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Belgium, WI 53004

Sara K.

University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Administrators Credential Completion Date December 13th, 2013 Cardinal Stritch University, Milwaukee, WI Aug 03 !une 0" Bachelor o# $cience in %lementar& %ducation 'iterac& (inor Certi#ication in %lementar& %ducation) %arl& Childhood (iddle Childhood

Summary of Work Ex erience and !elated Ex erience

Ste in" Stones Children#s Center, $ort Washin"ton, WI !une 0" *resent Center Director $uper+ise sta## duties and responsibilities Complete #amil& billing entering tuition and chec,s Complete and re+ie- policies, procedures and s&stems to #ollo-ing state regulations Ste in" Stones Children#s Center, %el"ium, WI 02 . !une 0" /eacher and 0##ice Assistant Complete lesson plans targeted at 'iterac&, Art, (ath, $cience 1ine and 'arge motor #or children 4 -ee,s to 13 &ears Create acti+ities and pro2ects based o## o# a current theme Create port#olios o# the children Assist in o##ice tas,s as needed3 plan e+ents and #undraisers /a,e care o# the boo, -or, on a -ee,l& basis Cardinal Stritch !eadin" and &earnin" Center, Milwaukee, WI 04 . *resent Complete lesson plans targeted at 'iterac& (odel strategies to become a stronger reader *repare and teach lessons on reading and comprehension Assist children -hile reading ,no-n and un,no-n -ords 'efferson Elementary, Wauwatosa, WI (a& 04 Fourth Grade Clinical Experience Created and taught lesson plans across content areas 'ead small group reading circles $ept


!an 04

Wor,ed one on one -ith a student -ho -as behind o# home-or, Incorporated technolog& into m& lessons !an 04

Milwaukee (cademy of Science, Milwaukee, WI (a& 04 Second Grade Clinical Experience /aught lessons -hile -or,ing on management s,ills Assisted teacher -ith classroom acti+ities and responsibilities Wor, in small groups and -hole class groups %urdick Elementary, Milwaukee, WI Dec 05 First and Fifth Grade Clinical Experience /aught reading strategies #or reading comprehension (entored students -ith -riting) used si5 traits Administered and scored running records /utored a small group o# 6indergarten students Administered and scored the 78I Assigned and monitored -riting prompts

!an 05

St. $hilli )eri, Milwaukee, WI !an 04 (a& 04 4K Clinical Experience Created and taught lesson plans across content areas $uper+ised children during #ree pla& 'ead circle time) morning message, calendar, songs, and the pledge Wor, one on one -ith students -ho needed e5tra help Assisted in de+eloping a management plan #or the class $ro"ressive %e"innin"s, She*oy"an, WI !une 01 Aug 01 Camp Counselor *repared acti+ities #or children -ith disabilities Assisted in ph&sical and occupational therap& sessions Communicated to parents about their child9s disabilit& and strategies that helped their child learn and ha+e #un

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