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Collaboration on the feed was originally intended to promote a very distinct and uniform series of topic related posts.

That didn't happen. Not only did it not happen, but we soon realized that confining our broad message was not only admirable, but entirely unfeasible. The nature of water issues perhaps lay in its naturally prevalent identity as a dominating the planet in its percentage, and existing in places of conversation we didn't think possible. This pushed our initial aim to focus solely on groundwater and bottling companies out to sea. nstead our strength became this very amorphous nature of water. !ur topic gave us the ability to promulgate a series of independently created tweets from each individual that allowed us to provide each other contexts for our conglomerate knowledge base. There was very little oral communication between what we thought each other should post. "ather, it was oriented around who could find the #most interesting$ story about water. This desire to link entertaining stories created a center for our own formative posts. %avid's interest became an almost % & focused area of study. 'nything from building rain barrels, down the science behind how plastics contained harmful chemicals was promoted. This trend of what interested the poster created the diversity of content for the feed itself. (hile the creative aspect of the feed was very open, the only mandated influence was from the curriculum. (e all had a weekly )uota *which was harder to enforce than type of content itself+ which was ideally split up on e)ual footing, - tweets per person, with two people doing ., and any extra #retweets$ that were allowed going to those members contributing the higher number that week. !ur weaknesses revolved around a latent lack in communication and the coincidence between this silence and holiday season. (eeks were washed over, and inevitably, because nobody wanted to step on anybody's toes, our Twitter suffered. /ltimately, our contributions were all good and relevant, but impeded *like any real feed+ by unaccounted for facets of our personal lives.

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