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Burke Reading Interview (By C.

Burke, 1987) Name: John Age: 11 Level: Sixth Grade School: Tiger Middle School Interviewer: Leanne Wilson Date: October 10, 2013

1. How do you feel about reading? - Thinks reading is really great - Finds it relaxing and a way to let stress or anger out 2. What do you read routinely for pleasure? How frequently? - Mostly adventure books, particularly ones that involve dragons - Reads for pleasure about three times per week - Tries to get a series done every school year 3. What is the most memorable thing youve ever read? - Inheritance, which is the last book in the Eragon series - There are four books total; Inheritance has 839 pages and it is the longest book in the series - Any books that contain lost of adventure stand out to him 4. When you are reading and you come to something you dont know, what do you do? Do you ever do anything else? - When he does not know something, Jesus goes to his older sister to get help - If she is not available, he tries to pronounce a word or phrase over and over again until he is confident to move on - He also utilizes the dictionary if he does not know the definition of a word 5. Who is a good reader that you know? - Mr. Truman, my field teacher and his language arts teacher 6. What makes him or her a good reader? - Reads clearly - Reads at a medium pace - Stops every once and a while to summarize

7. Do you think he or she ever comes to something that he or she doesnt know when he or she is reading? - Yes. Occasionally he will stumble over a word 8. If the answer is YES: When he or she does come to something unknown, what do you think he or she does about it? - He will go back and re-read what he had trouble with 9. If you knew that someone was having difficulty reading, how would you help that person? - Read with them over and over until they got it - Get a dictionary 10. What would a / your teacher do to help that person? - Same as above: read with them until they felt confident - Ask them questions so they understand 11. How did you learn to read? What did they / you do to help you learn? - Learned to read in preschool - Used books that helped with pronouncing letters and words 12. What would you like to do better as a reader? -Keep a steady pace Slow down and think about what hes reading more 13. Do you think you are a good reader? Why? - Yes. He takes on big challenges - Has read four big challenging books

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