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Differentiated Instruction: Professional Development

Partnering to help all kids learn

Course Overview:
Introduction of Presenters: 5 Minutes Presenters: Kaci Felder, Deirdre Jolivette, Ashley Riley Ice Breaker- Sleuth Activity: 10 minutes Assess Yourself! Differentiated Instruction Pre- Assessment: 10 minutes Introduction of Topic- What is Differentiated Instruction? : 15 minutes Jigsaw Activity : 65 minutes Read selection (15 minutes) Meet in Expert Groups (20 minutes) Report back to Jigsaw (30 minutes)

BREAK!!! : 15 minutes Taking a Deeper Look into Differentiated Instruction: 15 minutes Content- Content in Reference to Differentiated Instruction: 10 minutes Think-Pair-Share Activity: 10 minutes Assessments and Adjustments: 5 minutes Introduction of Flexible Grouping: 15 minutes Class Learning Profile Technique: 15 minutes Strategies for Differentiated Instruction: 30 minutes Whats NOT Differentiated Instruction: 5 minutes Grading Techniques for Differentiated Instruction: 5 minutes Reflection- Pair- Share: 35 minutes Closure: 5 minutes

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