Eportfolio Reflection

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Dixie State University requires their secondary education department students to provide evidence and documentation of growth using

an underpinning tool called the DESERT model. These experiences have been documented in my e-portfolio by benchmark assessments and appendix items that provide evidence of meeting the requirements of becoming a competent, caring, and qualified educator. I am convinced that I am a competent educator as demonstrated by this music counting lesson plan I created and enforced to a middle school choir class. It shows I am able to make accommodations in my lesson planning to meet the needs of my diverse students (DM1) and to use technology to motivate and engage my students in their musical learning (DM2). This lesson plan shows my students activated prior knowledge to improve their music theory skills. The collaboration that went on in the classroom while giving the review lesson showed that students were comfortable with my lesson and eager to learn. For this lesson, no accommodations were needed for ELL learners or for any gifted and talented students. In addition to my lesson plan evidence it also demonstrates my ability to support my teaching through the use of technology. I created a classroom website that is located on the e-portfolio for students to obtain links and help with their music knowledge. As a performance driven class my objectives always include students success as performers. It is crucial when obtaining an education that one must receive and display or prove that a lesson of competency is met. Benchmarks are set by education establishments locally, state wide and nationally, which are very important for quality educators. I have received an overall GPA of 3.75 from my institution of learning and have received many music awards along the way. These accomplishments combined with the maturity in life skills and experiences give those who wish to employ me that confidence in my abilities.

As I reflect on my e-portfolio I cannot help but be reminded of those who have helped in my journey to become a teacher. My support group includes my parents, family, teachers and friends. Every one of these individuals has a very diverse history and a plethora of challenges and knowledge that I draw from to create my classroom. My e-portfolio is a reflection of my growth as a students and it signifies a culmination of data reflecting my competence, caring and qualifications as a student of education.

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