #mprovement Strateg!(Significant +ro/ect %&escribe the 'ey improvement strategy/significant project and any lin's to regional or system priorities(

*ctions %)hole school and individual leadership actions(

*chievement 4ilestones %2hanges in practice and behaviour(

+rofessional 5earning Focus & % &'$&($) C!cle

Indicate the Professional earning re4uired to enhance your leadership s'ills and support the successful implementation of the above initiative" & 6hat will # do7 Insert the relevant domains0 capabilities or profile statements from The Developmental Learning Framework for School Leaders that describe the leadership you need to highlight0 develop or improve in relation to the above initiative" Include specific s'ills0 'nowledge and behaviours"

8ow will # do this7 )hat professional learning actions will I underta'e to build my own capacity in this area5 6efer to Bastow nstitute or Leadership Development websites 9ear $ 7ear 2 7ear 8 7ear /

6hat evidence will # use to measure m! progress7 )hat data and achievement milestones %changes in practice and behaviours( will I use to monitor my leadership growth and development5 6efer to Summary of Feedback Sources 9ear $ 7ear 2 7ear 8 7ear /
9!urther bo:es can be added if re4uired

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#ndividual +rofessional 5earning Focus % &'$&($) C!cle

*n individual +rofessional 5earning Focus that is not directl! related to the *nnual #mplementation +lan. 9ou ma! wish to include professional learning related to:
4aintaining ( improving !our health and wellbeing Response to staff opinion surve! and leadership feedbac3 Further stud! 8igh priorit! items in order to achieve compliance Networ3 improvement plan Collegiate Group co operative learning focus ( action research Career development opportunities and new roles and responsibilities

6hat will # do7 Insert the relevant domains0 capabilities or profile statements from The Developmental Learning Framework for School Leaders that describe the leadership you need to highlight0 develop or improve in relation to the above initiative" Include specific s'ills0 'nowledge and behaviours"

8ow will # do this7 )hat professional learning actions will I underta'e to build my own capacity in this area5 6efer to Bastow nstitute or Leadership Development websites 9ear $ 7ear 2 7ear 8 7ear /

6hat evidence will # use to measure m! progress7 )hat data and achievement milestones %changes in practice and behaviours( will I use to monitor my leadership growth and development5 6efer to Summary of Feedback Sources 9ear $ 7ear 2 7ear 8 7ear /
9!urther bo:es can be added if re4uired

Page <

4id C!cle Self "valuation % &'$&($) C!cle

Principal: Optional: Mid-Cycle Meeting Date: School: Involving:

&esignated =fficer 2ritical !riend 2ollegiate 3roup

6hat do # need to focus on next7
( ndicate any issues or changes in direction and support if re#uired)

6hat have # achieved so far7

(Brief description of progress made against achievement milestones including relevant evidence ! indicate any une"pected outcomes)

School #mprovement Focus ,$-

+rofessional 5earning Focus ,$-

School #mprovement Focus ,&-

+rofessional 5earning Focus ,&-

#ndividual +rofessional 5earning Focus

Page >

Designated Officer comments: !ocus on achievements and where further development may be re4uired

Optional Critical Friend( Collegiate Group comments: !ocus on achievements and where further development may be re4uired

Principals signature:


Designated Officers signature:


Page ?

"nd of C!cle *ssessment % &'$&($) C!cle

Principal: Meeting Date: School: Involving:

&esignated =fficer 2ritical !riend 2ollegiate 3roup

+rincipal comments: !ocus on achievements and where further development may be re4uired

Optional Critical Friend ( Collegiate Group Comments: !ocus on achievements and where further development may be re4uired

Designated Officer comments: !ocus on achievements and where further development may be re4uired

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Core *ccountabilities as per Schedule 1 of the 2ontract of *mployment for Principal 2lass =fficers" Please indicate that all core position accountabilities identified in Schedule 1 of the individual contract of employment have been met" .he +#uman 6esources 6oles and 6esponsibilities Principal and .eacher 2lass, document provides further guidance on what is e:pected of principal class employees"

Comments : if applicable

Principals signature:


Designated Officers signature:


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