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A type of fault whose surface is typically vertical or nearly so. The motion along a strike-slip fault is parallel to the strike of the fault surface, and the fault blocks move sideways past each other. A strike-slip fault in which the block across the fault moves to the right is described as a dextral strike-slip fault. If it moves left, the relative motion is described as sinistral. Local deformation near bends in strike-slip faults can produce pull-apart basins and grabens. Flower structures are another by-product of strike-slip faults. A wrench fault is a type of strike-slip fault in which the fault surface is nearly vertical. Strike-slip faults are further described as "right-lateral" (dextral) or "left-lateral" (sinistral) depending if the block opposite the viewer moved to the right or left respectively. A geologic fault in which the blocks of rock on either side of the fault slide horizontally, parallel to the strike of the fault. See Note and illustration at fault.It is also a geologic fault in which the blocks of rock on either side of the fault slide horizontally, parallel to the strike of the fault. See Note and illustration at fault. At astrike-slip fault,rocks on both sides of the fault surface move past on another without much upward or downward movement. Shearing forcespush on the rocks fromdifferent but opposite directions.

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