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EDUC 329 Fall 2013

5E Science Lesson Plan

Date: 11/10/13

Name: Kayla Chrisley Grade Level: 3rd Subject: Life Cycle/ Science Concept: Seeds and Seed dispersal

Type of Lesson: Science/ Seeds/ (PLT) Size of Group: Class

SC Science Academic Standards: 3-2.1 Illustrate the life cycles of seed plants and various animals and summarize how they grow and are adapted to conditions within their habitats. Additional Academic Standards: EEDA: Students will show good work ethic while working with partner and respect during class discussion. SSCA: Students know the rules of bullying and why we shouldnt bully our peers.

Conceptual Science Background: My learning objectives are appropriate because third grade students have previously learned the life cycle of a plant. In this lesson students will be into depth what a seed is and how different plants get spread around different habitats. Students have been introduced to major structures and basic life cycle stages of plants in 1st grade (1-2.2, 1-2.4) and to how these structures help plants survive in their habitats (1-2.6). Students have also been introduced to the various stages in the life cycle of animals in 2nd grade (2-2.5). Learning Objective and Evaluation: Lesson Objective Third grade students will classify plant seeds by identifying a variety of methods of seed dispersal. Evaluation of the Objective Pre: Students will be observed during their discussion when asked what seeds are and what they do. Students will be evaluated on their responses or remarks towards another peers comments. During: Students will be evaluated on their group work as they sort and classify different seeds. They will need to fill in the sheet with reasons for their sorting. Also students will be evaluated during our explanation of what a seed is. This will just let me see students prior knowledge and how it changed from the beginning of the lesson to now. After: Students will gather what they have learned and complete a Post Card They will be asked to pick a seed we learned about during the lesson and write about its journey( dispersal) and illustrate the seed. I will take these up to give feedback and also for a participation grade.

EDUC 329 Fall 2013

5E Science Lesson Plan

Productive Questions: What probing questions will you ask during the lesson? Engagement: What is a seed? Exploration: What are ways we can short the seeds? Explanation: What are different ways seeds move from different habitats? (dispersal) Elaboration: How did you sort your seeds the second time we sorted them? Explain your knowledge on this seeds dispersal. How did your knowledge of seeds change from the beginning of the lesson to now? Evaluation: Explain your seeds dispersal journey? How do you know this? What clues tells us this? Materials: Variety of seeds, cups to sort them in, post cards for after assessment. Markers and pencils. Safety Precautions for Lesson: Students will need to know the rules when doing an experiment. 1) No eating seeds 2) No throwing seeds 3) Keep your hands on your things; do not touch someone elses materials. PROCEDURES: Engagement: I will ask what is a seed to students. After their responses we will watch a video on YouTube of a seeds life cycle. We will then discuss what we learned about a seed that we already knew or did not know. Students will be asked to add on to what their peers have said. I will make this more student led to see students prior knowledge on seeds before we get started. Students just finished learning about the life cycle of a seed so all of the terms we learn about should be fresh in their minds. I will show students different seeds we will be working with and let them hold them. We will talk about where the seeds grow and how they get to that specific area. Students will be evaluated on their responses. Exploration: Students will then partner up and talk to their partner about seeds and why it is important for seeds to move to different areas. Students will then be given a variety of seeds and asked to separate them into different groups. Students have the freedom to sort the seeds in any way they would like. Students will be invited to share how they sorted the seeds. We will then discuss seed dispersal. Students just recently learned about seed dispersal. I will have students share with one another what they think seed dispersal is. If the definition needs to be cleared up I will do so. I will write down some different categories of seed dispersal. EX) floats on air or water. Eaten by animals. Explanation: Students will then sort their seeds according to seeds dispersal categories. They will do this with their partner and will need to work together to think of each seed and how they think that certain seed gets dispersed. I will walk around and observe. They will write down reasons for their different categories on a sheet. Students will then be asked to share their ideas and why they think those certain seeds would be in the category they picked Elaboration: Some questions will be asked to students such as, why is it important for seeds to be dispersed? Can some seeds go further than others? What does seed dispersal do for our

EDUC 329 Fall 2013 5E Science Lesson Plan environment or an animals habitat? Students will discuss with one another and explain their reasoning. If any concepts need to be cleared up I will do so. This will be mainly student led also. Evaluation (Assessment): Students will be asked to pick a certain seed we studied. They will have a postcard where on the front they need to illustrate the seed they have chosen. On the back the students will write about the seeds journey as they are getting dispersed. This will be taken up for feedback and for a class participation grade. Accommodations for Students with Special Needs: I will follow what is listed on my TWS 1 for students who need special accommodations. Students will be placed in groups to help one another. If needed I will give help to students. My students with ADHD an ADD students will be engaged with hands on activities and class discussion. This is to keep them engaged and moving throughout the lesson. My ESOL students do not need any special accommodations. References for Lesson Plan: Project Learning Tree book, Activity 43. Have Seeds, Will Travel. YouTube video, The life cycle of seeds.

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