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Sabrina Serrano

Young Life: Discourse or Community of Practice? Young Life is a Christian based club. There are leaders which are people who have a relationship with Christ and help guide students in high school to a relationship with Christ. They are in charge of organizing club every Tuesday nights at 7:27. There are leaders for every grade in high school, guys and girls. The leaders use more discourse than other YL members. The Young Life leaders have their own discourse community. I would interview a Young Life leader, leading one of the high school grades. Ill ask them what made them join and what does YL mean to them. Also, Ill ask them about their lexis and how did they come accustom to it. Young Life is run by Young Life leaders but what are important in Young Life are its members. The members attend club every Tuesday night. They sing along to song, play games and hear about God. The announcements is where the lexis comes in for the members we say things like hush yo mama when things need to get quite and many more other phrases and words. The members of Young Life are more a part of a community of practice rather than a discourse community like the Young Life leaders. The members share the same goals, values but they arent working towards a common physical goal. For example; raising money for something. The member just work to a spiritual goal; a relationship with Christ.

YL: Discourse or Community of Practice

Interviewing Process: October 27th) Leader: What made you want to be a leader? What does YL mean to you? How did you adjust to the lexis that they used? Members: What does YL mean to you? How did you learn phrases like hush yo mama? Was it weird to talk like that, and how did you adjust to it? Planning process: Analyze: (October 28th) Analyze the interview and make side notes for each interview Writing Process: Leaders: (October 30) Write about the leaders and their discourse community and tie the interview to it. Members: (November 1st) Write about the members and how theirs is a community of practice and tie the interview into it. Leaders/members: (November 2) Compare how theyre different and why they are. Finish Paper completely Editing: (November 4-6)

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