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Kyle Gellatly Rebecca Agosta English 1102 8:00am Extended Inquiry Project 2nd Sequence

Annotated Bibliography Grove, Robert, David Lavallee, and Sandy Gordon. "Coping with Retirement from Sport: The Influence of Athletic Identity." Journal of Applied Sport Psychology 9.2 (1997): 191-203. Print. This source talks about the extreme impact that having an identity based around a team or sport for so long can be difficult on the person that is forced to leave that identity behind for a new one. The article talked went on to discuss how these athletes became so attached as well as some coping strategies that the athletes have begun to implement.

This journal excerpt is particularly value for talking about how the athletes become so needing of their identity that is attached to them while they participate in their sport. This is relevant when referring to the seniors on the UNCC Hockey team as many of them are fully embracing their identity as a hockey player while they only have a single year left to carry this identity with them.

This is a trusted source coming straight from Australian psychology scholars. This is also an official scholastic journal that was in production through multiple volumes over many years. Authors are also all affiliated with the University of Western Australia

Heere, B., and J.D. James. "Sports Teams and Their Communities." Journal of Sports Management 21.3 (2007): 319-37. Print. This excerpt from a journal talks about the effect that fans of a team may actually have on fans of a team and how they see themselves as much more than a consumer but also as a member of the team in a sense.

This article references the identity that teams establish and how if it is strong that this identity can get outside of the locker room and fans begin to buy into this team identity and begin to directly identify with the team. All facts considered this states how a strong team identity can be extremely intoxicating and contagious for those on the team and outside of the team.

This is clearly a respectable source for it is directly from a scholarly journal that has any volumes and has several different editions that have been produced over the years dating back over 10 years. Holland, Dorothy. "Personal Stories in Alcoholics Anonymous." N.d. Digital file. In this article Holland talks about the figured worlds within Alcoholics Anonymous and the basic interactions within the group. Holland also goes over what categories someone as an "Alcoholics" and how society thrusts this identity upon these people, often within them making a conscious effort to identify with this group.

This article is extremely relevant for it focuses on group affiliation which is the main topic of my research as I investigate what it means to be a member of the UNC Charlotte Club Ice Hockey team. The internal interactions within the group are mostly what I am

focused on and approximately half of this article is about exactly that, making it even more relevant.

This source is extremely trusted because it comes from a highly respected psychologist by the name of Dorothy Holland. This is also an original piece of hers making it even more trusted in being an original thought of hers. Morgan, Alan. "49ers Stomp Heels in Opener." Charlotte 49ers Ice Hockey. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Oct. 2013. <>. This article speaks about the teams first game of the season which results in a win. The article goes on to discuss specific facts of the game as well including objective stats and analysis of the game as a whole.

The most important piece of this article is the emphasis that it places on the seniors of the team; "Craig Mohr made 27 saves to earn the shutout and found plenty of support from his graduating class in front of him." The article goes on to make specific references to seniors on the team several more times throughout when the author easily could have discussed many other key points about the game.

The way I know that this is a respectable source is purely the fact I know exactly who the author is. This is a also merely an article about a sporting event that anyone who attended could write and it would be fairly credible. I know for a fact that the author did attend this game and had direct access to correct statistics from the game.

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