School Profile Analysis Form Edug 858 f12 Schoer

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Manhattan College

School Profile Analysis

Student Name___________Jillian Schoer____________ Name of School: ___________P.S. 340____________________ Location District/County_____________ ron!" N# /District $0 _______________ School %ddress &' (est $)'th Street ________________________ _ ron!" Ne* #or+ $04,- _____________________ .ele/hone 0: Student 567ail: _12$-3 &&0 4 $-30 ___________________________ _____8schoer.student9manhattan.edu______________________

Manhattan College Dr. E. Kosky/Mr. D. Russo/Mrs. E. Gerace

EDUG 858/862/863 Fall 2 !3

Achievement Data NYS Elementary English Language Arts Students Results Files will be on oodle #ear Le:el Standards Percent 0 of Students Le:el Standards Percent 0 of Students $ elo* Standards $2.)$< $4$ elo* Standards $3.3< 33 & 7eets asic Standards 1%//roachin;3 '0< $34 & 7eets asic Standards 1%//roachin;3 4-.&< $&0 3 7eets Proficiency Standard 3$.2&< -' 3 7eets Proficiency Standard 32.2< )4 4 5!ceeds Proficiency Standards 0.32< $ 4 5!ceeds Proficiency Standards 0.-< &

&0$$ #ear


%nalysis of 5L% Data 4 Please indicate the < of students /erformin; =elo* ;rade le:el 1i.e. le:els $ > &3. Please descri=e *hat Le:els $ > & re/resent 1i.e. $ =elo* standards" & a//roachin; standards3. Com/are the last & years to see if there is im/ro:ement: %ll students started lo*er in &0$$6&0& e:en thou;h three more students too+ the e!am. Nine more students *ith disa=ilities too+ the e!am ,< of those students im/ro:ed. ?n &0$06&0$$ there *ere '' more students and &2< scored 3s and 4s. ?n &0$$ and &0$& there *ere 4) more students ta+in; the e!am and $-< of them scored 3s and 4s.

Manhattan College Dr. E. Kosky/Mr. D. Russo/Mrs. E. Gerace

EDUG 858/862/863 Fall 2 !3


Achievement Data NYS Elementary ath Students Results Files will be on oodle #ear & 3 4 7eets asic 7eets 5!ceeds Standards Proficiency Proficiency 1%//roachin; Standard Standards 3 &0$$ Percent '.',< 4'.$-< 40.32< -.-)< 0 of Students $' $&& $0) &4 #ear Le:el $ & 3 4 Standards elo* 7eets asic 7eets 5!ceeds Standards Standards Proficiency Proficiency 1%//roachin; Standard Standards 3 &0$& Percent 3.'< 32.-< 43.3< $'.4< 0 of Students ) ), $$0 3) %nalysis of 5L% Data 4 Please indicate the < of students /erformin; =elo* ;rade le:el 1i.e. le:els $ > &3. Please descri=e *hat Le:els $ > & re/resent 1i.e. $ =elo* standards" & a//roachin; standards3. Com/are the last & years to see if there is im/ro:ement: Le:el Standards $ elo* Standards

4) more students too+ the test in &0$$6&0$&. .here *as an increase of && more students *ho scored 3s and 4s.

Manhattan College Dr. E. Kosky/Mr. D. Russo/Mrs. E. Gerace

EDUG 858/862/863 Fall 2 !3

Manhattan College Dr. E. Kosky/Mr. D. Russo/Mrs. E. Gerace

EDUG 858/862/863 Fall 2 !3

@ind the information on 7oodle A:er:ie* of School Performance in 5L% Besults Student Crou/
%ll Students Students */ Disa=ilities Limited 5n;lish Proficient

.otal 0 .ested &4) 4' 4)

&0$$6&0$& < Le:els $6& ,$.3)< -4.&&< )$.)4<

< Le:els 364 3-.,$< $'.2-< -.0,<

.otal 0 .ested &,'' 43

&0$06&0$$ < Le:els $6& ,2.24< )&.4)< )0.33<

< Le:els 364 3&.&,< 2.'$< ).,2<

%nalysis of 5L% Data 6 Com/are Ceneral 5d to Students *ith Disa=ilities le:els on $>& and also indicate if there is a difference =et*een the ;rou/s for /ast t*o years 6 ?ndicate if there *as im/ro:ement : ?n &0$$6&0$&" ,- more students too+ the e!am. 3-< of students *ith disa=ilities scored $s and &s. 3-< of all students scored 3s and 4s.

%nalysis of 5L% Data 6 Com/are the /erformance of the 5LL students to the /erformance of all students. Please indicate in your re/ort *hat Le:els $ > & indicate. Com/are the last & years to see if there is im/ro:ement: Less 5LLs too+ the e!am in &0$$6&0$&. .here *as an increase in /erformance.

