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Public Transport Assistance ProgramPantawid Pasada

Posted on May 30, 2011 by Imelda A. Manguiat Joint Circular No. 1 of t e !e"artments of #nergy, $inance, %udget and Management, Interior and &ocal 'o(ernment and )rans"ortation and Communications *as issued on A"ril 2+, 2011 to im"lement #,ecuti(e -rder No. 32, .eries of 2011, entitled /Instituting t e Public )rans"ort Assistance Program0 Panta*id Pasada1 2P)AP3. President A4uino issued t is e,ecuti(e order to cus ion t e im"act of t e ig cost of fuel on t e "ublic trans"ortation sector, "articularly t e 5ee"ney and tricycle dri(ers, * o a(e been clamoring for t e re"eal of t e -il !eregulation &a* and t e la* im"osing (alue0added ta, on "etroleum "roducts. 6nder t e Joint Circular, t e initial funding of P780 million for t e P)AP *ill be sourced from t e !-#0."ecial Account in t e 'eneral $und 2.A'$3 9 18 s"ecifically from t e 'as0 Malam"aya :e(enue. P300 million of t e fund *ill be released to t e !-# for t e 5ee"ney dri(er beneficiaries and P180 million to t e !I&' for t e tricycle dri(er beneficiaries. -nly "ublic utility 5ee"neys *it legitimate franc ise in good standing as of Marc 31, 2011 from t e &and )rans"ortation $ranc ising and :egulatory %oard 2&)$:%3 and * ic a(e (alid and u"dated registration *it t e &and )rans"ortation -ffice s all be entitled to use t e Panta*id Pasada Card. ) e !-)C s all direct t e &)$:% and t e &)- to submit to t e !-# t e list of "ublic utility 5ee"ney franc ise olders and t e list of (e icles registered as "ublic utility 5ee"neys. As for t e tricycles, t e local go(ernment units *ill be re4uested to submit t e list of legitimate tricycle franc ise olders as of Marc 2;, 2011 to t e !I&'. )o ensure t at only legitimate "ublic utility 5ee"ney franc ise olders are able to use t e cards, gasoline stations are en5oined to (erify t at t e "late number on t e 5ee"ney corres"onds to t e "late number a""earing on t e card and t ey may refuse t e card for fuel "urc ases by a 5ee"ney * ose "late number does not matc t e card. .tarting June 1, 2011, t e "resentation of t e cards *ill also be re4uired for entitlement to e,isting discounts offered by gasoline stations for "ublic utility 5ee"neys in areas * ere t e cards a(e been distributed. 6nder t e Panta*id Pasada Program, 5ee"ney dri(ers can a(ail of P38<day fuel subsidy * ile tricycle dri(ers can a(ail of P8 "er day fuel subsidy.

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