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Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

Teacher Candidate: Samantha Sutton __5____ Subject/Grade: Math/K-5 "# $%&' &% a(m( Learnin) *bjecti!e: +,i)nment -ith Standards:

Lesson # Date and Time of Lesson: o!ember

Students will be able to identify a number (1-10) and match it with the correct number word.

Identify the source and list standards (local, state, and/or national) that align with the learning objecti e. !!"# Standard(s) $oo%erati e &earning SS$# !lement(s) &istening and following directions S$ $ommon $ore' (.$$.#.) *rite numbers from 0 to +0. ,e%resent a number of objects with a written numeral 0-+0 (with 0 re%resenting a count of no objects).

De!e,o.menta, or Cross-curricu,ar connections: -he learning objecti e for this lesson should be met in order for students to continue counting on %ast the number +0. +ssessment/s0 of the *bjecti!es: *hat assessment(s) will you use to determine student
learning (%re, during, %ost). !ach objecti e should be aligned with an assessment. &esson /bjecti e(s) Students will be able to identify a number (1-10) and match it with the correct number word. #ssessment(s) of the /bjecti e(s) Students will be assessed through small grou% class time. I will flash cards to the students with the number and the number word %resented on the card. !ach time a card is flashed the students must all say what that %articular card is out loud, as a class. Students will %lay a matching game. -he students will each ha e a card. -he cards will be 0se of 1ormati e #ssessment I will use the assessment data to 2now which students ha e not met the objecti e. 1or the students that do not meet the objecti e, I will gi e them one on one time to ensure the objecti e is met.

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template labeled with the numbers 1-10 and the number words one through ten. -he students will 3uietly wal2 around and try to find their %artner. /ne %artner will ha e the number and the other %artner will ha e the number word. 1or e4am%le, if someone has the number 5 then, their %artner will ha e the card that has the number fi e s%elled out. Students will ha e a wor2sheet that they will com%lete at their table. -he wor2sheet will assess their indi idual wor2 with matching the number to the number word that matches.

Rev. 2013

+ccommodations: 1or my slower %aced learners I will ha e a tens frame labeled on the
wor2sheet in the same column as the number word. -he slower %aced learners are not fluent readers yet, therefore the tens frame will be needed in order for the students to match the number word to its correct number. 1or my fast %aced learners I will ha e them to trace o er the written number word before they match the word to its correct number. If they finish early, e en after tracing I will ha e them turn the %age o er and write sentences using the number words.

Materia,s: Smart Board, ELMO projector, crayons, pencil, worksheet, number flash
cards, zoo animal number and number word matching cards

Students will watch a ideo entitled 67umber *ords ,a%8. -he ideo will get the students u% and mo ing. #nytime dance is incor%orated into the lesson the students become more interested in what I am about to teach. 9robing 3uestions will be as2ed each time I flash a card at the beginning of the lesson. I will also as2 %robing 3uestions during the time of the wor2sheet. 1or e4am%le, 6*hat letter is s%elt f-i- -e.8, 61-o-u-r s%ells what.8, etc. I will close the lesson by going through each number on the sheet and s%elling its matching word out loud with the students re%eating the letters after me. -he students will watch a ideo entitled 67umber *ords ,a%8. #s the students watch the ideo I will sing along and encourage the students to sing along with the ideo. #fter the ideo, I will show the students the flash cards. -he flash cards ha e number

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template Rev. 2013 words and the number on them. -he students will tell me what each flash card shows. Students will %lay the matching game. !ach student will ha e either a tens frame or a number word. -he students will wal2 around a find the classmate who has the same number as them, just in different form. #fter the matching game, we will go around the room and each set of %artners will share with their classmates the number they ha e. *e will go o er these as a class and each student will s%ell and say the number. I will then dismiss students from the car%et. I will dismiss them by the color of the shirt they are wearing. *hen the students go bac2 to their seats, I will %ass out their wor2sheet. /n one side of the wor2sheet will be a column of number words. -he second column will be where the students write the number that matches the number word. #fter each student is finished with the wor2sheet, I will go o er each one with the students. I will ha e each student s%ell out each number word and then, say the number it goes with.

+cti!it2 +na,2sis:
Identify at least two acti ities you %lan to use in this lesson and e4%lain why you are %lanning these s%ecific acti ities. In your e4%lanation include the following %rom%ts' -he acti ity su%%orts the lesson because it gi es students a chance to use their %rior 2nowledge on letter sounds to ma2e that reference from sound to letter to identify an actual word. It also su%%orts the lesson by allowing the students to ma2e references from number to number word. -he first acti ities are done as a grou% and then, the students will mo e on to do the same acti ity on their wor2sheet, indi idually. I will use the Smart :oard in the lesson to %lay the ;ou-ube ideo 67umber *ords ,a%8.


<arry (indergarten =usic. (+01), #%ril 1>). 7umber *ords ,a%. ,etrie ed from htt%'// ?;bjhiSb@ 1g.

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