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What It Means To Belong Belonging, in my opinion, is something that is essential to humans.

Humans crave to belong and to be loved, that is just human nature. However, there are things that must be done to belong. In my opinion to "belong" to a group or community or to anything you have to be accepted or one, and actively participate as a member. To belong ta!es e ort and sacri ice. "ou can#t just do nothing in a particular group and e$pect to be accepted ully. %or e$ample, i you want to have a success ul relationship with someone you have to show them that you want to be with them and put in e ort. Being concerned and involved in that persons li e is important. &nce you begin a relationship with someone, you not only ta!e on that person but everything they come with, their past, their amily, religious belie s, riends and more. 'cceptance o the person that you are with is also important. (ometimes you may have to sacri ice doing something you want to do, or doing something that bene its you, to do something that your partner wants to do or so that it will bene it your partner and vice versa.

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