Manhattan College Dr. E. Kosky/Mr. D. Russo/Mrs. E. Gerace

EDUG 858/862/863 Fall 2 !3


@ind the information on 7oodle Besults Student Crou/

%ll Students Students */ Disa=ilities Limited 5n;lish Proficient

.otal 0 .ested &'4 4' '4

A:er:ie* of School Performance in 7ath &0$$6&0$& < Le:els < Le:els .otal 0 $6& 364 .ested 4$.4-< '-.'&< &20 ,4.3,< 3'.,4< '' ,&.-'< 32.$'< 4'

&0$06&0$$ < Le:els $6& '0.4&< '-.0)< ,,.-&<

< Le:els 364 4).'-< 4$.)$< 33.$-<

%nalysis of 7ath Data 6 Com/are Ceneral 5d to Students *ith Disa=ilities le:els $>& and also indicate if there is a difference =et*een the ;rou/s for /ast t*o years 6 ?ndicate if there *as im/ro:ement : .here *ere 2& more students ta+in; the e!am in &0$$6&0$&. $2 more students scored $s and &s. $) more students scored 3s and 4s.

%nalysis of 7ath Data 6 Com/are the /erformance of the 5LL students to the /erformance of all students. Please indicate in your re/ort *hat Le:els $ > & indicate. Com/are the last & years to see if there is im/ro:ement:

.he amount of 5LL students decreased =y ten students for &0$$6&0$&. .here *as a decreased in the /ercenta;es of students *ho /erformed in 3s and 4s =ut it correlates *ith the /ercenta;e of students *ho recei:ed $s and &s.

Manhattan College Dr. E. Kosky/Mr. D. Russo/Mrs. E. Gerace

EDUG 858/862/863 Fall 2 !3

@ind the information on the School Be/ort Card htt/://nystart.;o: Limited 5n;lish Proficient &0$$ < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 -$ 440 ) 42 &3 $&2 &0$& < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 -$ 4,$ ) '0 &, $4' %nalysis of Data 4?ndicate any or no chan;es o:er the t*o years: #ear 5li;i=le for @ree Lunch Demo;ra/hics Beduced Student Price Lunch Sta=ility Notes

!here are no changes for the lunch "rogram# !here is an increase of LEP students#

Bacial/5thnic Ari;in
#ear %merican ?ndian/ %las+a Nati:e lac+ or %frican %merican Dis/anic or Latino
%sian or Nati:e Da*aiian/ Ather Pacific ?slander



0 < 0 < 0 < $ $0 '' -& 44, 4 &0$& < 0 < 0 < 0 < & 4- -4 42' ' %nalysis of Data 4 ?ndicate any or no chan;es o:er the t*o years:


0 &4 0 &-

< 3 < 3

0 $, 0 $'

.here *as an increase of %merican ?ndian/%las+an Nati:e" Dis/anic" and %sian or Nati:e Da*aiian/ Ather Pacific ?slander students .here *as a decrease of lac+ or %frican %merican and (hite students.

%ttendance > Sus/ensions #ear %ttendance < Sus/ensions &00)6$0 < 0 < 0 )4 0 $ &0$06$$ < 0 < 0 )3 0 $ %nalysis of Data 4 ?ndicate any or no chan;es o:er the t*o years


.he attendance decreased =y $< and the num=er of sus/ensions remained the same.

Manhattan College Dr. E. Kosky/Mr. D. Russo/Mrs. E. Gerace

EDUG 858/862/863 Fall 2 !3

%nnual #early .ar;ets School Standin; #ou *ill find this information on the School Be/ort Card .his information is on 7oodle Cood Standin; 5L% 7ath #es FNo #es FNo 5L% 7ath S?N?
1School in Need of ?m/ro:ement3

Correcti:e %ction
1School Ender Bedesi;n3

F#es FNo F#es FNo

5L% 7ath

F#es FNo F#es FNo

%lthou;h the *e can not com/are the students achie:ements from the N#S 5L% and 7ath assessments this year due to the im/lement of the Common Core Learnin; Standards *e can com/are the schools /erformance to all of Ne* #or+ City to see if they are a=o:e or =elo* the a:era;e /erformance: 5L% Ne* #or+ City &,.4< #our School $4.4< Ne* #or+ City &).,< 7ath #our School &'.'<

%nalysis of 5L% and 7ath Data for &0$3 4 Please com/lete the a=o:e ta=le and com/are the < of students /erformin; at ;rade le:el at your school to N#C 1i.e. le:els 3 > 43. Please descri=e ho* your school com/ares to N#C. $n ELA our students are "erforming below the NY% average# !here is a huge difference between NY% and P#S# &'( when it comes to ELA# $n ath we are more or less at the same level of "erformance as NY%#

Manhattan College Dr. E. Kosky/Mr. D. Russo/Mrs. E. Gerace

EDUG 858/862/863 Fall 2 !3

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