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Public Private Partnership Center

Posted on November 26, 2010 by Imelda A. Manguiat One of the ornerstones of President !enigno A"uino III#s e onomi $oli y under his ne% administration is the develo$ment of the ountry#s mu h needed infrastru ture $ro&e ts through $ubli '$rivate se tor $artnershi$. (uring the onferen e dubbed as Infrastru ture Phili$$ines 2010, Investing and )inan ing in Publi 'Private Partnershi$ Pro&e ts, held from November 1* to 1+, 2010, the government announ ed its infrastru ture agenda and the different $ro&e ts o$en for $ubli '$rivate $artnershi$s. ,hese $ro&e ts are mostly in the trans$ortation, tourism, energy, agri ulture and health se tors. In line %ith this em$hasis on $rivate se tor $arti i$ation in infrastru ture $ro&e ts, President A"uino $reviously issued -.e utive Order No. / on 0e$tember +, 2010 reorgani1ing and re' naming the !uild, O$erate and ,ransfer 2!O,3 4enter to the Publi 'Private Partnershi$ 2PPP3 4enter. ,he e.e utive order also transferred the PPP 4enter from being an atta hed agen y of the (e$artment of ,rade and Industry to the National - onomi and (evelo$ment Authority 2N-(A3. A ording to N-(A 0e retary 4ayetano Paderanga, 5r., the PPPs %ill be underta6en mainly under the frame%or6 of the !O, 7a% and its im$lementing regulations. ,hus, the role of the !O, 4enter, no% PPP 4enter, is im$ortant. Among the $o%ers and fun tions of the PPP 4enter under -O No. / are8 1. Assist the im$lementing agen ies 2IAs3 and lo al government units 279:s3 in addressing im$ediments and bottlene 6s in the im$lementation of PPP $ro&e ts; 2. Provide advisory servi es, te hni al assistan e and training to IAs and 79:s in PPP $ro&e t $re$aration and develo$ment; <. Monitor and fa ilitate the im$lementation of $riority PPP $rograms and $ro&e ts;

=. >e ommend $lans, $oli ies and im$lementing guidelines related to PPP in onsultation %ith a$$ro$riate oversight ommittees, IAs and 79:s; ?. Manage and administer a revolving fund for the $re$aration of business ase, $re'feasibility and feasibility studies and tender do uments for PPP $rograms and $ro&e ts; and 6. Pre$are re$orts on the im$lementation of PPP $rograms and $ro&e ts for submission to the President ea h year. A ording to -O No. /, the $ro&e t a$$roval $ro ess for "ualified soli ited PPPs shall be om$leted %ithin si. months sub&e t to e.isting la%s, rules and regulations. ,he PPP 4enter should hel$ in ensuring that this timetable is a hieved.

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