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Math Course 2013-2014 First Week Reflection 1. What are my expectations for this course?

My expectations for this course is to learn new and challenging things. I also expect to have fun while learning. 2. How do I feel about math? I feel math is a very important subject. We are always using math in our daily life. We couldn't do anything without learning this subject. 3. How do I consider myself in math? I consider myself good at math, though I sometimes have a hard time learning it. But once I get it I am really good at it. 4. Which are my strong areas? My strong areas are story problems, I feel I can visualize better if something is in a story problem. 5. Which are my areas of opportunities? My area of opportunity is fractions, sometimes I struggle in fractions this area is something I should definitely practice. 6. What do you think makes a student be good at math? Practice. Every day practicing math would make a student good at math. While we practice we could se our mistakes and we can correct them. 7. What grade do I expect to get in this course? Last year I got an 8.8 so I definitely would try to keep it up and if I can get a higher grade.

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